Book Review of On Nature and Language

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsgaoyan2009
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  【Abstract】This paper aims to review the main idea of the book On Nature and Language written by Chomsky and give comments. Advantages, such as innovative perspectives, influential contents, open-mindedness and understandable language are found out, while disadvantages also exist, such as some improper formats, incomprehensive contents and the lack of empirical study support for theories.
  【Key words】review; On Nature and Language; Chomsky; minimalist program
  1. Introduction
  Norm Chomsky is one of the greatest linguists in the world. He is the founder of transformational-generative grammar. Syntactic Structures is his masterpiece. His linguistic theories have gone through five phases roughly: the First Linguistic Model, the Standard Theory, the Extended Standard Theory, Government and Binding Model and the Minimalist Program (Liu, 2013).
  On Nature and Language was written by Chomsky and originally published by Cambridge University Press in 2002 and commented as the landmark work in the linguistic theoretical development. The book reviewed here was reprinted by Peking University Press in 2004. It is about Chomsky’s lectures and interviews in University of Siena in November in 1999.
  2. Book Summary
  In On Nature and Language Chomsky talked about the relation between language, mind and brain and explained minimalist program. Specifically, chapter 1 is an introduction of the key concepts in Chomsky’s language view. Chapter 2 discusses the relationship between language and mind. Chapter 3 stresses the relationship between language study and brain science. The last chapter is the transcript of an interview.
  3.1 Advantages
  This book attracts people because of its innovative perspectives, contents, open-mindedness and language.
  Firstly, substantial findings from natural scientific studies are its biggest highlight. The book is inspiring in scientific findings’ positive effects on linguistics, especially results from physics, chemistry, biology and cognition.
  Secondly, the contents are organized around the Chomsky’s great linguistic theories. Timeliness is a big merit of this book attracting anyone interested in Chomsky’s linguistic theory development.
  Thirdly, Chomsky’s open-mindedness and self-denial spirit are explicitly expressed in the book, which is very encouraging. The book reminds readers to see scientific study in the light of development.   Lastly, the language of this book is concise and easy to understand. In addition, expressions in the interview in chapter 4 are natural and the question-and-answers pattern makes readers feel like just attending the interview.
  3.2 Disadvantages
  However, some weak points exist in terms of format, contents and the lack of empirical study support.
  Firstly, some formats need improvement. Many words are direct quotations without mentioning the exact sources. Besides, subtitles in chapter 2 and chapter 3 are missing, so it is hard to understand them without the clear theme. Moreover, the transcription of interview is in loose logic and not concise.
  Secondly, the contents of Chomsky’s theory are not comprehensive and detailed enough. So far, his theories are very abundant and have been refined all the time, but only a few core and general concepts are interpreted.
  Lastly, the lack of empirical study support for theory is a commonly agreed shortcoming for Chomsky’s language study. The minimalist program is only an obscure metaphor without empirical data gain from repeated experiments (Liu, 2013). The major logical methods for its evolution are analogy with very different objects. Chomsky’s deductions on certain nature of language may be misleading (Shi, 2005).
  4. Conclusion
  All in all, in On Nature and Language, Chomsky explains the relationship among language, mind and brain, and associates linguistic studies with science related to brain. Innovative perspectives, influential contents, open-mindedness and good language are its advantage. It also has shortcomings, such as certain improper formats, incomprehensive contents and the lack of empirical study support.
  [1]Chomsky, N. On nature and language[M]. Beijing: Peking University Press,2004.
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