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  Release Date: 1 May, 2007 (China)
  Directed by Sam Raimi
  Tobey Maguire…Peter Parker/Spider-Man
  Kirsten Dunst…Mary Jane Watson
  James Franco…Harry Osborn
  Thomas Haden Church…Flint Marko/Sandman
  Topher Grace…Eddie Brock/Venom
  Bryce Dallas Howard…Gwen Stacy
  Plot Summary
  Our beloved hero Peter Parker has finally managed to strike a balance between his duties to Mary Jane and his life as the crime-fighting Spider-Man. But there is trouble on the way. An escaped prisoner, Flint Marko, is caught in an accident that displaces molecules[分子] and turns him into Sandman, a new super villain[恶棍] able to form his body into any shape. When Peter learns of a connection between Sandman and the murder of his Uncle Ben, he will stop at nothing as Spider-Man to capture[捕获] him. But before Peter can do so, he discovers that a mysterious black substance[物质] has changed his suit into all black, bringing forth a darker side to Parker. He starts to abandon[放弃] the ones he loves and forces his best friend, Harry Osborn, to take up his father’s mantle[衣钵] as the New Goblin. Peter now has to decide what life he wants to lead: Be the strong-willed hero he once was, or keep the new power that is being given to him? Little does Peter know that the black substance is after somebody else as well. It aims to turn a troubled young man, by the name of Eddie Brock, into “Venom,”whom Peter might not be able to stop.
   An Inside Look at Spider-Man 3
  In this latest movie, director Raimi has decided to include two villains that fans have been yearning[盼望] to see: Venom and Sandman. And when the first bit of footage[电影胶片] was unveiled[使公诸于众], Spider-Man 3 was met with huge approval[承认]. Acceptance doesn’t necessarily guarantee[保证] success, but it did make Raimi and company proud of the product they had delivered[提供]. Let’s hear what they had to say about the movie.
  Sam Raimi on the Challenges of Adapting[改编] This Story Three Times: “What’s been easier each time is getting to know the family that we work with, and really trusting them to the point where they could become complete collaborators[合作者]. From Laura Ziskin注1 to Alvin Sargent注2, Tobey, Kirsten, James Franco, the directors of photography, the animators[漫画家], the editors[剪辑师]——there are so many people that helped make this movie. Unlike a lot of smaller films with a tight focus…the actors and the writer and the producer, a tiny little core[中心]——there are a thousand people making this. So it’s gotten a lot easier because we’ve got this system of knowing each other, knowing how we work together, trusting each other. That has made everything a lot easier.”
  Tobey Maguire’s Opion on His Character’s Development: “You know, for me one of the most important things is, there’s a continuity[连贯性] of character that you have to keep up. Peter Parker is Peter Parker, but I don’t necessarily want to see the same scenes played out, and Peter going through the same kind of things that he’s gone through. So, I think that Alvin and the other people who had input into Peter’s story and what Peter’s going through in this movie, did a fantastic job, because as an actor for me, it was like ?there was nothing stale[陈旧的] about it. I got to do brand new, really fun, interesting things for myself. And in terms of what the specifics of that are, you know, you’ll see when you check out the movie.”
  Kirsten Dunst on How Mary Jane Changes in Spider-Man 3: “Basically she’s still an actress, and you can see where it was heading towards in the last film with Peter. Emotionally, she is much more adult, more mature[成熟的] and there’s a lot more at stake[危险] because their relationship…they’re together. So emotionally it’s just…there’s a lot more at stake, for all the characters, and I think that we’ve gone to their relationship, because they’re older, and just developed more and become more complicated[复杂的]. So emotionally, it’s a much heavier film.”
  Is Spider-Man 3 the Completion of the Story?: Does the third film bring closure, and, are there more movies in the works?
  Kirsten Dunst’s answer, “Well, I mean, this is definitely a culmination[顶点], but you would have had to have seen the first and the second. This definitely ties up some story lines. But if there are more stories to tell, if there are things that are unresolved[未解决的], then we will tell them. But I think that depends on if everyone is staying, and there’s a story to tell. If there’s a good story, I’ll be there.”
  备受钟爱的英雄彼得·帕克终于在对玛丽·简的责任以及身为惩治罪恶的蜘蛛侠的生活之间取得平衡。但真正的麻烦还在后头。一个名叫弗林特·马可的越狱逃犯遇上了一场替换分子的事故,使他成为“沙人”——一个能够将身体化成任何形态的超级恶棍。当彼得了解到沙人和他叔叔本的谋杀案有关后,他便毫不犹豫地化身为蜘蛛侠追捕沙人。但在彼得这么做之前,他发现一种神秘的黑色物质把他的蜘蛛服染黑,并带出了他内心黑暗的一面。他开始抛弃自己所爱的人,还迫使他的挚友哈利·奥斯本继承其父亲的衣钵,成为新一代“绿魔”。现在彼得必须决定自己到底要过一种什么样的生活:是继续当昔日那个意志坚强的英雄,还是拥有这不求自得的强大力量?然而彼得并不知道这种黑色物质同时也盯上了其他人,它要把名叫艾迪·布洛克——一个麻烦缠身的年轻人变成 “毒蜘蛛”,而彼得很可能制服不了他。
  注1:Laura Ziskin是该片制片人。
  注2:Alvin Sargent是该片编剧。
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