The Book of Robinson Crusoe

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  Robinson Crusoe was based on the true story of a shipwrecked seaman named Alexander Selkirk and was passed off as history. Sometimes I think the experience of the heroine of Robinson Crusoe reflects the author Daniel Defoe' s personal life. Daniel Defoe has experienced many ups and downs. Just like Crusoe has experienced many storms on the sea, and he gains and losses.
  Robinson Crusoe is an Englishman from the town of York in the seventeenth century. Encouraged by his father to study law, Crusoe expresses his wish to go to sea instead. At first, he listens to his father' s arrangement, but he does not resist the temptation, and eventually Crusoe and his friend board the ship to London. But they are caught in a storm. His friend is persuaded to withdraw from the travel, Crusoe continues to his trip, and becomes a merchant. Several times after the trip, Crusoe leave his profits in the care of a friendly widow. He is enslaved to a potentate in the North African town of Sallee. While on a fishing expedition, he and a slave boy break free and sail down the African coast. In the trip, a kindly Portuguese captain picks them up, buys the slave boy from Crusoe, and takes Crusoe to Brazil. Crusoe becomes a great garden in Brazil. After sailing to West Africa, Crusoe decides to convene slaves, but he meets shipwreck. So he ends up that trip. Crusoe soon learns he is the sole survivor of the expedition and seeks shelter and food for himself. He finds that he can feed himself to eat meat by raising sheep, and he has built a house for himself. Next to his house, he put up a cross on which he had reached the date: September 1, 1659. And the number of days that led to the using tools salvaged from the ship, and ones he makes himself, he hunts, grows barley and rice, dries grapes to make raisins, learns to make pottery, and rises goats. He also adopts a small parrot. He reads the Bible and becomes religious, thanking God for his fate in which nothing is missing. More years passes, Crusoe finds cannibals locally, they kill and eat prisoners. At first, he is going to kill them, but then he realizes that he has no right to do so. He dreams of getting one or two servants through the release of some prisoners. When a prisoner escapes, Robinson helps him, and names his new partner " Friday" . Crusoe teaches him English and sends him to christianity. Friday expresses the desire to return to the same people, they make a boat together to savage. Just before they leave, they meet 21 men, one of which was a Friday's father. Then they surrender some suspicious people who are from a British ship. On December 19, 1686, Crusoe boards the ship to return to England. His widow friend has kept Crusoe’ s money safe. Crusoe learns from the Portuguese captain that his plantations in Brazil have been highly profitable. In 1694, he revisits his island, finding that the Spaniards are governing it well and that it has become a prosperous colony.   I think there are six main roles in this book. Their are Robinson Crusoe, Friday, The Portuguese Captain, The Spaniard, Xury and The Widow. Everyone has its own unique character. Some scenes give me a deep impression. First of all, I think the relationship between Crusoe and Xury is wonderful. When Caruso meets the little boy, he appears genuinely fond of him. The little boy's loyalty also touches Crusoe. But when Crusoe mercilessly takes Xury to the Portuguese Captain, Crusoe does not feel a trace of anxiety. When Crusoe thinks about Xury later, he does not miss their living days, but instead missing the lost of a labor. As it is told in the novel: he and his planter neighbor “both wanted help, and now I found, more than before, I had done wrong in parting with my boy Xury.” we might feel what is “wrong” is not his business decision, but the sale of his supposed friend as a slave for profit. This little slave boy only introduced during the period of Crusoe’s enslavement in Sallee. Although only a little bit of description, the social reality is reproduced deeply. My view is that the little boy is the representative of black slavery society at the times and Crusoe is the representative of British colonial expansion. Both reflect the social status of that time.
  Then, I am very interested in the number and amount of precision which is recorded by Caruso. He does not use the "huge" word to describe the tree, but is “five foot ten inches in diameter at the lower part... And four foot eleven inches diameter at the end of twenty-two foot.” This point can also be seen from the accurate date which is recorded by Crusoe. However, I think the exact number is of no use to him. It implies that sometimes Crusoe does some calculation in vain. It reflects that Crusoe is a hard work, good at business person and he has faiths in life. But sometimes, Crusoe is vague with the numbers. For example, when he indulges in a diary, he misses one day because of oversleep. For contradiction of the number, I think there is a bit of irony. It also shows that it does not take any effects to ease Crusoe’s loneliness when he records every things. There is no denying that Crusoe loves writing diary to record the happiness and suffering on the island.
  Another point which I am interested is the change of life attitude. At the beginning, he introduces himself as “poor, miserable Robinson Crusoe.” Crusoe also feels guilty for his lack of filial piety. But later, he never regards himself as a poor victims and puts himself as the owner of this island. I can learn something about the importance of the attitude. He begins to call the island as his "home" and "Castle", and the construction of the inland residence called "bower" or "country seat". All these terms suggest that his relationship to the island is becoming more proprietary. Then he takes himself as the owner of the island. He laments his misfortune, and he regards the island as a prison. After that, he changes the attitude of life, he begins to feel satisfied with the life on island. Until finally, he is accustomed to the life on the island. The past and present life fuse as a whole, it makes him feel happy.
【摘要】:表于2015年《我们的踟蹰》是弋舟最新城市爱情长篇小说。他秉持了一种近乎“自然主义”的原则,以复杂细腻的心理描写,揭示了现代城市人焦虑的生存、爱情状态。  【关键词】:城市;互文性;爱情;踟蹰;长篇小说  已经有多久,我们没有认认真真地谈论过爱情?在我们这个时代,讨论爱情,渐渐变成了讨论婚姻与婚外情、暧昧与记忆,以及这背后的人际关系、经济基础。这令作家弋舟不禁在他的新书《我们的踟蹰》中发
【摘要】:《骆驼祥子》写了旧中国北平一个外号“骆驼”,名叫祥子的人力车夫的悲剧,这一自信好强的劳动者,希望通过个人的奋斗成为独立劳动者,最终没有实现而走向堕落。旧社会的压迫、同隶属剥削阶级的车厂老板之女虎妞的结合以及祥子自身的性格弱点,孤立零散的个人奋斗选择成为导致其悲剧命运的重要因素,而身处反动军阀连年混战、剥削者林立的黑暗社会则是其悲剧命运的根源。  【关键词】:祥子;社会悲剧;婚姻悲剧;性格
【摘要】:《石头记》主旨是“大旨谈情”,这里的“情”不单是宝黛的爱情,更是广义上人们的感情、情绪,世俗在内的普世价值,石头因空见色,由色生情,传情入色,自色入空是对“情”的一些列感悟和总结,情以空为结束并不是意味情是痛苦的根源,陷入彻头彻尾的悲剧主义,而是呼唤真情永存,激励后人探索。  【关键词】:谈情;色;空;人情;世情;  甲戌本《脂砚斋重评石头记》中第一回提到:虽其中大旨谈情,亦不过实录其事
【摘要】:川端康成是日本现代文学史上的美学大师,他的一生都是一个美的追求着与探索者。在他的作品中无不蕴含着日本文学传统中的独特的审美意识。川断康成的作品中总有一缕缕氤氲首尾的悲哀,构成他作品的悲剧美。本文试通过分析《古都》这部作品蕴含的美丽与哀愁,来揭示充溢于川端作品字里行间的日本文学独特的审美传统。  【关键词】:川端康成;美丽与哀愁;古都;传统美  《古都》和《雪国》、《千羽鹤》“以其敏锐的感
前言  本论文选题从选秀节目出发,选择选秀节目中一个很重要的问题,那就是选秀节目在制作与播出过程中暴露出的信任危机。在进行论文资料收集时,主要从两个方面着手:一个是文献资料的收集,主要是通过阅读专业教材中有关选秀类节目制作方面的理论,同时利用图书馆和网络资源,查看专家学者在相关领域的研究文献,这其中主要是针对选秀节目发展现状的细节进行讨论,笔者选取了从2005年至今的相关文献进行研究,对论文的创作
【摘要】:水彩画作为一门独立的画种有着自身独特的艺术风格,这是建立在水彩画别具一格的表现语言的基础上,而水彩画技法就是完成水彩画创作的形式语言。这门外来画种在我国的发展呈现出繁荣的局面,来势喜人,引起了广大艺术爱好者的关注。  【关键词】:技法;创作;应用;特色  作为水彩创作媒介的技法来说,它始终是作为水彩画创作的载体出现的。在很多有关水彩画创作的书本中,谈及水彩技法的内容最多,水彩画家们不断对
【摘要】:张爱玲作为上海沦陷时期著名女作家,她的文学作品留给后世很多的研读空间。本文简要的分析了张爱玲的人生经历对其文学创作阶段的影响。并简要分析了家庭在张爱玲作品中的影射。张爱玲作为一个无关政治、无法分别流派的传奇女作家,她给世人留下的是难以忘怀的经典。  【关键词】:张爱玲;人生经历;文学创作阶段  前言  张爱玲,出生与1920年的上海,一个没落贵族的后裔。从小充满灵气的她热爱写小说。著有《
【摘要】:通过与“萨尔组合”沟通,查阅有关裕固族民歌的资料,认识了解裕固族及其音乐文化,探讨裕固族民歌的传承方式,即耳濡目染的自然传承、家族教育的代代相传和职业歌手的口传心授,以及“萨尔组合”当下所面临的困境,针对性地提出一些行之有效的保护裕固族民歌的措施。  【关键词】:裕固族民歌;传承方式;保护措施;“萨尔组合”  一、裕固族民歌的發展及“萨尔组合”  1.裕固族简介  裕固族,分布于甘肃的少
【摘要】:钱钟书于1947年发表长篇小说《围城》。《围城》成功描写了一批从海外归来的人物,他们或是出国留学,或是在海外生活过。本文通过对《围城》中诸多海归形象的考察,细致分析他们的形象特征,再现这类海归在时代与文化背景下的命运,从作家对海归形象或批判或同情的情感态度中体会丰富的人文意蕴。  【关键词】:《围城》;海归派;形象特征;人文意蕴  一、海归形象特征  美籍学者夏志清赞誉钱钟书为“第一鸿儒
【摘要】:土家族是一个历史悠久的民族,世居毗连湘、鄂、渝、黔的偏远地区。几千年来,土家族人民在长期的生活实践中继承并发扬着本民族的文化精神,形成了独特的审美观,同时也充满了独特的艺术魅力。  土家织锦,又称西兰卡普(土家语),是至今土家族保留最完整的一种原始纺织工艺品。本文主要通过对湘西地区土家织锦的调查研究,浅析土家织锦图案的分类以及土家族人民朴素的审美追求和独特的民族文化内涵与人文精神。  【