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  Six in the morning is way too early for the kind of laughter that is echoing around a sports ground in central Bombay. Walkers and joggers are 1)frowning at a group of 40 people 2)hooting and 3)slapping their thighs, eyeing them with the 4)jealous 5)disapproval that hardworking commuters reserve for all-night partyers on weekdays. But this is no partyers?dawn 6)chorus. There are no drinks and very little talking, and most of the group will shortly be on their merry way to work. What there is, nonstop for 45 minutes, is 7)hysterical, weeping laughter. So what’s the big joke?
  Actually, there’s none. Dr. Madan Kataria explains that when he started his first laughter club in 1995 after reading about the medical benefits of a good laugh, he ran out of funny stories in a week. So, throwing in a few yoga stretches, he tried encouraging people to laugh for no reason. His formula for these clubs proved infectious. It was started with five people in 1995 and is now practiced in over 5,000 clubs in 53 countries from America to China, from Finland to the Philippines.
  The physical and 8)psychological benefits of laughter are the subject of serious scientific study, but Dr. Katraria, who practiced 9)general medicine before taking up his laughter mission, prefers direct explanations, “We don’t need doctors to tell us it’s good for us. We know it is.”
  One of Kataria’s students, Alka Bhatia, who volunteers her time to teach at his clubs, says laughter pulled her out of 10)depression. “There’s a lot of pressure in my job,”says the middle manager at an import-export firm. “But now if I get stressed, I just have a little laugh at my desk and forget everything.”
  What if you just don’t feel like laughing? Kataria says there’s no problem with faking it. “Your body doesn’t know the difference.”At his clubs, which charge no fees, instructors get the people rolling with a “Ho, ho, ha-ha-ha”11)chant or perhaps the “lion laugh,”which involves 12)flapping your hands by your ears. “Laughter can’t solve your problems,”says the laughing yogi, “but it can 13)dissolve them.”It’s not that great a 14)pun, but Kataria, like a man without a care in the world, nearly laughs his big, smiling head off.

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