Anomaly detection of user behavior based on DTMC with states of variable-length sequences

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In anomaly detection,a challenge is how to model a user’s dynamic behavior.Many previous works represent the user behavior based on fixed-length models.To overcome their shortcoming,we propose a novel method based on discrete-time Markov chains(DTMC) with states of variable-length sequences.The method firstly generates multiple shell command streams of different lengths and combines them into the library of general sequences.Then the states are defined according to variable-length behavioral patterns of a valid user,which improves the precision and adaptability of user profiling.Subsequently the transition probability matrix is created.In order to reduce computational complexity,the classification values are determined only by the transition probabilities,then smoothed with sliding windows,and finally used to discriminate between normal and abnormal behavior.Two empirical evaluations on datasets from Purdue University and AT&T Shannon Lab show that the proposed method can achieve higher detection accuracy and require less memory than the other traditional methods. In anomaly detection, a challenge is how to model a user’s dynamic behavior. Many previous works represent the user behavior based on fixed-length models. To overcome their shortcoming, we propose a novel method based on discrete-time Markov chains (DTMC) with states of variable-length sequences. The method previously generated multiple shell command streams of different lengths and combines them into the library of general sequences.. the the states are defined according to variable-length behavioral patterns of a valid user, which improves the precision and adaptability of user profiling.Subsequently the transition probability matrix is ​​created.In order to reduce computational complexity, the classification values ​​are determined only by the transition probabilities, then smoothed with sliding windows, and finally used to discriminate between normal and abnormal behavior. Two empirical evaluations on datasets from Purdue University and AT & T Shannon Lab show that the proposed method can achieve highe r detection accuracy and require less memory than the other traditional methods.
本研究通过分析磁共振弥散张量成像(diffusion tensor imaging,DTI)数据,观察内侧颞叶癫痫(mesial temporal lobe epilepsy,mTLE)患者大脑白质的改变。46例伴有单侧海马硬化
摘 要:职业指导发源于美国,传入我国也有百年的历史,在这一时期,我国职业指导工作经历了从萌芽到繁荣的阶段,逐渐形成了符合我国国情的职业指导理论体系。本文旨在对我国职业指导的发展历程进行梳理,以期给我国职业指导工作者以帮助和启示。  关键词:职业指导;发展;历史  DOI:10.19354/j.cnki.42-1616/f.2016.17.74  职业指导诞生于1908年,由美国波士顿教授帕森斯提出