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  小兰 译
  Just One Kiss!
  Mr. Baumann’s doctors had warned him and his wife that he was at high risk for a heart attack. But when the attack actually came, Mrs. Baumann still wasn’t prepared. 1)Gripped with shock, fear, and 2)panic, she rode by her husband’s side in the ambulance, repeatedly crying.
  At the hospital, the nurses had to pull Mrs. Baumann away from her husband so the doctors could examine him. After they had successfully stabilized his heart, Mrs. Baumann rushed down the hall to the telephones to call each of their seven children. With tears of exhaustion and relief, she told them of their father’s heart attack, assuring them that his condition was now stable.
  But when Mrs. Baumann returned to her husband’s room, she 3)gasped at the sight before her. Two nurses stood over her husband. Tubes ran in and out of his 4)trembling body, and machines and 5)monitors were 6)humming and 7)beeping. His face was bright red, and he was 8)gasping for breath.
  “What have you done to my husband?” she cried.
  One of the nurses explained, as sympathetically as possible, that he had suffered a 9)massive 10)stroke.
  A stroke! 11)On top of the heart attack! Mrs. Baumann couldn’t control her emotions. Overcome with grief and blinded by tears, she grabbed her husband’s head off the pillow. She held him tightly in her arms, calling out his name and kissing his lips.
  At that very moment, the doctor walked in and demanded, “Mrs. Baumann, what do you think you’re doing?”
  She turned to the doctor and 12)hotly declared, “The question is, Doctor, what have you done to my husband?”
  The doctor shook his head and 13)chuckled, “Mrs. Baumann, that is not your husband!”
  For a moment, Mrs. Baumann was so stunned she couldn’t speak. Then she looked more carefully at the man on the bed.
  “He’s...he’s...not!” she cried, turning a dark shade of 14)crimson. “Oh no! Oh dear! Oh no!”
  Gently a nurse 15)escorted Mrs. Baumann out into the hall.
  “Why didn’t that man try to stop me?” asked Mrs. Baumann.
  “Because of his stroke, he’s unable to move or to speak,” the nurse answered.
  Mrs. Baumann gasped. “And now he must be wondering why that strange lady kissed him!”
  As soon as they entered her husband’s room, Mrs. Baumann rushed to her husband’s side and kissed him. Then, still very shaken, she 16)related her mistake. “He had so many tubes and...and...I hope I didn’t hurt him, Bernie!”
  Mr. Baumann smiled and assured his wife that the man was probably feeling better than ever. But Mrs. Baumann decided she’d better go down to the 17)chapel to pray for both Bernie and the man she’d kissed—and perhaps made worse!
  A few days later the doctor dropped by Mr. Baumann’s room for his final checkup. “Mrs. Baumann,” he said, “you’ll be glad to know that your husband and my patient 18)across the hall have both made 19)miraculous recoveries. Do you suppose it was my good 20)doctoring, your prayers, or your passionate kisses?”
  “Why, why...”she 21)fumbled.
  “Maybe it was all three?” the doctor added with a 22)wink.
  “他……他……不是!” 鲍曼太太大声叫道,脸颊顿时变得绯红,“噢,不!噢,我的天啊!噢,不!”
  “为什么那名男子不制止我呢?” 鲍曼太太疑惑地问。
  几天以后,主治医生来到鲍曼先生的病房,为他做出院前的最后一次检查。“鲍曼太太,” 医生说,“有个消息一定会让你很高兴,你丈夫和大厅对面病房里的那位病人都奇迹般地康复了。你认为,这应该归功于我精湛的医术、你虔诚的祈祷,还是你那激情四溢的吻呢?”
   “这,这……” 鲍曼太太支支吾吾地说。


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