My Opinion on Marriage

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  As we know, when a person reaches adulthood, marriage should soon follow. However I don’t want to get married. My reasons are as follows.
  Firstly I think that we can live independently by ourselves very well, so why need we get married? I know that many great figures in history never got married both at home and abroad. We are all mortal individuals. We all live a short life. We cannot ensure that we can meet a male or female who is best or most suitable for us among over seven billion people in the world. So I think some people choose partners and get married at random. In my future I hope to do some research work in academics. It needs a quiet atmosphere. So I don’t want my life to be bothered.
  In this commercial and materialistic society, many people get married for wealth, fame; instead of true love. Many people have lovers besides their marriages. Marriages are not always successful as people intend them to be.
  So why do people get married?
  All creatures, including us, have the urge to have sex and sex, of course, can result in having children. The babies of some creatures can grow up with little or no help from their parents but human babies are helpless and would die if we just left them alone. Marriage is the way human beings have decided is the best way to provide a stable environment for children to grow up in. It isn’t the only way, of course, because some people just decide to live together without getting married and raising their children that way, others get married but don’t have children and still others get married, have children and then, for one reason or another, get divorced. Marriage doesn’t always work out the way people intend it to, and the divorce rate is, in the west, close to 50% meaning almost half of all marriages in the west fail. I’m not sure what the number is for China but I always think a failed marriage is tragic because two young people have loved each other, planned to spend their lives together as a team and in happiness and then something has gone terribly wrong. It’s sad, but it also shows that, in spite of the best intentions, not all marriages work.
  When marriage works it is wonderful. It means that we don’t have to be alone. There is another person there to love, to share our ideas and opinions with, to go on trips with, have meals with and to help us when we are sick. Certainly, there are times when we want to be alone to work or to think and the same will be true for our spouse but we learn to recognize this and to accommodate it. People go to offices to work because the office can provide the right atmosphere for getting work done. Then they come home to their spouse to have friendship, companionship and to escape the stress of the working world. If we can find the right mate we can make all this work for us and we can, as I say, have it all.   Everyone is different. And in terms of marriage not everyone is for it. The vast majority though has a biological leaning and desire to settle down into a long-term relationship with someone from the opposite sex. To me I value my freedom and solitude and I am not interested in getting married. I hope to live on a quiet, peaceful and comfortable life by myself. Actually I don’t think many people are happy with their marriages because they often quarrel about some trifles in daily life. So living alone is even better than having a partner to some extent. That is my opinion. Actually both states are valid. Most people don’t want to be single. They are forced into it by life’s circumstances or the inability to find a partner. Meanwhile there are people like myself who have no desire for marriage and see more benefit in the celibate life. If we want the companionship, love and support of a good partner in life, get married and be prepared to give those things to our partners so we will also get them back. Marriage is a two-way street. We have to figure that out for ourselves. I hope everyone have a wonderful marriage and live a happy life. I am sorry if my opinion is too cynical.
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【摘要】听说能力是语言能力中的一个最基本的能力,随着社会的进步,听说显得十分重要,因此,对于学习英语的学生来说,需要打破以前的学习方式,不断创新自己的方法,促进自己听说能力的提高。本文从以下几个方面探讨了如何培养高中学生英语的听说能力,在此基础上提出了有效的途径。  【关键词】高中英语 听说能力 教学方法  我们从《河北省普通高校招生考试改革调整方案》中得知,从2011年开始,把英语笔试、听说等考
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语法是英语学习的基础,也是获得高分的关键因素。只有熟练掌握好一定的语法知识,才能提高英语听说读写能力,才能触类旁通,提升学习效率与质量。对于即将参加中考的学生,语法知识掌握情况事关中考的成败。因此,教师重视语法专练教学,运用多种教学方法与手段帮助学生学习并掌握语法知识,提高英语语法的应用能力,最终提升整体水平与能力。  一、初中英语语法专练教学现状  当前,初中英语教师语法教学的思维与理念未能与时