How To Overcome The Anxious In Oral English

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  We learn to speak English by speaking English.
  A bird is know by its note and a man by his talk. It’s well known that English speaking plays an important role in our daily life. But as a Chinese student influenced by the mother language, we cannot avoid the anxious. Shall we do something to overcome it? Hard-working and some methods are required. And don’t be shy, be a active learner!
  Ⅰ What is anxious?
  A survey in the university shows that 80%-90% students are anxious when they are on board for the first time in the oral class. A famous person said that anxious was born with ignorant and undefiniteness. Professor Roberson wrote in a book that to the most, speak in the public is a unknown thing, they cannot avoid anxious.
  Ⅱ Why do we have this feeling?
  In order to know the answer to he question, firstly, we have to see these following examples: in the old days our forefather fear the thunder and lightnning and worship them; when we see the bloodcurding TV set we will be anxious, no one knows what will happen next minute;UFO, just for this hot topic, someone cannot let his hair down because they are not sure weather the “outside guest” treat people well or crue!
  Now, we may generally get the answer to the question:When we face something that are not controlled or understood totally-, we will fell anxious.The same rule fits for the oral English. Most of us live in the Chinese-cultural environment. The first words said from our mouths were 爸爸,妈妈,not Daddy Mommy. Even we learn it for several years, we cannot gain a thorough urderstanding of it. It is a tool but we may not manage it with high proficiency. Can I speak it frequently? What shall Ido if I make errors in the public? This is the second problem:face losing! When we have this thought, we are dare to speak out something; when we dare to speak out something,
  there are more errors carve up; when there are more errors carve up, we cannot open
  the mouth any longer with any confidence! What a terrible cycle it is!
  Ⅲ How to overcome it?
  1. Don’t be afraid of mistakes.
  A one who wants to learn well the oral English should not be afraid of mistakes. Nobody would laugh at you, the real laugher is only yourself.
  I think that mistake is not terrible, on the opporsite, it is an essencial part of oral English. “Don’t be afraid of mistakes, just learn to fall.” Said Professor Gu Yueguo. When a child learn to walk, he will fall down many times, then walk steadly. The falling teaches him walking. On the psychologatical side, people memorise bad news longer than good. The former stimulate the brain more stronger. Afault is also a good lesson in your life. Errors can also help or better your learning oral English.
  2. Curieousness and Arguments
  Maybe you learn English for many years, but can you name all the things around you? Most of English learners in our university say sorry. They see it but they don’t think it in English pattern. How to say it? So say out what you see, ask as many as you can, you must be profit from it.
  Everyone has his own interest. Talk with him and exchange the ideas.Argument is a good form. Once the pre-priminister of America,Nixon,visited China and said that he totally and finally understand this country through a over-night argument. This night he gained friendship, it is more valued than he got from Japan, but without arguments for 28 years.
师德,一个古老的话题,自古以来,人们把它看作是深厚的知识内涵和高尚文化品位的综合体现。  师德,一个常新的话题,当今的知识经济时代对师德赋予了新的内涵。  爱岗敬业、献身教育是师德的基础;  关爱学生、育人教书是师德的核心;  以身作则、为人师表是师德的魅力;  终身学习、进取创新是师德的升华。  培养新时代的师德,需要教育,更需要每位教师的自觉修养,而教学实践的过程其实就是师德的展现过程和发挥潜
一、转变教学理念,构建先进而科学的课堂教学模式  “千教万教教人求真,钱学万学学做真人”,这是陶行知先生对教育本质的生动概括。教育的终极目标是培养性格健全的人,为人的终生发展奠基,在新课改全面推行的背景下,教师应该及时的学习新的理论知识,更新自己的教学理念,不要把历史教学当做一种任务来对待,不应还停留在“一考试为中心”的教学阶段,而应该在教学的过程中当中有一种责任感和使命感,要切实做到“一切为了学
【摘 要】在体育教学中,不仅要传授体育的知识、技术和技能,而且要适应 社会的发展和需要,利用体育本身的特点,对学生进行德育意识的培养与渗透。  【关键词】体育教育 德育 渗透 意志品质  体育教育是现代教育的重要组成部分,是一个将行为、智力、思想、情感、态度等在内的综合教育过程。在体育教学中,不仅要传授体育的知识、技术和技能,而且要适应社会的发展和需要,利用体育本身的特点,对学生进行德育意识的培养
【摘 要】有效课堂既要考虑数学自身的特点,更应遵循学生学习数学的心理规律,强调从学生已有的生活经验出发,让学生亲身经历将实际问题抽象成数学模型并进行解释与应用的过程,进而使学生获得对数学理解的同时,在思维能力、情感态度与价值观等多方面得到进步和发展。  【关键词】小学数学 新理念 教育观 有效性  随着社会的不断发展,教育改革也不断深化,基础教育也全面推进改革,将我国的中小学课堂教学活动推向一个新
【摘 要】针对目前职教学风存在的种种不良现象,探讨了此种现象产生的根源,从教师、班主任、学校的角度论述了培养优良学风的措施。  【关键词】学风建设 教师 班主任 学校  学风是一个学校校风的重要组成部分之一,它是指学生的学习目的、学习态度、学习方法和学习风貌的综合表现,一个学校向什么方向发展,办出什么样的特色和水平,关键就是看学风。学风对于学生的作用不仅体现在在校时期,更是影响人的一生。然而,在当
【摘 要】政治是一门和时代发展紧密联系的课程,在高中政治教学中,教师会遇到一些问题,教师如何应对将直接影响着课堂教学的效果。作为一名高中政治教师,要从学生的实际出发组织政治教学,把政治学习和其它科目的学习结合起来,同时注重学习思维能力以及创新能力的培养。  【关键词】问题 理论联系实际 其它科目 能力  政治是一门紧随时代发展的课程,在进行政治知识的学习过程中,必然会涉及到生活当中的许多问题。高中
一、调查动因  为给学生提供一个展示自我、提高自我的平台,我分别于2002年和2007年创建了“浪花”和“清韵”文学社。在师生的共同努力下,文学社取得了一定的成绩:“浪花”不但被评为“全国百佳校园文学社团”,而且《浪花之歌》一书也正式出版。“清韵”不仅自己出了30多期杂志,而且还被评为省优秀学生社团。为更好地了解文学社对学生的影响,我们在今年暑假对部分毕业的文学社成员进行了问卷调查。  二、调查对
【摘 要】课程资源包括教材以及学生家庭、学校和社会生活中一切有助于学生发展的多种资源。本文分别探讨了语文课程资源的内涵和范围,语文课程资源开发和利用的意义等几方面的内容,并以校本教材《唐诗宋词欣赏》为例进行了积极的案例探究。  【关键词】高职语文 课程资源 开发和利用  一、语文课程资源的内涵和范围  课程资源是一个内涵相当丰富的概念,它主要指课程的材料来源。学校特色、自然风光、文物古迹、民族风情
汽车构造课程是高校汽车类专业的基础课程,具有理论与实践并重的特征。建设汽车构造专业教室,能够使教学方式更具有直观性、综合性、启发性和创新性,将感性认识和理性认识更好地结合起来,为提高学生的实践能力和创新能力提供更加有力的支持。  一、汽车构造专业教室建设的必要性  第一,汽车构造是汽车服务产品设计、专用汽车设计、汽车回收利用、汽车诊断与检测技术、汽车维修工程的基础,是汽车类专业学生最基础的一门学科