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  Diary:Thank You for Giving Me the Strength
  Thursday, Apr. 12
  I have many heroes. People who make me
  1)strive to do my best, people who I 2)aspire to be like, people who make me want to go on even when things are bad. And I am lucky, because I know all my heroes personally—hey are my friends.
  Maybe they aren't heroes in the typical sense, but to me, they are the people I look up to. They are all strong, independent individuals, who know themselves and know what they are and who they can be. My friends keep me strong, bring me more happiness than I could imagine. I don't know where I'm be without them. So, here is a list of MY HEROES:
  Samantha: My best friend for over three years now, ①my partner in crime. ②She knows all of my secrets, but I trust her with them. Can't wait to be 80 and sit on our front 3)porch together.
  Nance: Such a unique and talented individual. From singing to dancing to drawing and being absolutely creative, ③this girl does it all.
  Lorna: 4)Opinionated, independent, 5)hilarious, 6)feminist and one of the sweetest people I've ever met. Truly strong and caring, she helped me so much through my break-up with Avery.
  Starbright and Josh: ④I have to 7)lump these two together because they always are together. They were the ones that never made me go out against my will and wouldn't let me sit alone and 8)pout. ⑤Both are incredibly unique people with big hearts.
  Pena: My wonderful, beautiful Pena, whom I've grown to know and love so much these past few weeks. ⑥She's a mind reader,
  ⑦I swear to God, and just an amazing and incredible person to me. I'll sing to you anytime.
  Chris: I don't even know what to say about him. I feel so close to him, like I've known him for years. Someone who can be 9)brutally honest with me and still kind. Someone who holds me when I cry and then makes me laugh and one of the most talented guys I've ever met.
  Avery: Yes, even him, for he taught me how to love. Even though it's all gone, I will never forget the feeling of his love, the feeling of being rescued, and the feeling of being his.
  So, there they are, a short list of the people closest to me. ⑧I thank you all for being there for me, and I know that I love you all and thank you for being you. I appreciate it more than you'll ever know.
  我的生命中有很多英雄。他们让我力争上游,为我树立榜样,令我在困境中仍然坚持不懈。 我很幸运,因为我认识了这么多英雄—他们就是我的朋友们。
  他们可能不是传统意义上的英雄, 但对我来说,他们是我敬仰的对象。他们都是坚强、独立的个体,都很清楚自己的角色和将来的目标。我的朋友们让我坚强,他们为我带来的快乐超乎想象,如果没有他们,我不知道我会身处何方。下面就是我的英雄们的名单:

  小词大义答案:A. in on; B. in for; C. around / about / round; D. back; E. down; F. for; G. out / through
  Smart Sentences
  ① my partner in crime
  不用说,partner in crime原意是指共同实施犯罪的人,但现在它更多用来表示人与人之间的亲密关系。这里的crime已经没有了原来的意思,在口语中意味着“蠢事”。这个词组是说两个(或更多的)人不仅一起玩,还一起做坏事,当然这里的“坏事”是指一些无伤大雅的小捣乱。例:Greg and John are not only playmates, but partners in crime.
  ② She knows all of my secrets, but I trust her with them.
  ③ this girl does it all
  在美国俚语里,do it all是指“样样都会做”、“全能”的意思,在口语中经常使用。不过呢,你也别太当真,这只不过是一种夸大之辞,夸张而已,但用处很大。
  ④ I have to lump these two together
  千万不要一看到或者听到have to就以为是某人迫于无奈做什么事(necessary or required, or must happen)。其实在口语中,have to常常会用来表示主观意愿,表达强烈愿望(willingness),而不是情势所逼。例:I have to give you this because it'd look great on you.
  ⑤ Both are incredibly unique people with big hearts.
  小心,big heart可不是指某人心脏特别大,而是指人心地善良,宽宏大量,而且还挺慷慨的。这当然是对人的赞美之辞啦。你也可以用其形容词的表达形式:big hearted。
  ⑥ She't a mind reader
  曾几何时,mind reader是一个让人害怕的角色,因为它的起源是指那些会测心术,或者施用法术看穿别人心里想什么的人。后来,这个词演变为反映日常生活中对人特别有敏锐观察力、了解他人心事的人。例:She is such a mind reader and they can't escape her eyes.
  ⑦ I swear to God
  ⑧ I thank you all for being there for me.
  如果你想表达你对所有人的谢意,thank you all就是一个非常合适的短语。在说这个短语时,记得要把重音放在all上。同样的意思还有另外一个相似的表达:thank all of you。例:We thank all of you for your support in the past five difficult years. 另外,be there for sb. 是口语中的常用表达,它并不是具体指在什么地方,而是表示会支持某人,它可以指是长期的,也可指在某个特定时间。
  Why It Pays to Have a Group:
  Studies on social support show that having one or two close and supportive friends is at least as valuable to emotional health as having a large group of friendly acquaintances or more shallow friendships. However, having social support from several supportive friends would be the best of both worlds. You probably already know if you've more comfortable with one good friend or many, but there are some good reasons to have at least a few different friends to fall back on[求助于] :
  * If you have only one person supporting you through difficult times, you may wear[使疲乏] that person out, or feel unsupported if that person is unavailable. It'tbetter for everyone if you have at least a few people to depend on.
  * You draw[汲取] different benefits from different types of people. Having an outgoing friend to party with, a knowledgeable friend to gain information and insights from, and an empathic[同情的] friend to be a good listener during tough times, for example, provides a better blend[融合] of social support than any one of these people alone could give.
  *Your friends can bring out different qualities in one another that benefit all of you. For example, your outgoing friend could bring your shy empathic friend out of her shell, and the three of you could go out and party together. Plus, your friends can introduce you to more friends, giving you a greater pool[有相同需要的一群] of pre-screened[初步筛选的] potential friends.
  *Studies show that a sense of belonging is extremely important for emotional health and well-being; those who have social support but don't feel a sense of belonging are much more likely to suffer from depression, for example.
  How to Meet New People:
  If you're not still in school or working for a large company with a built-in[内在的] social structure and constant opportunities to meet new people, it's still easy to build new friendships. Here are a few ways to meet new people:
  Get Involved in a Hobby.发展爱好
  If you enjoy making things with your hands, perhaps you can enroll in a community art class. If you like writing, a writer's workshop will provide a great opportunity to improve your writing skills and get to know other writers at the same time. Joining a class geared[使适合] toward your interests ensures you'll improve yourself, and you'll meet people with whom you already have something in common!
  Getting involved with a charity you believe in will give you a sense of doing something positive to help the world, which has a great way of relieving stress in itself, and you'll meet others with similarly big hearts and great passion for helping.
  Get a Pet.喂养宠物
  Not only will you derive[得来] physical and emotional benefits from being a pet owner, you can meet others at dog parks or pet stores. There are even park days for passionate rabbit owners! Let your est friend?help you connect with other (human) friends.
  Have a Party.举办聚会
  If you invite all of your current friends and encourage each to bring a friend, you'll have a pool of new people to meet. Plus, you may inspire your friends to throw[举行] their own parties, where you'll meet even more new people.
  This one may sound simple, but if you give off an pproachable vibe[感应]? you may find that you've striking up conversations with new people wherever you go. Not all these conversations need to lead to a new friendship, but some might, and just one warm exchange with someone new can brighten up your day (and theirs).
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