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  Upgrading Your Computer
  Easily attacked by viruses? Why not try the brand new Windows Vista? 系统不稳定?易受病毒攻击?那么,首先来个系统大换血吧。
  Windows Vista
  Microsoft has recently released its brand new operating system—Windows Vista. It’s got several features that enable you to enjoy a fresh user experience: the faster, more streamlined[简化的] Start menu, the more powerful yet easy-to-use Explorers, the spectacular[引人入胜的] visual effects, such as glass-like interface elements, provided by ①Windows Aero, and Windows Flip and Windows Flip 3D to view and navigate[操纵] through open windows.
  In an age of information explosion, where should I start? 资讯大爆炸,究竟哪些才是我想要的?
  RSS is commonly accepted as the abbreviation for Really Simple Syndication. It is a format for syndicating[共享]news sites and sites which contain news-like content. In mainstream[主流的] media organizations?official websites,icons are seen everywhere. Moreover, RSS is also used for syndicating blogs. What you need to do is install RSS Reader software to your computer, click the buttonin the web, and you'll get the content you're most interested in as soon as possible.
  Wanna see big stars? Go to YouTube. Wanna share your life with others? Go to YouTube. 放下资讯,让我们来看看大家拍下的真实生活。
  YouTube is an absolute legend of video syndication websites. Established in Febrary 2005, YouTube is now one of the most trafficked websites worldwide, having billions of video clips and holding millions of subscribers[注册用户]. People can upload, view, download and comment on the video clips. Unlike other online video websites, YouTube converts video to a flash format, and therefore upload and playback[重播] is extremely fast.
  Tired of information and videos? Maybe playing games might give you some excitement. 游戏也可以是一种很好的放松方式。
  Xbox Games
  The Microsoft Xbox is a video game system developed by Microsoft and it was released on November 8th, 2001. Now, several editions have been added to its family, such as Xbox bios and Xbox 360. Xbox is not only a great game console[控制器] but it is also a full featured DVD player. This saves space, time, and provides fun for the entire family.
  What drives the young in New York to wait in long queues? 一起来感受一下,是什么让纽约的年轻人在冬天的凌晨排着长队购买这种游戏?
  When Wii was first released by ③Nintendo at 12:00 am on November 20, 2006, young people in New York queued in long lines to purchase it. Eight days later, more than 600,000 consoles were sold. What is the magic of Wii? The answer is the new-designed Wii controller! At the top of the controller is a revolutionary motion-sensing[感应的] device that allows the user to move the controller as they're playing the game, making the Wii remote a tennis racket, samurai[日本武士] sword, or fishing pole all at the same time.
  Know More
  1. Windows Aero, Windows Flip, Windows Flip 3D: Windows Aero 界面是新型的用户界面,具有漂亮的半透明窗口、动人的三维特效等特点;Windows Flip 和 Windows Flip 3D则是Windows Vista提供的两个管理窗口的新功能。使用 Windows Flip 可以浏览打开的窗口(通过使用Alt+Tab),提供每个窗口的活动缩略图,而不仅仅提供一般的图标和文件名。而通过Windows Flip 3D可以使用鼠标上的滚轮浏览堆栈中打开的窗口,快速找到并选择要使用的窗口。
  2. RSS的用法:使用RSS首先要在你的电脑中安装一个RSS Reader软件。安装完毕后,只要在你感兴趣的网站看到RSS的标志,点击该按纽将这个网站添加到你的RSS Reader中,这样,下次你只要打开你的RSS Reader就可以看到该网站最新的更新内容了。现在英美国家主要使用的RSS Reader软件是NewsGator, Blogline等,中国国产软件则是周博通,看天下等。
  3. Nintendo:任天堂。任天堂公司的起步要追溯到1964年东京奥运会。奥运会的举办刺激了日本的生产消费,任天堂也充分利用这个时机推出更精致,耐用的扑克牌。70年代后,任天堂把重点放在电子游戏上,并发展成为全球数一数二的电玩生产商。
年轻人自杀屡有发生,到底是谁的错?拨开层层迷雾,你会惊然发现,“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”!生理、心理的长期处于不健康状态才是真正的幕后黑手。这期的Life Talk我们一起高呼—我要更健康!    Lee刚刚得到消息,他的表哥居然自杀了,这真的让他想不通。于是和好朋友Janis说起这件事。    Lee: Hey Janis, ①thanks for meeting me. I’m a little
晚上,Jessica亲自到一个老顾客下榻的酒店去拜访。对老客户什么是最重要的呢?除了不断更新的产品外,当然就是优惠的购买条件了。    Jessica: Hello, Robert. How have you been?  Robert: All right. Nice to see you again, Jessica. Can I get you a drink?   Jessica: No,
剧情简介:身为黑道大哥女友的葛洛莉,因替男友凯文顶罪而被判刑入狱。出狱后的她不想再与凯文有任何瓜葛,逃脱之际顺便救出了父母惨死于凯文手中的小男孩尼奇。根本不喜欢小孩的她,恨不得甩掉尼奇,但在逃亡期间,却又对这个孩子心生不忍。情急下葛洛莉打算将尼奇送去寄宿学校,然后自己脱身。可一向擅长对付男人的她在这个小大人面前却无计可施了……    Nicky: Gloria! Do you like me?  
剧情简介:鲍勃·帕尔曾经是这个世界上最伟大的超人特攻,一提起他的大名“不可思议先生”,当年可谓无人不晓。告别了15年惩恶扬善的刺激日子后,中年鲍勃和他的妻子海伦(也是著名的超人特攻)决心恢复平民身份。他们搬到郊区和三个孩子过起了平淡的普通人生活。然而,这些天赋异秉的孩子却不甘心只做一个普通人。这不,好胜心强烈的达什·帕尔就用他的超能力“飞毛腿”在学校捣起乱来了……    Headmaster: ①
每年的交易会上都会有一些新客户和一些老朋友。“结识新朋友不丢老朋友”是每个参展企业梦寐以求的。这一期的Business Talk就教你如何在展会上结识新朋友,到酒店去拜访老朋友,让你真正满载而归!    展览会终于开始了,Jessica的摊位上一下子围了好多人。但如何在最短的时间内,引起参观者的兴趣,绝对是个大挑战。新产品最吸引人的地方在哪里?一定要拿份产品介绍回去仔细看一下哦!    Jessi
Talking about Movies  和朋友在电影院里不知如何品头论足?其实很简单哦,一起来看看!  我听说有一部好电影值得一看。  I heard there’s a good movie that’s worth watching.  哪一家电影院在演?  Which theater is showing that movie?  我们赶不上七点那场。  We won’t make it
The Turtles  Happy Together   剧情简介:亚历克斯·希钦斯从事的是个地下职业—约会顾问。每当男人们在求爱的过程中遇到困境时,只要有他出手相助总能柳暗花明,他因而也得了个绰号:全民情敌。就在一次泡吧时,这位恋爱专家发现了新的猎物。一番花言巧语之下,他以为自己已让对方乖乖落网,怎知这位在情场春风得意的老手这次却棋逢敌手了……  Imagine me and you, I d
Stress is the word on everyone’s lips today. No matter where you go—school, the office, the pub. It may seem like an unavoidable—and sometimes intolerable—burden. Stress, however, is created by our at
Part Three   Adam: Hey Molly, how’s it going? Haven’t seen you for a while. You still teaching?  Molly: Yeah, for now, although it looks like I’ll be through at this school at the end of term in Janua
经典的爱情片段大家已经很熟悉了,本期给大家炮制了一些男女之间打情骂俏的小品片段,希望你能从中感受到这些相爱时刻带来的温馨。  Scene 1: From the movie Hitch选自电影《全民情敌》  剧情简介:亚历克斯·希钦斯从事的是个地下职业—约会顾问。每当男人们在求爱的过程中遇到困境时,只要有他出手相助总能柳暗花明,他因而也得了个绰号:全民情敌。就在一次泡吧时,这位恋爱专家发现了新的猎