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  Christmas provided the greatest challenge of all. Turkeys were scarce and expensive throughout the war, and for an Oldham schoolgirl the 1)privations of wartime were summed up in her family’s Christmas dinner in 1944: mutton pie followed by wartime Christmas pudding made with 2)grated carrots. The official recipes also suggested grated apples and chopped 3)prunes and dried 4)elderberries to replace the missing dried fruit. The results were rarely very 5)palatable to those old enough to remember the real thing.
  One Manchester woman had even more reason than most to remember the great 6)blitz of December 1940, for “my mother’s house in Didsbury had had a direct hit and my mother-in-law’s house in Chilton, and they all 7)descended on me in my little flat. Our Christmas dinner consisted of corned beef 8)hash and wartime Christmas pudding, but we listened to the wireless, sang, played cards and generally had a good time.”
  One might, if fortunate, find a Christmas tree, though one mother still remembers with regret that her child “never had the joy of seeing a Christmas tree decorated with electric lights.” But decorations of some kind could be 9)improvised, and one Essex woman’s happiest memory is of “sitting for hours with my small son making flowers and stars from silver paper to put on an otherwise empty Christmas tree.” Painted egg shells and fur cones and fragments of silver paper from processed cheese packets were also used as decorations. Angels and fairy dolls were made from stiff paper and the blue packets in which cotton wool was sold were opened out and cut in to strips for paper chains. Crackers were usually missing, but one East Ham family even succeeded in producing a version of their own from the cardboard centres of toilet rolls wrapped in 10)crepe paper with, inside each, a homemade paper hat and a firecracker left over from Home Guard exercises.
  Few Christmas stockings were left unfilled despite the war. A Sheffield girl—two when the war began; eight when it finished—remembers asking in her letter to Santa Claus for “any little thing you can spare.” “This touched my mother, but at the time I couldn’t see why. It just seems logical.”
  A Surrey girl, six in 1939, remembers being put to bed one Christmas Eve in the shelter in the cellar and leaving detailed instructions on the dining room table to Santa Claus lest he fail to locate this unconventional bedroom.
  A Liverpool woman remembers how another little girl was made happy that year despite the war. “Christmas, 1941: The men were away except my elder brother, which [who] served in the First World War and was in the Home Guard. My daughter had asked Father Christmas for a doll’s house. We looked at each other in dismay. Then my brother found an old bird cage. During the 11)raids, he worked on it, found bits of cardboard for the walls. The office wastepaper basket provided an old file, which made the roof, and he painted the floors. We hunted for all kinds of bits and pieces and the miracle was achieved. A piece of 12)hessian dyed red, fringed, made an elegant carpet. Oh, never will I forget her face that dark Christmas morning and her childish voice piping ’13)There’ll be bluebirds over the white cliffs of Dover’ as she saw those tables and chairs, tiny pictures made out of cigarette cards, her cries of joy as she discovered each new thing.”
  On the whole, very small children probably came off best. Rag dolls with button eyes could fairly readily be made from old stockings. Old coats could be converted into stuffed animals. Sea boot stockings,14)unraveled, could be re-knitted as teddy bears. And in one family in Somerset, an old pair of gray 15)flannel trousers proved the basis for a pull-along elephant. Keen toy-makers 16)hoarded every scrap of material, if not for sewing outside then for stuffing within. One family even saved the small plugs of cotton wool in the tops of Aspirin bottles. And in one Yorkshire factory, toy-hungry fathers discovered that its basic product, round doorknobs, could serve a new use as yoyos. A Birmingham builder, posted to London to help in repairs during the flying bomb raids, remembers that his workmates and himself [him] “made 17)kaleidoscopes in our spare time using bits of 18)tinfoil, chips of coloured broken glass, etc. And perhaps an orange.”
  Despite all their parents’ effort, many children did miss some of the customary pleasures during the war. One mother still feels sad that her daughter’s only dolls were of the cardboard type with cutout clothes. The normal china type were simply 19)beyond her means.
  Inevitably too, the war deprived children of the pleasure of spending their pocket money as they wished. A woman from Hawick in Roxburyshire witnessed its effects on one small boy in 1944. He had called into the village post office to buy a comic but was told, “They haven’t come in this week.” He then asked for sweets and was told, “No sweeters either.” And after further questioning, “Mmm, not even chewing gum.” At this he asked for a penny stamp, walked out and stuck it on the pillar box outside, remarking, “That Hitler!”
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