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  去年5月,CE:Teens在“新闻广角镜”与大家一同回顾了英美歌坛及电影界的重大盛典,受到同学们的热烈欢迎。今年,我们再度回放三大颁奖礼的精华片段。事不宜迟,Let’s rock!
  Reporter: Last night’s Brit Awards was like 1995 all over again, with top honours for Take That and Oasis. An emotional[情绪的] Take That collected the Best Single award for comeback track Patience. It was voted for live by viewers for the first time in “the Brit’s”history.
  Take That: Thank you everybody. Amazing! Oh my god! Unbelievable!
  Reporter: And Oasis got this year’s Outstanding Contribution title. So where’s this award going now?
  Oasis: I usually give them away drunk, and it’s…and it’s to the most…and it’s to the most random people, kind of like, you know, “Have that, I love you.?Reporter: Lady of the moment[女得奖者], Amy Winehouse, won Best British Female, beating strong competition from Lily Allen and Corinne Bailey Rae.
  Amy Winehouse: What can I say? Thank you very much. Yeah, I’m just glad my mum and dad are here, to be honest. Yeah.
  Reporter: Best British Male went to newcomer James Morrison. His debut[初次登场] album, Undiscovered, has sold over 1.5 million worldwide.
  James Morrison: “feel ecstatic[狂喜的] at the moment. I just…I can’t believe it…I can’t believe it.
  Reporter: Double honours for Las Vegas rockers, The Killers, Brandon Flowers and Co triumphed[获胜] in the Best International Group and Album categories. They’re loving UK hospitality[好客]. They reckon they never win anything back home.
  The Killers: You know, we haven’t won a Grammy or anything like that and so it’s great to get…to get some love somewhere, from somewhere.
  Reporter: And an excitable Nelly Furtado won Best International Female.
  Nelly Furtado: This one means a lot. I wouldn’t really be here if it wasn’t for UK music. You know, Oasis are here tonight…whatever…
  Reporter: But “the Brit’s”was as much about who wasn’t there as who was. Arctic Monkeys won two of the biggest awards of the night for Best British Group and Best British Album, but they were otherwise engaged[忙碌] shooting their latest video. Also absent was Best International Male, Justin Timberlake. And “Brit’s”regular, Robbie Williams, is currently in rehab[复出] in the States. It didn’t stop him being the hot topic of the night. Here’s Joss Stone.
  Jose Stone: Robbie is a strong person and he’s an inspiration to us all. You know, I think he’s a wonderful guy. His heart is bigger than anybody’s in this room, I know that.
  Reporter: So that’s it from “the Brit’s?for another year. Now the winners, losers, and general hangers-on will be partying well into next week.
  记者:昨晚的全英音乐奖仿如回到了1995年,“Take That”乐队和绿洲乐队包揽了最高荣誉奖项。情绪高昂的“Take That”乐队凭着复出之作《Patience》获得了年度最佳单曲奖。这是全英音乐奖有史以来首次由观众现场投票产生的奖项。
  “Take That”乐队:感谢各位。太神奇了!啊,我的天!真是太不可思议了!
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I hear a baby crying  A sad sound, a lonely sound  I want to take her in my arms  And then I dry away all her tears    I see a boy, who’s frightened  A young boy, with old eyes  I long to say “You’re