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  When 1)thistles go 2)adrift, the sun sets down the valley between the hills; when snow comes, it goes down behind the Cumberland and streams through a great 3)fissure that people call the Gap. Then the last light drenches the parson’s cottage under Imboden Hill, and leaves an after-glow of glory on a majestic heap that lies against the east. Sometimes it spans the Gap with a rainbow.
  Strange people and strange tales come through this Gap from the Kentucky hills. Through it came these two, late one day – a man and a woman – afoot. I met them at the footbridge over Roaring Fork.
  “Is thar a preacher anywhar aroun’ hyeh? 注” he asked. I pointed to the cottage under Imboden Hill. The girl flushed slightly and turned her head away with a rather unhappy smile. Without a word, the mountaineer led the way towards town. A moment more and a half-breed 4)Malungian passed me on the bridge and followed them.
  At dusk the next day I saw the mountaineer 5)chopping wood at a 6)shanty under a 7)clump of 8)rhododendron on the river-bank. The girl was cooking supper inside. The day following he was at work on the railroad and on Sunday, after church, I saw the parson. The two had not been to him. Only that afternoon the mountaineer was on the bridge with another woman, 9)hideously 10)rouged and with 11)scarlet ribbons fluttering from her 12)bonnet. Passing on by the shanty I saw the Malungian talking to the girl. She apparently paid no 13)heed to him until just as he was moving away he said something 14)mockingly and with a nod of his head back towards the bridge. She did not look up even then but her face got hard and white and looking back from the road, I saw her slipping through the bushes into the dry bed of the creek, to make sure that what the half-breed told her was true.
  The two men were working side by side on the railroad when I saw them again, but on the first pay-day the doctor was called to attend the Malungian whose head was split open with a shovel. I was one of two who went out to arrest his 15)assailant and I had no need to ask who he was. The mountaineer was a devil, the 16)foreman said, and I had to club him with a
  17)pistol-butt before he would give in. He said he would 18)get even with me; but they all say that and I paid no attention to the threat. For a week he was kept in the 19)calaboose and when I passed the shanty just after he was sent to the county seat for trial, I found it empty. The Malungian too was gone. Within a fortnight the mountaineer was in the door of the shanty again. Having no 20)accuser, he had been discharged. He went back to his work and if he opened his lips I never knew. Every day I saw him at work and he never failed to give me a 21)surly look. Every dusk I saw him in his doorway waiting and I could guess for what. It was easy to believe that the stern purpose in his face would make its way through space and draw her to him again. And she did come back one day. I had just 22)limped down the mountain with a 23)sprained ankle. A crowd of women was gathered at the edge of the woods looking with all their eyes to the shanty on the riverbank. The girl stood in the door-way. The mountaineer was coming back from work with his face down.

  “He hain’t
  seed her yit,” said one. ”He’s goin’ to kill her shore. I tol’ her he would. She said she 24)reckoned he would, but she didn’t keer.”
  For a moment I was 25)paralyzed by the tragedy at hand. She was in the door looking at him when he raised his head. For one moment he stood still, staring, and then he started towards her with a quickened step. I started too, then every step 26)torture and as I limped ahead she made a gesture of terror and backed into the room before him. The door closed, and I listened for a pistol-shot and a scream. It must have been done with a knife, I thought and quietly for when I was within ten paces of the cabin he opened the door again. His face was very white, he held one hand behind him and he was nervously 27)fumbling at his chill with the other. As he stepped towards me I caught the handle of a pistol in my side pocket and waited. He looked at me sharply.
  “Did you say the preacher lived up thar?” he asked.
  “Yes,” I said, breathlessly.
  In the doorway just then stood the girl with a bonnet in her hand, and at a nod from him they started up the hill towards the cottage. They came down again after a while, he 28)stalking ahead and she, after the mountain fashion, behind. And after this fashion I saw them at sunset next day pass over the bridge and into the mouth of the Gap 29)whence they came. Through this Gap come strange people and strange tales from the Kentucky hills. Over it, sometimes, is the span of a

  “这附近系(是)否住着一位牧西(师)?” 男人问道。我指着茵博登山下边的草舍。女孩的脸红了一下,把头转向了一边,脸上露出不太高兴的笑容。山地人一言不发,沿着进城的路走了。过了一会儿,一个混血的默伦琴人在桥上与我擦身而过,跟随他们而去。
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