Young Woman Shots to Stardom

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  Hai Qing is definitely the most famous daughter-in-law character in all the television dramas over the last few years. She catapulted to the national stardom by acting as a daughter-in-law through four different television dramas, which appeared one after another in rapid tandem. She interprets four different daughter-in-laws in four different yet convincing ways and portrays young women in the most difficult relationship in all Chinese families: the tricky and thorny relationship between a daughter-in-law and a mother-in-law.
  After her winning Gold Eagle award for her character in “The Beautiful and Good Era of Daughter-In-Laws”, she appeared in a humorous skit in 2011 Spring Festival Gala on CCTV. It is presumably the most viewed television program staged in the world by China’s largest television network. It is every entertainer’s dream to appear on the gala stage and an appearance on the gala stage on the most important night measures an entertainer’s popularity and success. She has made it, as has been proved by her appearance on the 2010 CCTV Spring Festival Gala.
  Of course she is more than a daughter in law.
  After appearing as a daughter-in-law in four television dramas, she starred in a spy drama entitled “Before the Dawn” in 2010. It became a blockbuster after it was screened nationwide. It tells a story about a communist undercover agent who has been a sleeper in a secret intelligence agency for ten years before he is waken up to carry out a task. The drama relates what happens in a month after he is woken up. Though the drama had nothing to do with daughter-in-laws, Hai Qing most gladly took a small character in the play where men played all the big roles, because she wanted to try something new and different and because it was directed by Liu Jiang, the director for “The Beautiful and Good Era of Daughter-In-Laws”.
  She also appeared in the 2010 blockbuster “The Orphan” directed by Chen Kaige, confirming that she is one of the best actresses in China.
  Many among audience believe Hai Qing is a Shanghai native. They got the impression from the first daughter-in-law character she interpreted so convincingly. But she is actually from an ordinary family in Nanjing. She was born in 1978. She showed her performance genius in her girlhood years. She signed up with Jiangsu Song and Dance Ensemble. Thanks to her talent, she was soon promoted to be a director. Some of her works won awards. In 1997 she entered Beijing Film Academy with a very good score from the national college entrance examination.
  Huang Lei, a well known actor and lecturer at the academy, was her tutor. After graduation from the academy, Hai Qing got some jobs for small roles in some television dramas. But few good offers came her way. So she decided to get married with her high school sweetheart. Her husband now works in Nanjing. The couple has a four-year-old son.
  Hai Qing is now trying hard to adapt her life to the new-found fame. At a press conference, she admitted that she is married with a son. Now she has hands-on experience about the fame that makes her life different. Before fame, she could afford to make a mistake: all she needed to do was to make it right again. After fame, she is in the spotlight and under the scrutiny of the national media and audience. People examine her under the magnifying glass. She even cannot do shopping any more. As soon as people spot her, they would rush over, asking to pose with her for a photograph or asking for an autograph.
  As a typical daughter-in-law on the screen, she might look coquettish. But in everyday life, she is confident with a firm look in her eyes. And her smile is innocent.
  For the time being, she is one of the few hottest women in China’s showbiz. While at home, she cooks, cleans, reads, and watches old films again and again. □
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孝丰路,杭州武林路商业街旁的一条小巷子,许多本地人也未必能说出它的方位。孝丰路安静、厚重,显得有点简陋。浙江省文化厅原厅长、著名剧作家、书法家钱法成老先生正是住在这条闹中取静的旧街中。我们前往采访时,他正在赶回家的路上。只见钱老拄着拐杖趔趄而来,老伴则坐在轮椅里,由阿姨推着。老两口乐呵呵地过来,寒暄之后开门,进家。就在用几块木板铺上毛毡自己搭设的“画案”边落座,开始我们的这次访谈。    历史大剧
老年人从事的艺术活动,往往能显示其文化交流魅力四射的境界。活跃在美丽的西子湖畔的浙江老年大学艺术团,就是这样一支队伍。    歌声响遍浙江山山水水  这支队伍是在1987年以浙江老年大学歌咏班的30余名学员为基础发展起来的。在团长兼艺术指导诸益华老师的带领下,老同志们以无私奉献、不断创新、勇攀艺术高峰的精神,把这个自娱自乐的业余团队,转变成一个以弘扬优良传统、展现老一代风采,坚持先进文化方向为宗旨
平鑫涛和琼瑶,前者与我有过书信往来,赠过我他所主编的几期文学刊物,多次寄来贺年片;后者寄赠过她所著的小说集。由此先后知晓了关于他们身世中一些鲜为人知的人与事。    出版名家平鑫涛  关于平鑫涛。知道他是台湾著名小说家琼瑶的丈夫,并知道他们在1979年结婚。婚前相恋岁月竟长达16年。那是1991年我开始结识著名画家凌虚以后。在与凌老通信、会面交谈中,知晓了平先生的“一鳞半爪”:他原籍江苏常熟,生长
2011年是国际著名数学大师、美国原国家级数学研究所所长,中国天津南开数学研究所创办人陈省身诞生100周年。浙江嘉兴市人民政府在陈省身教授母校嘉兴秀州中学校门口对面环河公园绿化带建成陈省身纪念亭,以志纪念。  陈省身纪念亭高4米多,成正方形,四柱四翘角,围置石凳,正面对着嘉兴秀州中学大门。纪念亭有楹联曰:“灿烂星辰精深卅载见微知著;温柔秀水皎澈一湖追远怀贤。”  纪念亭背后环河通向京杭大运河,以幽
我选择了宁波,而不是上海。因为已有太多的人在上海,因此我选择了宁波。一位在杜塞尔多夫的朋友建议我去咨询赫曼先生,他曾在宁波工作过。但是,赫曼的经验已不再准确了。这一切都已发生在20年前了……  世界上没有一个国家会比中国变化得更快,世界上也没有一个国家可以展示如此神速的发展和改变。  “宁波”的字面意义是平静的波浪,但这里的情形完全不是如此。摩天大楼、公园绿地、河流喷泉遍布于这个拥有600万人口的
“美摄欣赏”专栏征稿启事  1.来稿题材、风格、不限,特别欢迎近年来拍摄的新作。来稿请标明“美摄欣赏投稿”字样;2.请注明作品标题,拍摄地点、时间,作者姓名,联系方式等;3.来稿请作者自行负责有关权益事宜,本刊将尊重作者的著作权;4.来稿一经选用,即付稿酬;5.来稿请使用电子文档(JPEG格式,每幅作品大小在5M—10M之间),可通过E-mail:whjl@vip.163.com或qyt66@16
Chinese People’s Volunteers Army fought in the Korean War (Resisting-America & Supporting-Korea-War as known in China) from October 1950 to July 1953 when a ceasefire treaty was signed. Before the war