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  I’ve always known that I’m very quick with my hands. If someone throws something, I catch it almost before I’m aware it has been thrown. It probably helps that I spent years at baseball stadiums as a child—my dad was manager of the New York Yankees. We didn’t practise together, but I guess my reflexes[下意识反应] must have naturally developed. When I was young, I had no idea how useful this skill would become.
  Two summers ago, in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, babies were on my mind. I was going to visit a friend with her newborn and was on my way to a toy store to buy a gift. I’d once lived in the neighborhood and on a whim[一时兴起] I decided to head back to my old haunt[栖息地], a cupcake shop, for a coffee. Sitting alone at a table outside with my drink, I was approached[靠近] by a typical Brooklyn older man, who in a calm and very matter-of-fact way told me to call 911, because there was a baby on a fire escape[防火梯].
  I jumped up to see where the baby was. I was so surprised to see it, wearing a little onesie[连体衫] and lying on the fire escape railings between the second and third storeys[楼层]. He was lying like a cat, with his tummy[肚子] on the hand rail[栏杆], arms and legs tucked in[紧缩]. He was resting there, looking around nonchalantly[若无其事地]. I was nervous, but the baby boy became my only priority[优先考虑的事].
  As I was on the phone with emergency services注1, I made eye contact with the child, keeping him calm, telling him to stay there. Some people were going up the stairs to find the parents, who were apparently[显然地] sleeping through the whole drama.
  I just wanted the child, who I later found out was called Dillon, to feel safe—and he didn’t seem upset. He was comfortable up there, just looking down at me for nearly ten minutes. I hoped he’d stay there until somebody could rescue[营救] him.
  Apparently he had slipped[滑倒] through pieces of cardboard placed next to an airconditioning unit in the window, and without bars to protect him he’d crawled out and up the fire escape towards the next storey. He was clearly a physically capable[有能力的] child, but he was only 16 months old. For him to even climb up and balance in that position was incredible[难以置信的].
  Then he slipped. Instinctively[本能地], he grabbed on as he fell, so he was gripping[握紧] the railing, hanging by his arms. I knew he couldn’t hold on, 25 feet above the street, for long. I sensed people had gathered behind, but my attention was purely focused on my intention to catch the baby. I made sure I was positioned to save him.   I told 911 he was falling and within a minute Dillon had. As he tumbled[摔倒], he hit a protruding[突出的] plastic sign for a yoga[瑜伽] shop. There were shocked gasps as everyone heard his face knock the sign and he started to cry.
  I didn’t move to catch him; I was in exactly the right spot. He just fell into my outstretched[伸出的] arms. He felt weightless. It was effortless. It felt like a basic and simple human response. Somehow I even managed to keep hold of my phone. I was in shock, and before I knew it a man stepped forward and took him from me; he worked at the local hardware store[五金店]. There was blood on Dillon’s face, but it turned out it was only his lip that had been cut. He stopped crying pretty quickly—he seemed very resilient[适应性强的]. I think he should take all the credit.
  The moments after he fell were overwhelming[压倒性的]. People were being very kind and hugging me, telling me I was an angel. Dillon’s parents had been woken by the commotion[骚动] and his mother came down and thanked me, and his dad hugged me. I had been holding everything together, but when I caught the subway I finally let go and burst into tears. I was then able to think about my own feelings that I’d put aside and considered what would have happened if I hadn’t caught him. That is when I really felt scared.
  The reality of saving someone’s life is intense. I’ve played it over in my head so many times, I think it has changed me. I am calm and more at ease with things. I study mindfulness注2, and I see now that if we let intuition[直觉] lead us, we can deal with anything. I think I was meant to be there.
  注1: 即Emergency Management Services,紧急事故处理服务。
  注2:正念,以一种特定的方式来觉察,即有意识地觉察(On Purpose)、活在当下(In the Present Moment)及不做判断(Nonjudgementally)。
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