Innovative Methods of Teaching English Language

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  Abstract: Teaching and learning are the two sides of a coin. Learning is a continuous process from the womb to the tomb. A method of teaching plays an important role in the learning process. The process will not be fulfilled until the learner gains knowledge from the subject. Because the purpose of teaching is not only to make the students to get marks, but also to enhance the skills and practical knowledge of the students. English is the second and official language in our country. It is the one and only language which rules the world. The so called global language doesn’t give knowledge alone, but also name and fame in the society. Teaching the second language is a difficult task for the teachers. This paper deals with the various innovative methods of teaching English language.
  Keywords: Teaching English, Innovative methods, Language skills, Language Learning process
  Nowadays everything is computerized. People search the Internet to clarify the doubts in all the areas. Using multi-media in the teaching field will make the learners update their knowledge in the relevant subject. It is the combination of various digital media types such as text, images, audio and video into an integrated multi-sensory interactive application or presentation to convey information to an audience. The teacher uses multimedia to modify the contents of the material. It will help the teacher to present things in a more meaningful way. Visualizing takes the uppermost place in this method. They believe what they see visually. Instead of explaining, the teachers can use this method to make the learners to understand by visualizing.
  Teaching Through Games and Humour
  Games which are task based and have a purpose beyond the production of speech serve as excellent communicative activities. The aim of all language games is for students to use the language. However, during game play, be clear to use the target language to play, persuade and negotiate their way to decide results. This process involves productive and receptive skills. After learning and practicing new vocabulary, students have the opportunity to use language in a non-stressful way.
  Being humorous is a challenge. Humour in teaching is an effective tool for teachers. Humour has the ability to relax people, reduce tension and thereby create an atmosphere conducive for teaching and learning. Numerous studies in the field of advertising have noted that humour is the most effective tool for enhancing recall of advertisement. It is also important to have humour to teach effectively.   Computer and Internet in Learning
  The Internet plays a significant role in the lives of everyone. Learning Computer and Internet combines learning about them with them. Technology based learning helps the students to learn across the curriculum. Learning with the help of the Internet offers a wide range of benefits. Internet Education offers a world of information in one place and allows people to carry research on any topic without spending too much time on various books and course materials. It allows people with limited financial resources and the constraints to pursue higher studies without investing too much time, money and energy. It helps individuals in acquiring skills in handling technological communication and undertaking effective research in different types of subjects. This mode of learning eliminates all barriers and helps students to get access in education.
  E-learning is defined as an interactive learning in which the learning content isavailable online and provides automatic feedback to the students’ learning activities. Onlinecommunication with real people may or may not be included, but the focus of e-learning is usually more on the learning content than on communication between learners and tutors. E-learning could be viewed as an online descendent of computer based training (CBT) and computer aided instruction (CAI). It incorporates innovative and creative approaches to instruction and provides unprecedented access to resources and information. In this learning student can assume control of their learning experience and use it to suit their own specific needs. The use of a variety of multimedia in e- earning increases student involvement and reinforces the learning experience. It is a convenient way to receive education and training.
  ICT in Language Teaching
  English is the Universal and global language. It is also the dominant language of the Internet. Maximum percentage of online content is in English. The latest Technology available to the language teacher is the computer.
  Innovative ideas in teaching and learning process can make wonders in the Education field rather than following the traditional methods. The quality of Education must be improved to enhance the skills and practical knowledge of the students. Creativity of the teachers only helps the students to be active in the class room to make the teaching-learning process more effective.
  [1]Boud. D and Fleletti G. the Challenge of problem- based learning. Condon.1999.
  [2]Jonasson D.H., Peck. K. Land Wilson. B. G Learning with Technology: A Constructive perspective, New Jersey Merrill / Prentice hall 1999.
  [3]Hofstetter F.T Multimedia Literacy New York McGraw-Hill 1995.
  作者簡介:康宁 ,长江大学外国语学院教师,多年从事大学英语教学。
摘 要:孔子有言:“知之者不如乐之者,乐之者不如好之者”,也就是说学好一门课程,最好的法宝就是拥有浓厚的学习兴趣。在当前的中职数学教学中,很多学生数学基础不牢,不能掌握有效的学习方法,进而学习数学的兴趣不够浓厚。于是教师现阶段的重要教学目标,就是培养学生学习数学的兴趣,使学生主动积极地投入到数学学习中来。本文主要从当前的实际教学情况出发,结合中职学生的学习特点,从多方面论述如何培养学生学习数学的兴
摘 要:汉语的学习对每一个小学生都至关重要,它是学生学习和日常交流的基础,因此,写字能力是小学低年级学生需要具备的基本能力。小学低年级学生刚刚接触汉字,在学习汉字的过程中,可提高小学生的理解能力,丰富小学生的想象力,不断开发小学生的智力。因此,在这一重要的教学时期,需要注重培养小学生的学习兴趣和学习能力。听、说、读、写是小学语文教学的基本任务。而写字教学不仅关系到低年级学生书写习惯的养成,同时也影
摘 要:德育在整个小学教育中占有非常重要的地位。这一时期的德育工作对学生的身心健康,道德观的养成至关重要。结合美育对小学生进行思想道德方面的教育,更有利于促進学生对道德概念的理解以及加深对道德观念的主观印象。  关键词:德育;小学美术;融合  小学美育教育的内容非常多样,有美术课程和拓展型课程以及学校组织的参观考察活动组成,是学生们非常喜爱的一种接受教育的形式。因为美育教育的内容能够通过教材上的图
摘 要:随着科技的进步和互联网技术的发展,智能手机、电脑、平板也成为大学生生活中的一部分,据调查,大学生是互联网是使用互联网人数最多的群体,由于大学生的学习生活相对自由和轻松,他们也花更多的时间在互联网上,很多的大学生会陷入到虚拟网络当中,这些学生的心理还不成熟,网瘾会对他们的学习和生活以及身心健康带来较大的影响。特别是,很多大学生沉迷于网络游戏,笔者对大学生网瘾及其对策也有一定的探究。本文旨在以
摘 要:现代社会网络技術的不断发展,多功能的手机也是非常的普遍。在我国的网络文化发展当中,网络直播变得越来越普遍,同时它的发展速度也非常的快。从心理学的角度来看,我国的网络直播热潮在一定程度一下反映了出了国人特定的心理活动。本文通过对网络直播平台的深入调查,同时,网络直播平台的观众进行了深入了解。因此,本文本文将总结网络直播平台下受众的主要心理特点。  关键词:网络直播平台;受众;心理特征  根据
摘 要:“矜老恤幼”思想在古代法律层面的体现,最具有代表性的就是刑事责任年龄制度。该制度的设立背景包括整个社会对“矜老恤幼”思想的崇尚、古代法制“礼”与“律”的融合、统治阶层的文化宣扬、以及血缘宗法为社会纽带等。刑事责任年龄制度的最早萌芽于西周,在秦汉得到巩固和发展,并在唐朝相对完善,后代以唐律为蓝本构建了相应的制度。通过其立法沿革可以看出刑法的谦抑性特点逐渐增强、规定老年人减免刑罚部分具有先进性
摘 要:对于公安机关,在侦查、破案中,实现了技术侦查法制化,其具有重要的作用,但是,技术侦查法制化具有权利的特点,这就带来一些不好的影响,包括:公民隐私权、人格尊严等被侵犯,所以,在执行过程中,需要严格控制技术侦查法制化的适用程序。针对技术侦查法制化,我国一直没有具体的法律系统,仅仅在刑事、诉讼法方面进行修改,使其更好地控制犯罪行为,以及保护人权等,但在实际生活中,仍有很多问题需要解决,尤其需要有
摘 要:初中班级的自主化管理模式,是在新课改的影响之下逐渐形成的,还需要更多的实践来完善。教师应当重视自身在班级自主化管理模式中的引导作用,不断积累实践经验,进一步完善初中生的班级自主管理。  关键词:自主管理;初中生;班级管理  在初中教育阶段,实施班级自主管理能够为充分体现人性化管理理念,并以民主化管理模式來实现对学生自主能力与管理能力的培养,同时强化学生的责任意识,促使学生在自主管理与自我约
摘 要:甘南境内由于气候环境、生产方式与生活方式的不同,使得头饰的形制亦不完全相同,表现出明显的地域特色,从而形成了这里藏族女性的头饰精美而艳丽多彩的造型特点。  关键词:甘南; 藏族;女性;头饰;文化内涵  藏族人民在长期的历史发展过程中创造了丰富多彩的文化,而服饰文化是一个民族物质文化与精神文化的外在体现,头饰作为服饰中一个重要的外部形象,是人类自身装饰的重要组成部分。头饰是一个民族在文化崇尚
摘 要:张作霖是以一个反动的封建軍阀形象为人们所熟知的。然而,作为军阀,张作霖对教育的重视程度让人惊讶。在他主政东北期间,通过努力解决教育经费,加强教育管理;积极筹办师范教育,免费培养教育人才;强调“学以致用”,重视职业教育;提倡西学,鼓励青年出国留学;倾力创办东北大学,高薪聘请一流学者等一系列措施,为东北近代教育的发展做出了巨大的贡献。这不仅让我们看到了军阀张作霖的另一面,而且他在教育上的这些举