Unit5 Whose dog is it B Let's learn

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  Teaching objectives:1. Knowledge and ability: Master the new words“climbing、eating、drinking、 jumpig、 playing、sleeping “and sentences”Are these rabbits eating? No. They're playing with each other.”;2. Process and methods: Interactive teaching、TPR teaching and  communicate language teaching; 3. Emotion attitude and values: Know that we should love and protect animals.
  Key points:1. Listen, speak, read and write down the words.2. Master the sentences:… is\are doing sth.
  Difficult points:1. The phrase “each other”:2. The sentence “ Are these…?”
  Teaching procedure:
  Step1 Greeting and free talk: Set an situation, a dog friend will have an amazing trip wih you, and it will give you some surprises during the trip, but you have to finish some tasks first. Today I’ll devide you into two groups—the mouse group and the cat group, you should try your best to win scores for your group, winners will get surprise gifts from the animal friends, too.
  Step2 Lead in: First, the animal friends will go to the zoo with the students. And they will give students the first task. Watch the cartoon and answer two questions:
  Q1: What animals can you see? Q2: What are the animals doing?
  After watching the cartoon, I will show them the pictures from the cartoon through PPT again and lead in the words: climbing, eating, drinking, playing, jumping, sleeping.
  Step3 New words
  1. Read and spell the words after me, write down the words on the blackboard.
  2. Words game:①Fido says: Do as Fido says, if there is a “ Fido says” before the word, students should read the word, if there isn’t a “ Fido says”, students should keep quiet;②Turntable game: Look at the words, say and do;③Ballon game: Can you read the words on ballons?
  3. Let’s chant
  ①Play the rhythm and chant with me.②Divide Ss into two groups and finish the chant through cooperation.
  Step4 New sentence
  1. Lead in: Show them the main picture of B Let’s learn and ask Ss “What is Fido doing?” with the voice of sleeping.(PPT) Fido is________. Then ask “What are the rabbits doing?”2. Watch the cartoon, listen and repeat. Then ask “ Are these rabbits eating?” Read the sentence “They’re playing with each other” after me.3. Pair work:  practice the dialogue withe partners.4. Role Play: Choose some students to show for us.
  Step5 Let’s play: Give Ss 1min to practice the words of Let’s Play part, then play the game—Choose and Say. Ss will get surprise gifts if they get the cards with “ congratulations” on the back.
  Step6 Moral Education: Show them several pictures about animals and human beings, then tell them animals are the friends of human beings, we should love and protect them.
  Step7 Sum-up: What have we learned today?
  Step8 Homework: Draw and write.( Design your own zoo and describe the happy life of the animals in your zoo with the words and sentences we learnt today).
  Step9 Summarize the competition.
教学目标:1.知识与能力:会认本课生字,会写“沟、坡”,理解关键词语,能够正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文;2.过程与方法:通过词语对比引导学生体会葡萄美,通过欣赏与表演使学生体验维吾尔族老乡的热情,通过反复朗读让学生体会文章的感情;3.情感态度与价值观:引导学生领略葡萄沟的风土人情,产生对葡萄沟的向往和对维吾尔族人民的喜爱之情。  教学分析:1.教材分析:《葡萄沟》是一篇充满浓郁风土人情的文章,所以
【内容摘要】播音这一专业的地位在近年来逐渐上升,渐渐引来越来越多地关注。本文结合播音主持的发声特点、声乐发声的一些技巧,以及自身的高中音乐教学经验,来试着分析一下播音主持在声乐发声技巧中的运用。  【关键词】播音主持 声乐发声技巧 运用措施  一、播音主持发声的特点  之所以要将播音主持运用于声乐发声之中,是因为播音主持发声有着独特的技巧,这一独特技巧是由其行业性质这一原因决定的。在播音主持的行
【内容摘要】小学数学计算教学中有效运用直观材料,数形结合,能很好地促进算理理解。这里的“直观材料”即“形”,以形助数,可以使复杂的算理具体化、形象化、生动化、简单化,从而促进算理理解。 数形结合是数学解题中常用的思想方法。我国著名数学家华罗庚曾说过:“数形结合百般好,隔裂分家万事休。”数形结合,主要指的是数与形之间的一一对应关系。数形结合就是把抽象的数学语言、数量关系与直观的几何图形、位置关系结合
教学设计理念:  阅读教学是学生、老师、文本之间的对话过程,创设适合于本课教学的情境,通过对比观察、课件展示等多种方式,激发学生的想象能力,锻炼学生的表达能力,让学生体会不同情境下角色的转换及心情的变化,体会大自然的神奇美妙,感悟课文的奇妙所在,让课内教学与课外延伸融为一体,从而从小树立孩子们的科学探究精神。  教材分析:《白云飘》是鄂教版一年级下册第八单元的第一篇课文。本单元教材是以“奇妙的世界
一、教学设计  1.教学内容解析复数的引用实现了中学阶段系数的最后一次扩充。因生产和科学发展的需要而逐步扩充,数集的每一次扩充,对数学学科本身来说,也解决了在原有数集中某种运算不是永远可以实施的矛盾,分数解决了在整数集中不能整除的矛盾,负数解决了在正有理数集中不够减的矛盾,无理数解决了开方开不尽的矛盾.但是,数集扩到实数集R以后,像x2=-1这样的方程还是无解的,因为没有一个实数的平方等于-1.由
【内容提要】课程标准在教育教学过程中起着导航的作用,因此,落实好新课程标准在数学教育教学过程中起着重要的作用。本文从切实转变教学观念,创造、寻求和选择与新课标相匹配的教育教学新理念;要正确认识数学教师的主导功能,创造、寻求和选择与新课标相匹配的教育教学新方法等两个方面,重点阐述了在小学数学教学中如何落实新课程标准。  【关键词】动手实践 自主探究 合作交流 释疑解难  一、切实转变教学观念,创造、
青少年儿童能否健康成长,不仅关系到每个家庭的幸福,也关系到民族的前途和命运。因此,保护青少年儿童安全,是学校、家庭、社会的共同责任。 “假日里,三名去野营的本校学生被后面开来的拖拉机撞到,无一人幸免。”“夏季的一天下午,邻家的一名十岁少年去海边游泳,不幸溺水身亡。”“六岁的小表弟,为捡掉下池塘的糖果,陷入泥水中致死。”……听着这些骇人听闻的消息,看着那些孩子的家长悲痛欲绝的神情,身为教育者,才发觉
教学目标:1、认识“王、助”等14个生字;2、正确、流利、有感情朗读课文,在读中领悟小英雄的行为,表达出对小英雄的崇敬之情;3、学习王二小机智勇敢的好品质,体会今天幸福生活来之不易;4、能正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,并能理解内容。  教学重点:正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。教学难点:边读边体会王二小的机智勇敢,从而更加珍惜今天的幸福生活。  教学准备:1、收集到的小英雄图片;2、课件、《歌唱二小
我来自湖北钟祥的一所农村高中——钟祥旧口高中,我的名字叫杨锋,我说课的内容是人民教育出版高中的物理选修3—2课本第四章第六节自感与互感现象。  我将从教材分析,学情分析,教学目标及重难点,实验过程、实验改进要点等方面来展开我今天的实验说课内容。  一、教材分析  本节内容是在学习了法拉弟电磁感应定律和楞次定律后的一节实验探究课,是这两个定律的应用,它是前四节内容的延续。本节内容与我们生活息息相关,