Endoscopic resection of sparganosis presenting as colon submucosal tumor: A case report

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yzhyzhyzh
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Human sparganosis is a rare parasitic disease caused by infection with the tapeworm Sparganum, the migrating plerocercoid(second stage) larva of Spirometra species. Sparganosis usually involves subcutaneous tissues and/or muscles of various parts of the body, but involvement of other sites such as the brain, eye, peritoneopleural cavity, urinary track, scrotum, and abdominal viscera has also been documented. Infections caused by sparganum have a worldwide distribution but are most common in Southeast Asia such as China, Japan, and South Korea. Rectal sparganosis is an uncommon disease but should be considered in the differential diagnosis of unusual and suspicious rectal submucosal tumors. We report a case of rectal sparganosis presenting as rectal submucosal tumor. We performed endoscopic submucosal dissection of the rectal submucosal tumor. The sparganosis was confirmed based on the presence of calcospherules in the submucosal layer on histological examination. Moreover, the result of the immunoglobulin G antibody test for sparganosis was positive but became negative after endoscopic submucosal dissection. Though rare, rectal sparganosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of rectal submucosal tumor-like lesions. This case suggests that physicians should make effort to exclude sparganosis through careful diagnostic approaches, including detailed history taking and serological tests for parasites. In this report, we aimed to highlight the clinical presentation of Sparganum infection as a rectal submucosal tumor. Human sparganosis is a rare parasitic disease caused by infection with the tapeworm Sparganum, the migrating plerocercoid (second stage) larva of Spirometra species. Sparganosis usually involves subcutaneous tissues and / or muscles of various parts of the body, but involvement of other sites such as as the brain, eye, peritoneopleural cavity, urinary track, scrotum, and abdominal viscera has also been documented. Infections caused by sparganum have a worldwide distribution but are most common in Southeast Asia such as China, Japan, and South Korea. Rectal sparganosis is an We reported a case of rectal sparganosis presenting as rectal submucosal tumor. We performed endoscopic submucosal dissection of the rectal submucosal tumor. The sparganosis was confirmed based on the presence of of calcospherules in the submucosal layer on histological examination. Moreover, the result o Although the rare and rectal sparganosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of rectal submucosal tumor-like lesions careful diagnostic approaches, including detailed history taking and serological tests for parasites. In this report, we aimed to highlight the clinical presentation of Sparganum infection as a rectal submucosal tumor.
摘 要:电化学中电极反应式的书写既是高中化学教学中的一个重点和难点,也是历年高考中的热频考点。学生在书写时总觉得不易着手,究其原因在于缺乏从电化学的理论基础“氧化还原反应”的角度进行深入分析和推理。本文从实际教学出发,侧重从氧化还原反应的角度剖析原电池中的正负极反应,探究对应电极反应式的书写。  关键词:原电池;氧化还原反应;氧化剂;还原剂;电极反应  一、 分析正负极和电解质环境  1. 区分正
摘 要:化学平衡理论在学习《化学反应原理》板块中,是学生学习过程中比较难以理解的内容。这部分内容知识比较抽象化,对逻辑思维要求比较高,因而在学习过程中如何有效的去学习,成为困扰教师教学的一个关键问题。通过多年的教学,我认为学生在学习过程中没能够把整个专题内容系统化、网络化,也没能够做到对知识有效的总结与归纳。  关键词:化学平衡;规律;“对应相当”  化学平衡移动原理(即勒夏特列原理)是本部分内容
摘 要:化学是学生初中三年级才接触到的一门学科,其又是中考重要科目之一,许多学生由于接触时间较短,其缺乏有效复习方法致使成绩较低,而教师则应帮助学生进行复习,如何上好一节复习课成为广大教师重视的问题。本文结合当今初中化学教学情况,论述如何开展复习课教学。  关键词:初中化学;复习课;教学方法  初三学生面临着沉重的升学压力,其日常任务量较大且用脑较多,其若掌握一定复习方法则能大大减轻其负担,而初中
摘 要:分组练习是实践课教学中的重要环节,有效地组织分组练习,能提高学生的学习积极性,可以让学生在练习中主动合作,有利于学生练就过硬的操作技能、有利于培养学生的协作精神,对实践课教学效率的提高有明显的效果。本文提出了提高该环节教学效率的几点可行性做法。  关键词:分组练习;教学效率;化学实践课  高职化学实践课开展的项目具备职业的特征,不再是验证性的实验,而是对某个指标的检测,具有一定的探索性。但
目的:  在后腹腔镜手术患者中通过对比两种通气模式(PCV-VG和VCV)的呼吸力学、血浆IL-6、TNF-α、sICAM-1浓度的变化,选择对后腹腔镜手术患者肺损伤影响更小的通气模式。  方
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摘 要:新课改的实施给教学带来了新的理念和思想,革新了以往的传统教学模式,这对高中物理教师也提出了新的挑战。高中物理教师要结合新课程改革的理念,进行物理教学理念的转变,通过导学案提升学生的学习兴趣,让学生更加直观地理解物理知识之间的联系,降低学生学习的难度。随着信息技术的兴起,微课在教学中被广泛地应用,如果将导学案和微课有机地结合起来,不仅可以提升学生的自主学习效率,也能转变物理教学模式,提升物理