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  Drive through Aiken, South Carolina, and you can’t miss the 19th century parkways, shaded by 100-year-old oaks. But not all residents realize this city’s treasure. Bob McCartney knows, he co-owns Woodlanders – a nursery specializing in rare and unusual plants. When he wanted to branch
  out[拓展业务] 30 years ago, the city let him.
  McCartney: The one I’m planting is a Mexican maple, it’s relatively little known in the United States. This is probably the first one to be planted in South Carolina.
  McCartney has planted so many different types of trees that the entire city of Aiken has grown into an arboretum[植物园].
  Horticulturist: I couldn’t even begin to walk through and tell anybody what his plannings are, because they are just way out there. Including this mile-long stretch of oaks – a virtual United Nations of trees.
  McCartney: All these are different oaks from all over the world. The first one there is native to Alabama and Texas, the next one to Mexico, Southern Europe, a hybrid[杂交植物] from Holland.
  Where other cities have heat islands of asphalt[沥青], Aiken city workers plant two trees for every one they remove. They know that trees build better soil, reduce water runoff, provide oxygen and valuable shade.
  Director of Public Works: It’s a solution not just for the environment; we think it’s a solution for the environment of your mind.
A dozen roses I give to you my friend  A gift that seems so small  But they represent so much  Our friendship most of all.    A rose for the friendship  A rose for the touch  A rose for the trust we s
I longed for acceptance  You welcomed me with open arms.    I longed to be heard  You turned to listen.    I felt worthless  You treasured me.    I thought I was incapable  You gave me a chance to pro
I don’t know but  I think I may be  Fallin’ for you  Droppin’ so quickly  Maybe I should  Keep this to myself  Wait until I  Know you better    *I’m trying not to tell you  But I want to  But scared o
*Here is a heart  Here is a heart  I made it for you  So take it  Battered[拍打] and braised[炖熟]  Grilled[烧烤] and sautéed[煸炒]  Just how you like it, like it*  You know I live to fill you up    Blood of
似乎越来越多用人单位喜欢采用海选的方法来招聘员工了,赚足眼球又打出品牌,当然,他们提供的福利也非常诱人。继2009年上半年澳大利亚大堡礁“护岛员”海选,到下半年马尔代夫海岛“代言人”选拔,一份又一份“世界上最好的工作”呈现在全世界面前。事实上,职业生涯规划不妨从娃娃抓起。不信?以下的全球七大美差中可不乏“童工”呢!    Paradise Island Caretaker  Ben Southal
听力小提示:本新闻为慢速听力材料,难度较低,同学们不妨跟读声音,训练语音语调。另外,“新闻广角镜”栏目将不定期引入慢速听力内容,为大家提供更多语音学习的跟读材料。    The average college student in America spent an estimated[估算] $700 on textbooks last year. The National Association
你知道吗?每年的10月4日是世界动物日(World Animal Day)。这个节日源自19世纪意大利修道士圣·弗朗西斯的倡议。他长期生活在阿西西岛的森林中,热爱动物并和动物们建立了“兄弟姐妹”般的关系。他要求村民们在10月4日这天“向献爱心给人类的动物们致谢”。弗朗西斯为人类与动物建立正常文明的关系做出了榜样。后人为了纪念他,就把10月4日定为世界动物日。为了庆祝这个有趣的节日——当然还有CE:
A 17-year-old Briton became the youngest person to sail round the globe single-handed on August 27th, 2009, after nine months at sea.  Mike Perham suffered knockdowns[打击] and damage to his yacht durin
A mysterious ruin in southern Africa rises out of the highland plains. These walls have been empty for centuries and were considered old before the first   European settlers arrived here. The African