On the Effects of Mind Reading in Senior Middle School English Teaching

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  Nowadays, many students find it difficult to learn English. They try, but they fail. Finally, it leads to many students losing their confidence and patience or have little interest in English. Our country’s education stresses the scores, as we know, called test-oriented education not quality-oriented education. Teachers and parents just judge them from scores which leads to many students dislike learning. They make conflicts with teachers and parents, and they abandon themselves. Profligate youth is their motto, and being against with teachers and parents is their slogan. Meanwhile, teachers face great pressure__ the enrolment rate. They hardly talk with students. In teachers’ eyes, they are no promising, naughty and incurable. What’s worse, teachers hardly ever listen. Many students hide their mind. The relationship between them becomes more and more tense. We should pay more attention to it; talk with them frequently.
  Encouraging Students to Have Heart-to-Heart Talk
  It is important to stimulate students’ learning interest, as well as establishing a good relationship between teachers and students. But students are under great pressures which come from parents, society, teachers as well as classmates. At this point, students’ psychological health and emotion stability should be paid more attention to. So teachers should encourage students to have heart-to-heart talk with each other and talk to teachers.
  Teachers’ Trying to Read Students’ Mind
  Sometimes, students are not willing to tell the truth to teachers. It requests teachers try to read students’ mind. Of course, it is difficult. It is the ability in which people read one’s mind by observing their actions, expressions and some subtle reflections, etc.
  To be honest, the eyes are the windows of our inner world. Through the eyes, we can read much information. So we say, if someone is lying, she or he dare not look others’ eyes, because their eyes tell the truth. “Our expressions often conceal or disguise ourselves; therefore, to detect a person’s true feelings is very difficult. The more you want to hide, the easier they reveal.
  I encouraged them to have heart-to-heart talk each other. I talk to students on my own initiative. What’s more, I kept in touch with their parents. I talked with them about the situation of students. We came to an agreement that we supervised the students together. To a great extent, the affirmation from teachers and parents decides students’ attitudes.
  Gradually, I found they had made progress in English learning. And they got more energetic and active than before. They were likely to talk with me about the English question. In such a harmonious learning atmosphere, they could learn English happier and easier. And teachers can teach them in a happy mood. When they got interested in English learning and did all things they can to learn English, I believe, they could breakthrough.
想象,它是一种特殊的思维形式,是人在头脑里对已储存的表象进行加工、改造,形成新形象的心理过程,也就是人们将过去经验中已形成的一些暂时联系进行新的结合。它是一种高级复杂的认知活动,是人类特有的对客观世界的一种反映形式。如果说联想是凭借记忆,那么想象的特征就是创造。  《语文课程标准》明确提出:“在发展语言能力的同时,发展思维能力,激发想象力和创造潜能。逐步养成实事求是、崇尚真知的科学态度,初步掌握科
摘 要:新常态的背景下,社会工作专业是一门实践性、应用性很强的学科。需要在各级层级合作的关系当中,适应社会的进一步发展与延伸。满足应用型和技能型社会工作专业人才的构建。与此同时,实行“实务+教学+研究”导向下进行社会工作绩效评估,展现能力为本的社会工作专业教学培训计划。因此,转变原有的思想理念,提高社会工作专业的宣传力度,营造良好的发展环境,充分发掘自身潜能。从目标、内容、平台的基础上,重构实务导
摘 要:本教学研究教学改革论文以作者在高校学习、工作三十多年的基层教学科研经历经验为依据,主要从事高校经典《孙子兵法》、《老子道德经》、《论语》、《易经》、《黄帝内经》、《自然辩证法》、《资本论》等经典的教学与研究工作。本文是作者将人与自然关系应用在《自然辩证法》、《易经》、《老子道德经》通识课程教学中的应用研究。人与自然关系在《自然辩证法与生态文明》通识课程教学中的应用。人与自然关系在《易经与生
大家都知道,语文教学的本质不是简单的知识传授,而是言语能力的建构。言语能力的形成是阅读教学的必然追求,教师需要通过细读文本,发现其中的语用价值,再根据语言表达规律和学生的语言学习规律,立足言语运用,优化教学策略,力求以语言带动内容,通过丰富的实践活动,让学生在积累、迁移、运用中构建自我言语能力,实现言意兼得。  下面,我以《秋天》一课的教学为例,谈谈自己的几点做法。  【教材简析】  这篇课文选自
摘 要:本文梳理了学者们对于股权质押影响企业价值的研究,发现股权质押不仅会对企业价值产生消极影响,也会在一定程度上带来积极影响。旨在总结相关文献的基础上,指出未来研究可能需要注意的问题,以期为进一步研究股权质押的经济后果提供一定帮助。  关键词:股权质押;企业价值;文献综述  一、引言  随着股权质押业务的“普及”,相关研究也逐渐丰富起来,股权质押会影响企业价值,此结论已经被不少研究所证实。但是对
摘 要:现阶段科学技术一直处于快速发展的阶段,并逐渐渗透到各行各业中。在当前的教学中,也需要积极利用科学技术,运用新技术来辅助教学,以大大提高教学效率和效果。本文主要明确多媒体在教学中的优点,通过分析多媒体系统在机械制图中的应用,了解到目前多媒体系统应用中还存在的不完善之处,以提出可行性的措施进行解决,希望能够充分发挥多媒体系统的优点,大大提高机械制图教学质量。  关键词:多媒体系统;机械制图;教
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摘 要:为了适应经济建设需要初中级技术人员, 近年来, 中国已经把中等职业教育作为教育发展的重点。 中等职业专业学校是以培养具有较强专业技术能力人才为主要目标的中等职业技术学校,这类学校由于办学特点及专业特点限制, 很多班级性别比例严重失调,特别是在一些机械、电子、汽修等专业班级中会出现所有学生都是男生的现象,这给班主任的管理工作带来了全新挑战。本文主要围绕中职汽修专业纯男班的管理过程当中出现的问
摘 要:我们提出一种新的自平衡车控制保持的方式,改变传统的以前后直立式,通过控制加速度来获得平衡的方式。而改为用陀螺仪测量车体的左右倾角,反馈给单片机中央处理芯片,再由芯片处理过后反馈给舵机,有舵机的扭力调整龙头的倾角实现平衡。  关键词:舵机、陀螺仪  随着科技的发展,无人平衡车慢慢进入人们的视线,电动平衡车,又叫体感车、思维车、摄位车等。市场上主要有独轮和双轮两类。其运作原理主要是建立在一种被
摘 要:开展高校辅导员绩效评估体系研究,是加强辅导员队伍建设的关键。通过分析新时期高校辅导员绩效评估体系存在的问题,在对辅导员评估体系构建原则进行研究的基础上,提出了构建辅导员绩效评估体系的策略和建议。  关键词:高校;辅导员;绩效评估体系;构建策略  自中共中央、国务院发出《关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》以来,国家、社会和高校对辅导员队伍建设的关注度进一步提升。教育部43号令《普