Research on Strategies to Improve College Students' English Reading Autonomy

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  ◆Summary:With the progress of the English reform process, English reading teaching theory is constantly updated, and training and training students to improve their English reading ability has become the primary task of college English teachers' teaching. From the perspective of teaching practice, it briefly summarizes the concept and background of autonomous learning. Aiming at the status quo of autonomous learning of college students in English reading teaching, it proposes strategies that meet the ability of college students to build an autonomous learning model that improves the efficiency of English reading.
  ◆Key words:English reading; autonomous learning; strategy;
  The purpose of students' autonomous learning is to cultivate students' reading interest and reading habits, expand students' thinking ability in the field of English, and it is an important way to improve students' language ability development. At present, the society requires advanced talents to develop their English knowledge in all aspects. Certain enterprises need to be able to read foreign newspapers and periodicals, and be able to read the English reference materials of their majors relatively smoothly. Therefore, it is particularly important to cultivate learners to master certain skills and establish learners' independent ability .
  1. The concept and background of autonomous learning Autonomous learning is an important means of learning a second language, and cultivating students to form an independent learning ability is an important content of English teaching. The theory system of autonomous learning first originated in the 1970s. By the 1990s, the theory and practice of autonomous learning had achieved major exploration results, and it was basically becoming mature. The research and exploration in this area in my country started late, and the development process was bumpy. The development speed is slow. In the 1980s, the theory of autonomous learning was widely used in language teaching. Henri pointed out in the book ``Initiative and Foreign Language Learning'' that: learners have a correct attitude, autonomous learning means being responsible for their own behavior, and the ability to learn independently Included in the scope of controlling self-learning, in 1998 Holec pointed out five levels of decision-making theory. One is to establish learning themes, the other is to determine the progress and scope, the third is to apply learning methods and skills, the fourth is to supervise the learning process, and the fifth is to learn. Self-assessment of results, as long as the completion of the above five strategies proves that the learner has the ability to learn autonomously, he believes that autonomous learning is acquired through experience, will, and habits. Therefore, some methods can be adopted to improve the ability of autonomous English learning under acquired circumstances. It mainly includes good learning motivation, positive attitude, clear and complete learning plan, and flexible mastery of learning methods and strategies suitable for oneself .   2. The current situation of college students' autonomous learning in English reading teaching UNESCO advocates that students have the values of "learning to learn" and "lifelong learning". Learners insist that lifelong learning must have an awareness of autonomous learning and take the initiative to develop and develop some abilities. Nowadays, many college students have relatively poor English foundation and lack the attitude of being proactive and proactive, so it is difficult for these students to have the opportunity to enter deep-level colleges and universities to continue their studies. With the rapid development of science and technology today, students will encounter more problems. Colleges and universities relying on the English reading knowledge taught in the classroom is far from meeting the needs of the society. The importance of English is always highlighted in the work. Therefore, teachers in daily teaching It focuses on the cultivation of students’ personal abilities, liberates their individuality, allows students to become leaders in the classroom, teaches students scientific learning methods, teaches students to "learn" to learn, instead of mechanically cognizing and understanding, and establishing students' awareness of autonomous learning. To achieve the goal of "lifelong learning" lay a solid foundation.
  3. Lack of planned blind reading Relevant research data shows that today's college students are generally not very capable of active learning in the process of English reading. When students are reading, most students can control the reading rhythm, but they lack clear purpose and orderliness, pre-reading planning and post-reading analysis. Very blind, some students said that they would make a general plan before reading in English. For example, if you want to clarify an article, first simply understand the content of the predicted reading, the possible problems and the use of reading methods to solve the difficulties, etc. Most of them did not take any planning measures before proceeding with reading. The words read were translated directly, what was read, and when they encountered difficulties, they could skip or find ways on the spot, so that in the analysis part of reading, a very small number of students said they would After reading, find out the weak parts in the reading process, test and summarize your reading conclusions and reading behavior, review the reading process and reading methods, and then rectify and analyze the weak parts. The reason why students' reading ability has improved It is slower because they think that the end of reading means the completion of the reading task, and they do not continue to recall the pros and cons of reading and after reading. Therefore, they naturally stay in the blind spot of reading.   4. The focus of teaching deviates from the normal track In the process of learning English, stimulating students' interest in English reading is the focus of teaching and assisting them to take the initiative to read. At present, many college teachers take new words and grammar as the focus of reading and explanation, blindly instilling words, sentence structure, and knowledge points to students, lacking analysis and explanation of the meaning and background behind the article, and taking subjective English reading as basic theoretical knowledge deal with. Many sentences in reading have a large vocabulary, and the split sentences gradually lose the meaning they originally intended to express. Students cannot feel the charm and beauty of English long sentences. At the same time, the English reading materials used by college students are too narrow, or theoretical There are too many terminology, lack of timeliness, comprehensiveness, and interest. It is difficult for students to understand at a high level, which greatly reduces students' interest in learning and learning efficiency, resulting in a sluggish state of English teaching. If things go on like this, students will take English reading for granted as a boring task that must be completed. Not only does it fail to ignite students' enthusiasm for learning English, but it also causes students to become tired of learning, which is counterproductive. Different students have different ability to use and master English. It is difficult for students to understand English materials that are difficult to read. If the teacher does not provide timely guidance to the students, it is likely that the students will become tired of learning for the second time.
  5. Research Strategies to Improve College Students' English Reading Autonomy In view of the above-mentioned shortcomings of college students' English reading autonomy, we believe that the feasible strategies to further improve college students' English reading autonomy are as follows: 1. Students occupy a dominant position in English reading courses English teaching in colleges and universities should keep pace with the times, abandon the old and rigid teaching methods of "full teaching" and "one word", exercise students' habit of actively answering questions, establish a sense of innovation in independent learning, and let students become the main body of the classroom. Teachers act as auxiliary guidance, so that every student in the class can participate in classroom activities. Not only does it require students to learn to use declarative theory and procedural knowledge, but also requires students to remember and use imitation, memory, repetition, and transformation. This language learning process strengthens the new knowledge points in English reading training, and then can summarize how to apply strategic knowledge after English reading. Strategic knowledge requires students to comprehend and summarize the self-constructed learning model, and students feel the strategy after reading. The formation method, what is the strategy and where it is applied, explore the effectiveness of the strategy application, be good at discovering and summarizing the rules, so as to form an obvious strategy in line with its own personality characteristics . Of course, the ultimate goal of developing a student-centered classroom teaching model is to improve the teaching of independent reading ability. Teachers are not blindly put aside. Teachers play an important role in the learning process of students. English learning is like reading. Instruction, discrimination of similar vocabulary, teaching of grammatical rules, interpretation of traditional cultural background, etc., all require timely correction and explanation by teachers, and it is difficult for students to learn in a comprehensive and accurate manner in a comprehensive and accurate manner. Therefore, teachers and students have an interdependent relationship in classroom activities. College students' English reading class should mainly use the teaching model of student-oriented and teacher-assisted teaching. 2. Guide students to create self-directed learning target files Scholar David & Lindsay put forward the theory of actively establishing learner learning files in 1999. Its main content is to provide learners with independent learning status and development plans. Learner files are the classification and integration of information used and understood by learners, which cover learning results. Learning records, self-examination, formulation of learning goals and learning plans, ability analysis, and needs analysis require students to be able to formulate feasible goals based on their own language learning situation, but most of the goals set by students are often far from their own abilities. Not to mention planning a personal learning plan for autonomous learning. Therefore, in the process of assigning files, students should find the positioning target and realize the important role of cultivating English reading ability, clearly identify the strengths and deficiencies of personal English reading, and solve the problem of low reading efficiency from the root. Teachers in colleges and universities should play their guiding role, have the responsibility and obligation to help students accurately locate their English reading ability, make an English reading strategy sheet for each student's level status, fill in relevant options based on daily reading experience, and better realize self-recognition Knowing, if a student sets the reading goal of this semester as: expand vocabulary through textbooks and other books, the teacher can make a daily reading plan for the student based on the student's control over reading knowledge, and regularly check how many new words they have learned , Infiltrate teaching activities into intensive training in reading classes. The establishment of learning files is conducive for teachers to combine learners' differences and use appropriate methods to help learners develop active learning strategies. 3. Strengthen the efficiency of English reading strategy training In order to improve students' English reading strategies (Reading Strategies), teachers must consciously guide students, and encourage students to guess, test, and re-examine the meaning of the article based on their own knowledge and experience and accumulated cultural heritage when reading. The mental cycle of guessing and retesting gradually develops the habit and method of overall reading. Students apply different strategies in combination with different English materials and reading requirements. The specifics are as follows: Skimming or scanning is a very effective reading method. Skimming should shorten the reading sentence as much as possible to speed up the browsing. The purpose is to grasp the general idea of the article or the author's point of view, judgment and reasoning (Making Judgments and Drawing Conclusions), inferring the meaning of words (Understanding Unfamiliar Words), distinguish the referent relationship (Reference), determine the main idea (Main Idea). English reading strategies involve many aspects. Teachers can make reasonable choices and use based on factors such as the length, difficulty, and basic abilities of students. 4. the conclusion in summary, in college reading English teaching, teachers' personal qualities and abilities determine students' reading concepts and English reading level. For learning strategies that are not specific enough and quantitative, we should continue to explore, teach students how to use autonomous learning methods to stimulate the enthusiasm of learning English, so that college students can gradually get rid of the environment of relying on teachers, and then effectively promote the development of college students in our country. English reading level. 5. Provide a campus environment that is more suitable for learning. Providing an excellent and convenient campus environment can stimulate the development of students' English reading autonomous learning ability from the side. The campus environment mainly includes the campus material environment, the campus interpersonal environment and the campus English cultural environment. The quality of the campus environment will affect the students' ability to learn English reading independently. If students face a clean campus and a strong academic atmosphere of campus English, then students will be influenced by it and their ability to learn independently will naturally be improved; vice versa. If the campus environment is poor, then students' enthusiasm for academic pursuit may be reduced. Therefore, strengthening the construction of the campus environment will promote the improvement of college students' English reading ability. From the perspective of moderating effects, resource utilization and environmental management have an important positive regulatory effect on the relationship between college students’ motivation and behavior, motivation and time management, and motivation and the use of English reading learning methods. That is to say, student resource utilization and environment the stronger the management ability and awareness, the stronger the predictability and the greater the utility of English reading learning motivation for the use of English reading learning behavior, time management and English reading learning methods. English learning motivation management is the foundation of college students’ English autonomous learning ability. It can help students establish correct English learning goals, refine goal settings, and improve self-efficacy. Theoretically, it can better predict students' autonomous English learning behaviors. However, if students lack the use of English learning resources, good English learning motivation does not necessarily lead to better learning behavior, that is to say, only on the basis of students having good resource utilization and environmental management ability and awareness, motivation The enhancement of English learning ability can lead to better English learning ability behavior, better use of autonomous learning ability methods and better English learning time management behavior. 6. Stimulate students' intrinsic motivation for autonomous learning in English reading. Motivation is based on individual needs, is the beginning of individual behavior, and guides the direction, intensity and sustainability of individual behavior. Learning motivation refers to an internal motivation that directly promotes people's learning, and is a learning need. Learning motivation can be divided into external motivation and internal motivation. The so-called internal motivation is the motivation caused by students' interest in things themselves, and the external motivation is the motivation caused by external stimuli and incentives. Teachers can improve the autonomous learning ability of college students from two aspects: internal and external motivation. In the classroom, it is recommended that teachers introduce English reading teaching content in a flexible and diverse manner, such as introducing English content through video, news hot search lists, etc., which can not only arouse students' interest in English knowledge, but also allow students to understand what they have learned How to effectively use the knowledge in the real world; teachers’ flexible use of English classroom teaching methods can also stimulate students’ motivation to learn English reading, such as group discussions, group exercises, etc., so that every student can participate in it So that they can feel the joy of learning English. 7. Appropriate evaluation methods for college students’ English reading autonomous learning are adopted. Learning is considered a spontaneous process and an inevitable result of the evaluation process of English teaching. Student-centered teaching denies this view of autonomous learning. . College students are still in their teenage years, and their ability to control themselves in the learning process is not good. Therefore, English teachers need to monitor students' learning process appropriately. When students’ English reading scores reach a certain time limit, English teachers need to monitor them according to them. Appraise the students accordingly. Teachers simply use quantitative indicators to simplify students' English reading behaviors and daily life. Such evaluation methods cannot fully reflect students' academic conditions. If teachers carry out qualitative evaluation of students, they will integrate simple quantitative statistics into it, so that they can reflect the students' learning more truly. With the diversified social needs and the fierce social competition, teachers are required to evaluate students’ evaluation standards from multiple perspectives. Don’t just pay attention to students’ English learning performance. Students should be considered from many aspects, and students should be treated in different ways. English reading scores are evaluated, which can promote students' autonomous learning ability. Change the established evaluation methods, let students participate, let students conduct their own academic evaluations, and conduct academic evaluations among students. Self-evaluation and mutual evaluation can not only cultivate students' independent learning, but also increase their sense of self-efficacy. 8. English teachers should guide students' autonomous learning reasonably and appropriately. In the self-learning training for college students in English reading, English teachers put the students in a certain self-learning situation. Instead of directly teaching methods, they provide learners with certain tools and clues to explore, so that students can truly become information. The active builder of meaning and meaning assumes the main role of learning. First, learners should link their own experience with the current learning English reading content, and form a knowledge network, collect information and materials from multiple parties to further process the presented content, ask questions and verify from multiple angles. Second, learners constantly monitor the process of autonomous learning and follow-up of English reading. English teachers should take timely strategies to promote students' understanding and mastery of English reading knowledge. In the process of completing the goal, students will encounter many thinking obstacles, and even the exploration will gradually deviate from the goal. At this time, teachers should actively provide guidance, reasonably build a scaffolding of supportive strategies, and propose thinking methods and ways for learners to explore Way, so that students can move on towards the established goal. For example, teachers can guide college students to actively use computer learning in the English reading learning environment. Computer-based interactive learning can provide scaffolding for students’ autonomous learning in different states. When the task is confused, the computer's help system will put forward some suggestions for the learner's reference, and give necessary hints when college students need help, etc. 9. English teachers should guide students to set reasonable learning goals for English reading. Teachers guiding students to set reasonable learning goals are the first step for teachers to teach independently. English teachers must help students understand their own learning and let students clearly understand their own English reading. The pros and cons of learning, what should be learned, what needs to be learned, and what standards should be achieved in autonomous learning, and how to achieve this standard, teachers must guide learners to determine the goal of autonomous learning in English reading. Determining appropriate autonomous learning goals can greatly promote the status quo of autonomous learning of college students.
◆摘 要:中职学校作为我国人才培养的重要战略阵地,随着国家素质教育进程的不断推进,体育课程教学在其教育中的地位逐渐得到提高,学生的体育素养提升越发受到重视。因此本篇文章就此角度出发,探索中职体育教学中竞技项目的应用,促进提高中职体育教学的质量与效率,保障人才培养的高品质,从而促进充分满足社会用人需求。  ◆关键词:中职;体育教学;竞技项目  所谓的竞技项目其实就是指具有比赛性质的体育运动项目,比如
◆摘 要:在当前的新教改改革的深化下,国家与社会不仅注重学生成绩的提升,还注重在教学当中结合学科的相关特点,实行自发式的教学思维,希望能够通过这种教学思维去培养学生的实践能力和创新意识。在初中课堂上就提出了“问题-探究”的教学模式,本篇文章便是对初中生物“问题-探究”教学模式的初步探究。  ◆关键词:问题;探究;教学模式  一、前言  众所周知,在当前实行的教育体制下,中国的教育体制存在着一些弊端
◆摘 要:绘本阅读,能给孩子童年带来欢乐;世界经典绘本阅读,能给幼教学生带来一个精彩世界;绘本教学,能给幼教学生带来一片就业前景温情的天空。绘本阅读既可培养学生核心素养之文化基础中关键知识掌握,人文底蕴积累,又可促进学生自主发展,丰富社会参与适应社会发展。  ◆关键词:绘本阅读;幼教;核心素养  核心素养是全球教育发展和改革讨论的中心议题,引领现代化课程、教学和评价体系改革的方向。我国早在2010
◆摘 要:劳动是中华民族的传统美德,劳动人民最光荣。劳动教育可以使学生树立正确的劳动观念和劳动态度,养成热爱劳动的习惯,使学生德智体美劳全面发展。本文将对劳动教育在高中生物教学中的实施策略进行研究。加强劳动教育在生物教学中的应用,提高高中生物教师在教学中渗入劳动教育的能力与素质,改变高中生物教学方法,使之倾向于劳动教育,进行总结与反思,让劳动教育更贴近高中生物教学。  ◆关键词:劳动教育;高中生物
◆摘 要:在高中阶段,学生的语言思维已经日趋成熟,高中阶段的英语学科教学更加强调培养学生英语运用的能力,从学生的实际生活出发来设计英语教学情境可以激发学生的联想思维,因此,教师应当在高中英语教学当中采用科学的策略应用情景教学法。本文主要探讨谈在英语教学中的情景教学,希望可以提出有效见解。  ◆关键词:高中英语;教学;情景教学  新课改的进一步推行使得教师越来越注重在高中学科教学当中应用新的教育理念
◆摘 要:随着新课程改革“以人为本”理念的深入,培养学生的核心素养成为教师教学过程中的重要目标。英语是一门学科,也是一门语言,但高中英语现状是仅仅把英语当作一门学科,以提高考试分数为主要目的,这就出现了学生发音不标准、死记硬背,不愿意用英语表达的现象,课堂上教师单一的传统教学模式也让部分学生英语的学习积极性降低,不利于学生能力的全面发展。核心素养背景下,需要教师重视英语课堂教学的方式方法,提升学生
◆摘 要:初中语文统编教材构建了教读——自读——课外阅读“三位一体”的阅读教学体系,“自读课”主要以培养学生的自学能力为目标,以学生自我阅读实践为主线,充分激发学生的主体意识,使教读课所学知识、方法和能力有效迁移和拓展,实现语文学科素养的提升。本文以备课《昆明的雨》为例,笔者探索在自读课中运用群文阅读的策略,以引导学生自主阅读,实践由课内到延伸到课外的阅读使命。  ◆关键词:群文阅读;自读课;《昆
◆摘 要:随着新课改的逐步推进,现代中小学教学工作的开展难度也随之提高,教师在日常教学中,不仅要注意文化知识的教学,还要注意学生学习兴趣的培养以及学习能力的提升。除此之外,学生的心理健康程度也影响着日常教学工作的顺利开展,本文将围绕中小学心理健康教育面临的挑战及其对策作出讨论。  ◆关键词:中小学;心理健康教育;挑战;对策  在我国中小学教学工作开展过程当中,存在许多心理健康教育方面的问题,比如教
◆摘 要:英语作为一门国际化语言,是学生时期必不可少的一门课程,随着学生年龄的增长和知识层面的不断提升,高校英语教学不再如中小学时期注重英语词汇和句式的学习,而是转向注重向学生传授专业的英语语法。本文将就高校专业英语语法教学的主要问题进行探究和思考,提出专业语法教学在高校英語教学中可以借鉴的对策和方法。  ◆关键词:高校英语;专业语法教学;问题;对策  英语语法是英语语言在使用中不可或缺的重要组成
◆摘 要:家庭教育不是简单的教育子女,更不是学校教育的简单继续,而是子女与家长一起成长,并且是与学校教育互为补充的一条重要途径。只有家校形成合力,教育效果才可能是加法,才能为学生的健康成长插上腾飞的翅膀。  ◆关键词:家庭教育;学校教育;沟通方式;教育合力  教育家苏霍姆林斯基曾说过:“教育的效果取决于学校和家庭教育影响的一致性。如果没有这种一致性,那么学校的教育和教学过程就像纸做的房子一样倒塌下