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  翻墙、爬树、跨栏、奔跑,过去没有电脑没有游戏的时候,身边的一切就是小孩子的玩具。而今,在简单的追逐游戏基础上加入高难度动作,和嘻哈音乐、视频以及网络结合起来,跑酷风从法国蔓延到世界各地。有人把它叫作free running,玩家们常常简称为PK,这项新的极限运动总会让人回想起无拘无束的童年—
  The 17-something boy was 1)poised, 2)crouching catlike on the narrow walkway, three or four stories up. Suddenly he sprang, clearing a three-metre gap between the walkway and a 3)concrete 4)canopy below. As he hit the 5)asphalt, his body 6)crumpled into a roll, breaking his fall. He then ran along the roof until he was out of sight. I remember it clearly: my first live experience of “parkour.”
  I first saw parkour in 2001 in an ad. In it, David Belle ?the Frenchman widely credited as parkour’s founding father注-ran, jumped and rolled his way across the rooftops and our TV screens. “He must have used 7)stunt wires,”the 8)chorus went. “No one can jump as far as that.”But there were no wires, just the human body pushing its limits.
  Parkour requires no specific 9)accessory for its practice. The only necessary equipment is simply a T-shirt, a pair of light 10)jogging trousers, and a pair of running shoes. However, it’s a “c omplete”sport with all basic human moves such as running, jumping, climbing, rolling, and a really difficult 11)discipline to train, because it continually tests the limits of each traceur (parkour participant). It’s all about knowing if one is prepared to stick with existing limits, or if one is going to push back those limits as far as possible.
  Traceurs 12)place a premium on the ability to flow from one move to the next. Whether they’re swinging 13)acrobatically around 14)lampposts, doing back 15)flips off a 16)railing, or posing with both feet on a wall in a Spider-Man style, traceurs have captured the attention and imagination of youth around the planet.
  “You don’t even think about what you’re going to do when you come to an obstacle. You just go over it, under it, around it, through it, flip it -whatever. The idea is to move with 17)fluidity through your environment,”they said.
  To Belle and his followers, parkour is much more than a sport. It is a way of life, even the way to “find yourself?”-to learn how to know and control one’s own body. Through continual practice, one becomes stronger, and learns how to 18)surmount mental obstacles just as much as physical ones. Top traceurs must possess gymnastic 19)prowess, 20)explosiveness, and, above all, nerve. How else do you explain the leaping from 21)ledge to ledge, or hanging on to the sides of buildings with nothing but fingertips?

看到这篇文章,小编不禁联想到日本电影《入殓师》。当初听到这个名字的时候非常担心影片的内容会很晦涩阴暗,看过之后却感触良多,发现它处处流露着对生命的尊重和人生的思考。本文是一篇凄美的作品,是美国国家公共电台(NPR)“三分钟小说”写作比赛的获奖文章。也许大多数人没有想过一篇以“some people swore that the house was haunted”开头的文章却没有任何恐怖内容。就如
江南地区分布着许多历史悠久的水乡。它们都有着共同的特点——河湖交错,水网纵横,小桥流水。最可贵的是,在这些小镇里,时间仿佛停住了。这里没有城市的烦嚣,你可以在石板街上闲庭信步,慢悠悠地品尝佳肴,甚至坐在茶馆里发呆。  江南六大水乡(江苏的周庄、角直、同里以及浙江的西塘、乌镇、南浔)之一的乌镇比较完整地保留了水乡古镇的特色,并因其独特的历史文化韵味吸引着众多游人到访。乌镇自古人才辈出,历代著名人物有
I asked her to stay  But she wouldn’t listen  She left before I had the chance to say  The words that would mend  The things that were broken  But now it’s far too late, she’s gone away    *Every nigh
夏洛蒂·勃朗特(1816-1855)的《简·爱》曾经被多次改编成电影、电视剧和音乐剧等。今年,又一部同名电影即将上映,可见这部经典小说确实魅力非凡。  说起夏洛蒂·勃朗特,不得不提勃朗特姐妹的文学成就——三姐妹占据了英语文学名人榜单中的三个席位,恐怕连众多男性作家都自叹  不如。  实在很难想象,三位住在约克郡荒凉漠泽、害羞腼腆、相貌平凡的女性竟有着如此惊人的爆发力——也许封闭的世界恰恰有助于她们
It’s amazing what one will do for the things they’re passionate about. It’s even more amazing when one has a place to meet others sharing that passion. This is why I keep going to anime conventions al
You were right  And I don’t want to be here  If you’re gonna be there  Was that supposed to happen?  I’ll hold tight  I’ll remember to smile  Though it has been a while  And without you does it matter
年仅14岁的格雷丝在欧洲小型马马术锦标赛上赢得了个人银牌以及团队金牌,可谓战绩辉煌!现在就让她给我们谈谈自己对马术的热情以及未来的目标——    Getting Started...  I have always loved horses and started riding when I was two. I then bought a 1)pony from a friend. She was
虽然他认为自己很邪恶,但格鲁甚至算不上一个称职的恶棍:他过去取得的成就只是一些上不得台面的小打小闹,他的计划被坏蛋银行认定为赔钱货,他完全比不上用高科技武装到牙齿的坏蛋后辈,他发现坏蛋世界真是长江后浪推前浪……结果当三个女孩闯入他的人生、打乱了他的全套计划后,我们才知道原来格鲁从小的心愿不过是当一名宇航员……  这是一部很简单浅白——可以说好懂得有点幼稚的动画片,除了采取近年流行的“反英雄”视角、
Rainy days will never seem as dull again, thanks to a new Internet umbrella.  The high-tech umbrella allows you to take pictures with a built-in camera. These can be uploaded to via a wirel
It isn’t the size of your house as such   That matters so much at all.   It’s the gentle hand and its loving touch,   That make it great or small.    The friends who come and the hour they   Who out o