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  1. 你看他这个人可靠吗?Do you think he?蒺s reliable?
  2. 你对这件事怎么看?What?蒺s your view on this matter?
  3. 你要学会全面看问题。You should learn to look at(或approach) problems from all angles.
  4. 我们要把人民的利益看得高于一切。We should put the interests of the people above all else.
  5. 刘医生把他的糖尿病看好了。Dr Liu has cured him of diabetes.
  6. 有空我来看你。I?蒺ll drop in on you when I have time.
  7. 明天进不进城得看天气。Whether we?蒺ll go to town tomorrow will depend on the weather.
  8. 别跑这么快,看摔着!Don?蒺t run so fast. Mind you don?蒺t fall!
  9. 胡大夫看病很认真。Dr Hu handles his cases with great care.
  10. 我们看不惯这种浪费现象。We hate to see such waste.
  11. 不要看不起落后的人们。Don?蒺t look down upon backward people.
  12. 你把我看成什么人了?What do you take me for?
  13. 我看不出其真假。I cannot tell whether it is genuine or fake.
  14. 我们立即看穿了他的诡计。We at once saw through his trick.
  15. 奴隶主根本不把奴隶当人看待。Slave owners never regarded(或treated) their slaves as human beings.
  16. 拐个弯就可以看到村子了。The village will come into view at the next turn.
  17. 在困难的时候,我们要看到成绩,看到光明。In time of trouble we must not lose sight of our achievements,we must see the bright future.
  18. 在旧社会,有谁看得起我们清洁工人?In the old society who thought anything of us street cleaners?
  19. 股票市场明天看跌。The stock market will be expected to fall tomorrow.
  20. 对这个问题有两种不同的看法。There are two different views on this question.
  21. 他们航行了二十天才看见陆地。They sighted land after being at sea for twenty days.
  22. 这活儿看来今天可以做完。It looks as if we?蒺ll be able to finish this job today.
  23. 看来他还没有拿定主意。Evidently he has not made up his mind yet.
  24. 向右(左)看齐!Dress right(left),dress!
  25. 向先进工作者看齐!Emulate the advanced workers!
  26. 我们不应看轻自己的力量。We must not underestimate our own strength.
  27. 这小伙子看上了一位姑娘。The fellow has taken a fancy to a girl.
  28. 这一着棋我看不透。I don?蒺t quite understand this move.
  29. 这个人我看透了,没有什么真才实学。I?蒺ve seen through him;he?蒺s not a man of real learning.
  30. 这个展览会没什么看头。There is nothing much to see in the exhibition.
  31. 这本小说很有看头。This novel is well worth reading.
  32. 我明天要去看望一位老战友。I?蒺ll call on an old comrade-in-arms tomorrow.
  33. 这些鞋你看中哪双?Which pair of the shoes have you settled on?
  34. 不要只看重书本知识,还要在实践中学习。We must not consider that book knowledge alone is important;we should learn also through practice.
  35. 我非常看重我们之间的友谊。I set store by the ties of friendship between us.
  36. 你把次要问题看做主要问题了。You?蒺ve taken a minor question for a major one.
  看电影see a film或go to the movies;看戏go to the theatre或see a play(an opera);看书、报read a book(a newspaper);看球赛watch a ball game;试试看have a try;等等看wait and see;尝尝看just taste this;看病see a doctor(a patient);看风使舵trim one?蒺s sails;看菜吃饭fit the appetite to the dishes;看破红尘disillusioned with the mortal world;看台bleachers或stand;看图识字learn to read with the aid of pictures;看清形势make a correct appraisal of the situation;照看孩子look after或take care of children
俊逸讲述:捐钱风波  昨天放晚学前,班上举行了“为山区献爱心”募捐活动。因每个人捐款数目未公开,今天一下早自习,就有不少好奇心强的同学以互换秘密的方式四下打听。  教室里,或高调或含蓄的“爱心宣言” 一句接着一句,像喧嚣的波涛此起彼伏,我却看到张一哲把头埋得极低,右手紧握的钢笔,半天没写出一个完整的字。  他不会是因为捐得太少,感觉羞愧、没面子吧?  我有充分的理由这样想。作为他的同桌兼好友,私底
【文题呈现】  当前,不少中学生存在着这样一种精神状态与学习现状:他们少有幸福感,学习成绩是唯一的奋斗目标,其他的一切似乎都不重要,享受不到生活的乐趣;有的在学习上缺乏科学方法,虽披星戴月地苦读,却不断遭受挫折和打击,身心疲惫;有的盲目追逐各类明星,迷失自我;有的缺乏理想信念,各类心理疾病加剧……  请以“留点 (执著、快乐、健康……)给自己”为题,先补全文题,然后写一篇文章,主题自定,文体不限,
蹦跳的油瓶盖  中午放学的时候,奶奶正在厨房做饭,小云在客厅里听到奶奶一直嘀嘀咕咕在自言自语,她好奇地走进厨房想看个究竟——奶奶平时可不是这样的。奶奶见小云进来了,立刻指着灶台上缺了盖子的色拉油瓶奇怪地说:小云啊,今天真是奇怪啊,油瓶上的盖子突然“噗”的一声飞走了,我拾起来盖上后,只一会儿就又“噗”的一声飞走了。前几天也出现过这样的怪事。  小云拿起奶奶拾起的油瓶盖子仔细研究了起来:色拉油的盖子原
同学们都知道在解可化为一元一次方程的分式方程时,当遇到分式方程的结构较为“复杂”,解题步骤较为“繁多”时,在求解的过程中,稍不留神就会发生形形色色的错误,现将分式方程解题中的几种常见错误分类举例如下.  一、忘了验根  例1 解方程■+■=■.  错解:方程两边同乘以(x+2)(x-2),得3(x-2)+2(x+2)=8. 解这个方程,得x=2. 所以原方程的解是x=2.  剖析:分式方程是通过去
■ 莫言:我不会离开这个地方  2012年10月11日19时,瑞典文学院宣布,2012年诺贝尔文学奖获得者为中国作家莫言。莫言成为第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的中国籍作家。消息一出,震撼全国。诺贝尔奖评审委员在谈及莫言作品时称,他在作品中所构建出的世界,创造了一种世界性的怀旧,他用现实和梦幻的融合在作品中创造了一个令人联想的感观世界。诺贝尔文学奖评委之一、瑞典汉学家马悦然在接受新华社记者专访时说,莫言是
图形有关的探索问题在近年来中考中屡见不鲜. 解答它们,方法因题而异. 其中,有的需要我们从三角形相似入手并利用其对应边的比相等的性质. 现以近年来中考题为例介绍如下:  例1 (2011年甘肃省兰州市中考题)如图是一张矩形纸片ABCD(AD>AB),将纸片折叠一次,使点A与点C重合,再展开,折痕EF交AD边于点E,交BC边于点F,分别连接AF和CE.  (1)求证:四边形AFCE是菱形;  (2)
1. We are going to the country for a sightseeing trip tomorrow. 我们明天要去乡下参观游览。  2. We are going on an excursion to the country tomorrow. 我们明天要去郊游。  3. Would you go on an outing with us?你愿意同我们一起去郊游吗?  4
One summer day,a little sheep was going to have a birthday party. She made a lot of friends,and she asked all her friends to come to her party. The friends came. A cow brought a basket of fresh grass
Toy tester试玩顾问  How about being a toy tester?It is really an exciting job.  As a toy tester,what do you often do?You often play with the toys before they are on sale and you give your suggestions(建议)