Learner Autonomy in Foreign Language Teaching

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  【Abstract】Learner autonomy (LA) is a very important theory. To cultivate learner autonomy in foreign language teaching becomes a popular topic.
  【Key words】learner autonomy; foreign language teaching
  I. Introduction
  As an English teacher, I noticed that students’ learning styles are quite different from each other. For example, some follow a teacher’s lecture attentively, and note down almost every word a teacher says. After class they read almost nothing but textbooks and their notes. Some seldom make notes or only scrawl something they consider important or interesting. After class they seem to care little about their textbooks. However, they read whatever attracts them in English. The former usually can get higher marks in final examinations while the latter seem to be more competent after graduation. The former case involves with students who are passive learners while the students of the latter case belong to those who can learn foreign language autonomously. Learner autonomy (LA) is a very important theory. Nowadays researchers tend to focus on the study of learners in the field of foreign language teaching. Thus to cultivate learner autonomy becomes a popular topic and gains teachers’ preference.
  II. The Definition of Learner Autonomy
  Learner autonomy has several synonyms: independent learning, language awareness, self-directed learning and self-access learning. As far as the definition of learner autonomy is concerned, different people have different opinions. Some experts think that learner autonomy is a kind of ability. H. Holec, who is the advocate of learner autonomy, has pointed out that autonomy is an ability by which learner shows his responsibility to his own learning. D. Little defines LA as a certain independent ability. He thinks it can make a learner think critically, make a decision and take actions independently. William Littlewood regards learner autonomy as the ability with which a learner can use what he has learned independently, that is without teachers’ support. Nunan thinks that those who have the ability to set their own aims and search learning chances are autonomous learners. Other experts regard LA as a certain learning action. Huttunen values the significance of insisting on carrying out one particular type of learning when considering learner autonomy. All in all, this concept emphasizes that learners, as an independent organism, have the ability to decide what and how they should learn. They should take responsibility for their own study. Dickinson thinks that an autonomous learner should bear the following responsibilities: 1 the learner should decide what to learn; 2 the learner should learn on his own; 3 the learner should control the rate of advance; 4 the leaner should choose when and where to study; 5 the learner should opt for his study materials; 6 the learner should supervise and control himself during the whole process; 7 the learner should check and evaluate his learning on his own. In a word, an autonomous learner should set his learning goals, choose strategies to learn, control his learning process, adjust his strategies and sum up his experience.   III. The Reasons of Advocating Learner Autonomy
  Here two reasons are put forward. Firstly, LA caters for our modern teaching objectives. Modern teaching tends to emphasize the raising of learners’ ability and the strengthening of their overall qualities. Today people have to deal with all kinds of information in order to adapt themselves to the changing environment. The education, one obtains in a university, is not enough. Lifelong study is becoming more and more popular. People are never too old to study. However, the traditional foreign language teaching stresses the instilling of knowledge and the training of skills. This is out of fashion and no longer satisfies the need of modern teaching objectives. Therefore, today’s education including foreign language teaching must provide students with learner autonomy, which is an indispensable factor of lifelong study.
  Another point should also be taken into consideration: learner autonomy is a need for a learner himself. Different learners have different abilities to learn a foreign language. Their cognitive styles and strategies are various. Researchers have found that some students are field dependent, others field independent, some are syllabus-bound, while others syllabus free. It is clear that every learner has his own conditions. Once we neglect their difference and adopt the same teaching material, teaching method and teaching progress, learners’ will lose interest in learning. The consequence might be disastrous. So what we should do is to pay close attention to every student, help him to find out his own study style and then make him take action accordingly to achieve learner autonomy.
【摘要】针对中国英语学习者特色和面向国内英语教学实际情况而制定的中国英语能力等级能量表在2018由教育部正式发布,对英语学习有指导性意义。本文主要从量表的内容进行分析对大学听力教学中的启示。  【关键词】中国英语能力;大学听力教学;英语学习  【作者简介】尧可(1993.06-),女,江西南昌人,东华理工大学,硕士研究生, 助教 ,TESOL;杨子赟,东华理工大学。  引言  为了适应全球更加紧密
【摘要】文化自信理念不断被提倡和践行的今天,针对当前教育中存在的“文化失语症”“文化软骨病”“历史健忘症”等病症,本文在高职幼儿英语教师培养过程中,进行幼儿英语教师多元文化身份的定位,即传统文化的启蒙者、英语文化的引入者、多元文化融合者、文化自信的倡导者和践行者,为幼儿英语教师跨文化职责的培养奠定基础。  【关键词】文化自信;高职幼儿英语教师;多元文化身份定位  【作者简介】谢杰(1985-),女
【摘要】高中英语阅读教学中要善于挖掘文化品格,整合单元阅读;利用“互联网 ”,精选课外阅读,自然而然地进行学生文化品格的培养。  【关键词】高中英语阅读教学;文化品格;核心素养;社会主义核心价值观  【作者简介】魏晓琴,广东省广州市增城区新塘中学。  【基金项目】本文是广州市教育科学规划2016年度课题“社会主义核心价值观融入高中英语阅读教学的实践研究”(课题编号:1201544439 )的阶段研
【摘要】长期以来,词汇教学一直被看做是简单的事情,没有受到应有的重视。本文通过分析研究对象和钻研研究方法确定研究方案,对前缀法教学进行实验和研究。针对实验中发现的问题进行总结、评价得出结论并提出建议, 使前缀法的有效性得到良好的教学效果。  【关键词】前缀法教学;课题研究;实验  【作者简介】时序,安徽省阜阳市第五中学。  【基金项目】课题编号:FJK17025。  在高中英语课堂中, 词汇的教学
【摘要】意象派詩人受东方诗歌启发,放弃直接抒情的方式,他们通过具体意象使诗歌被读者理解而不直抒胸臆,不让自己的情感干预读者的阅读思考;诗歌里取材于自然的,现代都市的具体意象本身就能触发人的感官感觉,激发想象,让读者自己体会意象背后诗人要表达的情绪和态度,这样比直接抒情更有感染力。本文列举了一首中国元曲小令,一首日本诗歌和一首英语诗歌证明意象派诗歌的具体意象如何传递情感和表明态度。  【关键词】意象
【摘要】普通高中英语新课程实施以来,我校高中英语教学取得了一定成效,但也存在诸多困惑和问题。在此期间,虽然我校英语教师都在努力探究新课程理念,尝试新的教学方法,但依然存在很多值得反思的地方。本文就当前我校高中英语教学的现状进行了分析与思考,并提出了自己的一些看法和见解。  【关键词】英语新课程;教学现状;课程改革;课堂教学  【作者简介】张燕,甘肃省临洮县第二中学。  一、当前我校英语教学的现状 
【摘要】3-6岁是幼儿语言发展的关键期,有不少研究表明,在此阶段实施英语教育是可行的,但关键是要把握好英语教育的目标、内容、形式和手段。笔者认为,开展幼儿英语教育,必须根据不同年龄阶段的儿童年龄特征、儿童的差异性进行英语教育,使幼儿英语教育生活化、游戏化,关注幼儿的主体发展。  【关键词】幼儿英语教育;生活教育;教育生活化  近年,我园在“生活化、游戏化”这一理念引领下不断地实施英语教学改革和探索
【摘要】随着多媒体技术广泛用于教育教学,英语学科核心素养的提出,微视频在初中英语课堂的运用也受到越来越多英语教师的青睐。本文以仁爱英语七年级上册Unit3 Topic2 Section A为例,展示如何发挥微视频的优势,结合初中英语听说课的特点,将微视频科学合理地运用于初中英语听说课的教学中,优化初中英语听说课的结构,提高初中英语听说课的课堂效率。  【关键词】微视频;初中英语;听说课  【作者简