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  语音:英式发音 适合泛听
  关键词:London, housing, crisis point
  London: population seven and a half million plus and growing. And in the heart of the ever-expanding city, Fatima Bourenane and her three children. She’s a working single mother and lives in this tiny, two-bedroom government-owned flat in west London. She’s been here 14 years, nine of those on a waiting list for somewhere a little bigger.
  Fatima: Always, every day is fighting, arguing in the bedroom. They don’t share: they can’t. And Nadia, she have her head problem and she sleep with me in the room. It’s too small for her, too small.
  Right now in the UK, housing is at crisis point. A million extra homes are needed, and yet building is at its lowest level since the Second World War. And then there’s the credit 1)crunch, at least partly responsible for a 30% decline in house building over the last two years.
  David Orr (Chief Executive, National Housing Federation): It’s an absolutely huge problem in London. We have found ourselves in this rather ridiculous position that one of the wealthiest cities in the world and the hub of the UK economy is now really struggling to be able to house all the people who want to live here.
  Eric Reynolds (Urban Space Management): I think it’s desperately sad that what we are doing is 2)squeezing people into effectively rats’ nests, tiny spaces, and it’s only building up a new series of slums.
  Eric Reynolds’ solution to the problem: container city in east London. He 3)converts shipping 4)crates into homes and offices, where the weekly rent is around $300.
  Eric: We had to invent a way in which we could house these people, both to live and to work, at a figure that made sense to them. In other words, what they could afford to rent, and what would make sense to us to be able to build.
  But without the land to build on, the problem remains. Back at Fatima’s, they’re being positive. So is there a chance to move?
  David: Sadly, her chances are not great. There will be some opportunity, but there are far too many people in the position that Fatima is in, where they have reasonable accommodation but not nearly big enough to suit their needs. And there is no short-term solution to this because we don’t have enough larger family homes.
  Fourteen years with the same view, and who knows for how much longer.
  语音:美式发音 适合精听
  关键词:nanotechnology, converting seawater,
  drinkable water
  U.S. and South Korean researchers have demonstrated a nanotechnology-based method for converting seawater into drinking water. So far, the invention only purifies tiny amounts of water, but scientists say it 1)paves the way for low-power facilities that will be able to remove salt and other 2)contaminants from enough seawater to provide entire communities with drinkable water.
  The 3)desalination process was tested on a postage-stamp-sized chip, which uses an electric 4)current to help separate electrically charged salt particles and other 5)impurities from water to make it drinkable.
  Conventional, industrial-sized desalination facilities use a process called reverse 6)osmosis to filter salt and other contaminants out of seawater. But they are expensive to run and require a lot of power, which makes them a poor fit for many low-income countries, says Massachusetts Institute of Technology biotechnology professor Jongyoon Han.
  Han and his colleagues have developed 7)ion concentration 8)polarization, which improves the efficiency of the filtering process by adding a small electrical charge to the salt and other impurities.
  The chip removed 99% of the salt and other contaminants from samples of undrinkable water.
  Han says the technology might one day be available as a personal water purification appliance or used to bring drinking water to communities by 9)scaling up the technology to create plates containing thousands of chips.
  Han: And then run all of these little devices at the same time to get the flow rate at the levels of perhaps a hundred 10)milliliters per minute. That flow rate is the typical flow rate that you can get from the household water filtration devices.
  Han would like to develop a way to power the devices so they can help bring water 11)in the wake of natural disasters, such as this year’s12)devastating earthquake in Haiti.
  语音:美式发音 适合讨论
  关键词:IVF, similar, mental disorder
  More than 40,000 American children are born each year using assisted reproductive technologies such as 1)IVF. But what becomes of these kids as they grow up? Researchers from the East Virginia Medical School surveyed 173 young adults to find out.
  They found kids 2)conceived through IVF were, overall, quite similar to other people in their early 20s, with typical rates of obesity, birth 3)defects, and cancer. In some ways they were even healthier. Just 14% were current smokers compared to 39% of young people the same age in the general population. But researchers were troubled by an unexpectedly high rate of psychological problems among those conceived via IVF. Nearly one third had been 4)diagnosed with a mental disorder, most commonly 5)ADHD or depression. The depression rate was only slightly higher than normal but the 6)odds of ADHD were more than five times greater. Researchers 7)speculate that 8)fertility issues may cause greater stress on parents, which may result in more 9)behavioral problems among the children.
  Comments 观点参考
  ★ Since Louise Brown, the first “test-tube baby,” was born in 1978, IVF has added exponentially to the sum of human happiness.
  ★ By 2006, three million babies had been born worldwide as a result of IVF and other assisted reproduction techniques.
  ★ It’s said that when a 35 or 40-year-old woman delivers her first baby with the help of IVF, she may harm her own baby genetically.
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