【摘 要】
1 patch:块渍,斑;faux pas:失态;embar-rassment:尴尬。
1 patch:块渍,斑;faux pas:失态;embar-rassment:尴尬。
She shook up the church and the art world with her expressive, exuberant and boisterous work.她的作品色彩絢丽,活力四射,极具表现力,在宗教界及艺术界都引起了轰动。 On a summer’s day in 1962 a nun in her mid-40s went to see Andy Warhol
看到“语意密度”这个说法,有些同学可能感觉比较抽象,但其实很简单,增加语意密度就是想办法把过于单薄的句子写得复杂一些,也就是在一个句子中容纳更多的意思。 为了把单薄的句子写得复杂一些,很多同学马上就想到复合句,即写一些定语从句或状语从句。的确,写定语从句或状语从句可以增加句子的语意密度,但老雅今天讨论的增加语意密度的方法远不止写从句。 那么,我们为什么要强调增加句子语意密度?这里有两个方面的原
I exercised as the sun rose, on grassy smelling fields. I walked through the salty air on a warm, sandy beach. It was the best Christmas present I could give myself.太陽升起,在氤氲着青草味道的田野上锻炼身体;海风拂面,在温暖的沙滩上信
1 all-time high:空前最高纪录;versatile:有多种用途的;foodstuff:食材。
People used to say that British food was boring and bland. Nowadays people in Britain have a world of food to choose from. Travel around London and you’ll find food from around the globe. You might c
一、小作文 Directions: Suppose you are planning a tour of historical site for a group of international students. Write them an email to 1) say something about the site, and 2) give them some tips for t
Truly vibrant red was elusive for many years: until a mysterious dye was discovered in Mexico.濃艳的红色许多年都难以获得,直到在墨西哥发现了一种神秘的染料。 Although scarlet is the colour of sin in the Old Testament, the ancient w
宗教的內容包含人生、自然、超自然1,佛教和基督教是最明显的例子。十诫说“当孝敬父母”,佛教有《父母恩深难报经》,这是人生。耶稣说,天国好比一粒芥子,种下去长成大树;佛教说,青青翠竹,郁郁黄花都是佛法,这是自然。耶稣是童贞女所生,佛陀是从肋下出生,这是超自然。2耶稣钉在十字架上不死,佛陀被肢解不死,这也是超自然。 Religion explores human life, as well as t