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  Suppose you are planning a tour of historical site for a group of international students. Write them an email to
  1) say something about the site, and
  2) give them some tips for the tour.
  You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. Do not use your own name at the end of the email. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address. (10 points)
  本题假设考生正准备组织留学生去一处历史古迹游览,要求考生给留学生们写一封电子邮件,介绍一下该历史古迹,并给他们一些游览建议。电子邮件的格式与书信相同,都是从称呼写起。由于这封邮件是写给留学生们的,所以称呼不妨写Dear friends。称呼要顶格写,后面用逗号。
  这封电子邮件的正文可以写成三段。第一段表明写这封电子邮件的目的——通知留学生下周六要去一处历史古迹游览。这道作文题目中有两个交际任务需要完成,但这两个任务应有所侧重,突出重点。我们宜把介绍该历史古迹作为重点在第二段中详细展开。第三段简要地向留学生提两点游览提示,并留下联系方式。邮件的最后是署名,写在正文下方中间偏右的位置,分两行书写,上一行可写Yours sincerely,下一行写Li Ming,上下对齐。下面请看参考范文:
  Dear friends,
  I am writing to inform you that we are going to visit the Yuyuan Garden on December 28. The tour is part of the program designed for you to experience Chinese culture.
  Built in the Ming Dynasty, the 400-year-old Yuyuan Garden sprawls over 20,000 square meters. It is celebrated for its classical architecture, quaint furniture and exquisite brick-carving. Dotted with ponds, pavilions and rockery, it is known as a jewel of gardens in regions south of the Yangtze River.
  Please wait at the main gate of our university at 8:00 a.m., December 28. We will go there by coach. You can reach me at 12345678910 if you have any questions.
  Yours sincerely,
  Li Ming (116 words)
  Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should
  1) interpret the chart, and
  2) give your comments.
  You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)
  The pie chart above demonstrates how students of a Chinese university use their mobile phone for reading purposes. According to the chart, 58% of the students’ time with their mobile phone is devoted to studying, followed by searching for information (28%) and entertaining themselves (12%).   What’s behind these figures? With the advancement of technology, there have appeared a variety of learning applications in the app store, making learning much easier for university students, which explains why the lion’s share of their time is spent on their work. Besides, the students can have a wealth of information at their fingertips via the magic device when doing research. That is why they devote 28% of their time to looking for information. The students spend 12% of their time on entertainment because they need some fun to give their mind a rest.
  Technology is transforming the way we learn. Gone are the days when students only get knowledge from books. It is therefore advised that college students take full advantage of new technology in their learning. (178 words)
  1. With the advancement of technology, there have appeared a variety of learning applications in the app store, making learning much easier for university students, which explains why the lion’s share of their time is spent on their work. 隨着技术的发展,手机应用商店里出现了各种应用软件,让大学生的学习变得更加轻松,这就是为什么他们把大部分手机阅读时间用在学习上。the lion’s share of最大的一份。
  2. Besides, the students can have a wealth of information at their fingertips via the magic device when doing research. 此外,学生在做研究时可以通过这款奇妙的设备轻松获得大量信息。have sth at one’s fingertips掌握。
  3. Gone are the days when students only get knowledge from books. 学生仅通过书本获取知识的时代已经过去了。
  4. It is therefore advised that college students take full advantage of new technology in their learning.因而建议大学生在学习中充分利用新技术。“It is advised that…”是一个提建议的常用句型。
I could easily list 10 things I do not like about Beijing, but at the same time I could list twice as many that I love about the city, which has been my home for 10 years.   As the country’s capital,
In training for a Vangvieng Trail hike at the end of this year, my friends and I would normally walk along the Mekong riverbank to prepare for such an event but one recent weekend we decided to try so
good morning这句再平常不过的问候语,在近代中西文化交流史上有几段逸闻。稍作梳理,就呈现出一段生动的语言接触史,勾勒出一幅鲜活的市井图。  同治十二年(1873),杨少坪在上海《申报》创作发表了反映洋泾浜英语的“别琴竹枝词”,第6首中good morning依读音成了“谷猫迎”:清晨相见谷猫迎,好度由途(How do you do)叙阔情。(参见周振鹤:《随无涯之旅》,三联书店,1996
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看到“语意密度”这个说法,有些同学可能感觉比较抽象,但其实很简单,增加语意密度就是想办法把过于单薄的句子写得复杂一些,也就是在一个句子中容纳更多的意思。  为了把单薄的句子写得复杂一些,很多同学马上就想到复合句,即写一些定语从句或状语从句。的确,写定语从句或状语从句可以增加句子的语意密度,但老雅今天讨论的增加语意密度的方法远不止写从句。  那么,我们为什么要强调增加句子语意密度?这里有两个方面的原
I exercised as the sun rose, on grassy smelling fields. I walked through the salty air on a warm, sandy beach. It was the best Christmas present I could give myself.太陽升起,在氤氲着青草味道的田野上锻炼身体;海风拂面,在温暖的沙滩上信
1 all-time high:空前最高纪录;versatile:有多种用途的;foodstuff:食材。
People used to say that British food was boring and bland. Nowadays people in Britain have a world of food to choose from.  Travel around London and you’ll find food from around the globe. You might c