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  Malcolm Forbes grew up in the upper middle-class community of Englewood, New Jersey. He was born on August 19th, 1919, the third son of Birtie Charles Forbes and his wife, Adelaide Stevenson.
  Steve Forbes: I think my father really was a wonderful combination of the best characteristics of both his father and his mother. His father was very hard-driving, came to this country almost penniless, and he succeeded. He was very 1)disciplined. My grandmother, by contrast, was very outgoing, she enjoyed being around people, very 2)vivacious, was always the life of the party…
  Malcolm’s father, Bertie, had been born in Scotland and came to New York to pursue a career as a business journalist. By the time he married Adelaide, Bertie Charles, or B.C. as he was called, was a widely read business 3)columnist known for his resourcefulness at getting information. B.C., not one to waste time or information, realized that he had enough of both to start his own publication. When the 4)premier issue of Forbes hit the 5)newsstands on September 15th, 1917, it was the first business magazine in the country and an immediate success. The tireless B.C. also continued writing as a 6)freelance journalist, and this constant work helped the family survive 7)the Depression.
  As a young boy, Malcolm had no intention of joining the family business. From an early age, he had set his sights considerably higher. He wanted to be President of The United States.
  The road to the presidency was longer and harder than Malcolm had expected. At age 38, he was an ex-newspaper editor, ex-magazine publisher, and two-time failed 8)gubernatorial 9)candidate. With nowhere else to go, he returned to Forbes to try to invent a future for himself there.
  Though Malcolm had abandoned his political career, he still had a major 10)distraction outside the magazine. He was the father of five children and, in typical 50s?fashion, it was Malcolm, the dad, who was the 11)disciplinarian, but one who was always willing to listen to his children.
  Steve Forbes: My father was a very strong man, had very strong opinions, but, remarkably, he maintained an open mind. And I remember growing up, we would want something and he would say, “No, that’s crazy.”But if he sensed that it meant a lot to you, that you’d thought the thing through, that your heart was set on it, he would say, “OK, I’ll go along with it.”
  Malcolm Forbes was now king of his company. But being ruler of a magazine that few people read, did not interest Malcolm. He now concentrated his efforts on getting Forbes known throughout the land.
  Malcolm was pushing the editorial side to be as 12)audacious as the advertising. The magazine still focused on personalities in business, but now every story had to have a strong point of view, and, if Forbes didn’t have an 13)exclusive on a story, they didn’t run it.
  Malcolm began his most famous collection when he decided to buy his wife, Roberta, a little present, just a small Easter Egg, made by Faberg? the famed jeweler to the 14)tsar of Russia. In time, Malcolm would come to own 12 eggs, two more than the Kremlin, spending over one million for his last one. And, when Malcolm spent money, Forbes benefited.
  Editor A: I think he thought all the publicity, all the games, all the tricks and everything was just making Forbes more successful.
  Malcolm would go on spending money and showing the world that having fun could be profitable. And at age 60, Malcolm was far from retiring. In fact, he was just 15)revving up.
  Editor B: The fact that he was such a public personality and that his public personality so much matched the way that, the tone of the magazine, they 16)reinforced one another. The Malcolm image reinforced Forbes; Forbes reinforced the Malcolm image.
  In 1979, Malcolm’s refusal to give in to negative thinking was put to the test. He was 17)diagnosed with a rare and often 18)fatal form of 19)bladder cancer, similar to the disease that had killed his brother, Bruce. Though the illness slowed him, it did not stop Malcolm. As much as possible, he continued working and traveling. Malcolm endured two years of painful treatment, but, in the end, he beat the disease.
  Once Malcolm was free of cancer, he kept going strong. In June of 1981, he came up with what would be one of his most effective ideas for the magazine ?the Rich List. This would be a 20)compilation of the 400 richest people in America. Malcolm’s editorial staff resisted the idea at first, sure that it would be impossible to gather a 21)credible list. But that didn’t worry Malcolm.

  Editor A: Many of the people were highly offended that somebody would publish the source of their wealth or the size of it. But I can tell you, within a very few years, if Forbes didn’t contact them to find out exactly how much they were worth, they were very upset. Very upset. They weren’t going to lose that 22)distinction.
  Malcolm himself had to be persuaded to include his own name on the list. He didn’t want his financial status made public. Finally he agreed to place it at the bottom of the list with no dollar value next to it.
  In 1989, Malcolm celebrated his 70th birthday by bringing 800 of his closest friends and press contacts to his palace in Morocco. The party in Morocco would be Malcolm’s last public 23)hurrah.
  Steve Forbes: I think my father will be remembered not so much for specific business decisions or specific things he did with the balloons and with motorcycles and growing the business or raising a large family, but the spirit with which he approached life.
  Before he died, Malcolm penned his own 24)epitaph ?one that 25)succinctly and perfectly summed up his life: Malcolm Forbes, while alive, he lived.



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