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  Louise: Hey. You busy?
  Robert: Can’t you see I have a stack of papers about a mile-high right here? It’s gonna take me forever to get to all these.
  Louise: Yes, I can see that you have a lot of papers on your desk, but I asked around and found out that you have no pending assignments from anyone in the office. ①So, with that said, I was wondering who exactly put all these papers on your desk and why.
  Robert: I’m sorry. I wasn’t really listening. ②I’m in the middle of rewriting this very complicated report, if you hadn’t noticed.
  Louise: Well, I noticed you were writing something but didn’t know what. So why do you have to rewrite the report? What was wrong with the 1)original?
  Robert: I already told you, I’m very busy right now. I don’t have time for idle 2)chit-chat.
  Louise: But are you really too busy to even hear me out for a minute? If I didn’t know better I’d say you were trying to avoid talking to me, by doing work that is either already done or work that doesn’t need to get done right away.
  Robert: How dare you! I am deeply 3)insulted by your 4)wicked 5)insinuations. I would never do anything of the sort. I am a 6)dedicated worker. ③I mean, I work my butt off every day.
  Louise: So you say…
  Robert: I don’t have to take this from you. You’ve only been working here a few months.
  Louise: That’s true. Which is why the VP of operations asked me to be on the lookout for suspicious behavior around the office. He said, he wanted a pair of fresh eyes on the issue, and that’s why he brought me in.
  Robert: Oh…
  Louise: ④So, Mr. pretending-to-work, do you want to stay the course with your current 7)routine of staying seemingly-busy so no one will bother you, or are you ready to start pulling your own weight around here?
  Robert: I still refuse to admit to any wrong-doing on my part. You have no 8)proof that I just pretend to work. I happen to work harder than anyone in this office.
  Louise: Surely, if that were true, this company would be 9)on the brink of 10)bankruptcy.
  Robert: That’s 11)preposterous. I don’t have to take this.
  Louise: You are absolutely correct. You should walk out those doors and make everyone’s lives easier, because then we can bring in a 12)replacement, a 13)temp even, who at least appreciates what a great opportunity it is to work for such a 14)prestigious company.
  Robert: Wait! Are you firing me?
  Louise: Oh! Now you’re listening, eh? Well, let me be crystal clear. I was given the power to fire you but I wasn’t going to, that is, until your constant 15)denials gave me no choice. You have till day’s end to clear out your desk. Nice knowing you.   露易丝:嘿,你忙吗?
  Smart Sentences
  ① So, with that said, I was wondering who exactly put all these papers on your desk and why. 不过呢,我很好奇到底是谁又是为什么把这些文件放在你的桌上。
  with that said: used as an introduction to make a concession(用以作让步的引入语)。例如:
  You’ll soon see that my suggestion was correct. With that said, I will admit that your point has some merit.
  ② I’m in the middle of rewriting this very complicated report, if you hadn’t noticed. 如果你没注意到的话,我正在重写这份非常复杂的报告。
  in the middle of doing sth.: busy doing sth.(忙于某事)。例如:
  When the power went out, I was in the middle of chopping tomatoes and I almost chopped my fingers off.
  ③ I mean, I work my butt off every day. 我的意思是,我每天都在努力工作。
  work one’s butt off: work very hard(工作非常努力)。例如:
  I worked my butt off last week to finish the report for Tuesday’s meeting.
  ④ So, Mr. pretending-to-work, do you want to stay the course with your current routine of staying seemingly-busy so no one will bother you, or are you ready to start pulling your own weight around here? 所以,“假装工作先生”,你是想继续保持现在看起来很忙的行为,让每个人都不打扰你,还是准备开始做好自己份内的事?
  pull one’s own weight: work as hard as other people in the group(做好自己的份内事)。例如:
  The rest of the team complained that Sarah wasn’t pulling her own weight.

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