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  In southern New England where I live, it’s mud season注1. It’s ugly, wet, and cold with 1)sleet and rain all piled on top of each other. Wet socks. Wet shoes. Cold feet. It is a miserable time and made more
  miserable by the fact that half the people I know have escaped to somewhere warm. This time of year, the only way to avoid a misery is to stay inside and
  2)moan, unless, unless you have the solution to the season, and I do.
  They sit by the door waiting for me. And while I may speak more about the narrowness of my very
  3)circumscribed life than their real worth, just the fact that they’re sitting there, waiting for me, makes me happy.
  I speak, of course, of my wonderful, brilliant,
  intelligently designed, 4)calf-high rubber boots注2. They are a piece of industrial genius. They are real and 5)vibrant, and make my life more worth living.
  Others may speak of the newest digital 6)gadget.
  Others may speak of the latest way of connecting to the world, something that promises something
  better. Every day brings new promises of connectivity; a new way to save us. But these things do not save me. Hardly anything is capable of saving me. I have sampled all of these things, and I find them 7)wanting. None of these things are real—they are only promises.
  But my rubber boots are real and they do not fail me. I slip them on over my socks 8)at a moment’s
  notice. They go on easily. My feet rejoice like the
  9)wagging tail of a dog waiting for its walk. My feet know they are safe.
  I step outside the house and nothing can stop me—the late season snowstorm, the 10)puddle of standing water at the bottom of my 11)porch steps that will never 12)evaporate, the mud and 13)muck this
  season brings. My feet are warm and dry and happy. And so am I.
  My boots are modest. They make no promise they can’t keep. I found them at one-third the price of the wellies I looked at longingly for years. Mine are
  American-made and inexpensive and unattractive and brown and 14)sturdy. They are now three years old and still look new. I know I will have them forever. I will die with them on. They are homely and they are wonderful.
  My rubber boots make me braver and kinder and more generous. Yes, I will get the mail. Yes, I will get the newspaper. Yes, I will walk the dog. Yes to the
  garbage. Yes. Yes. Yes. I have rubber boots, good strong rubber boots—and I am not afraid.
  If I only had rubber boots for my soul, rubber boots for my spirit—something that protected my
  15)psyche from the 16)vagaries of this rough world as well as these simple 17)marvels protect my lower
  So, here is to things that last. Here is to things we can count on. Here is to things that wait for us by the door, 19)unstinting in their service—things that make us better humans. Here is to rubber boots.
  注2:rubber boot也叫wellington或welly,指威灵顿长筒靴,及膝胶靴。
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