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  In this high-tech operating room, surgeons, some of the top in their field, prepare to remove a large 1)tumor, probably 2)m alignant. One doctor tests the laser he’ll use to burn away abnormal cells. Another 3)preps the patient for surgery.
  Meet Comet, a one-pound goldfish with skin cancer.
  Dr. Lewbart: Well, we can’t operate under water, so we put it on our 4)anes-thesia machine where it’s out of the water. And then the tubes go into its mouth and then the water with a little bit less concentration of 5)anesthetic flow over the 6)gills, and they’ll stay asleep while we work on them.
  Dr. Greg Lewbart runs the world’s first 7)aquatic medicine 8)residency program at North Carolina State University’s 9)Veterinary School. It’s a new field so he and his colleagues are big on “firsts.” First fish laser surgery; first study on fish pain management. They even invented the machine keeping Comet 10)knocked out.
  Dr. Lewbart: We can do 11)radiographs or X-rays. We do 12)ultrasound, 13)CAT scans. We can even do 14)MRIs. I don’t think there are any limits on it, other than what physically can be done with that animal, and then what the owners can afford, or are willing to spend.
  And apparently they’re willing spend a lot, anywhere from a few hundred to a couple thousand dollars. But why pay for laser surgery on a gold fish? Comet’s probably worth about…ten cents.
  Here’s something that might surprise you. More Americans own fish than dogs or cats these days. But what’s more interesting is that people’s attitudes about fish are actually changing. They’re not just things you keep around the house for decoration anymore. These are pets, companions that people bond with, care about.
  Dr. Lewbart: I really do think there is a human-fish interaction. Fish are pretty smart. I don’t think we give them enough credit a lot of times. They can be trained to do some pretty amazing things. There’s a book that teach[es]you how to train your goldfish to swim through a 15)hoop, to fetch, to play basketball.
  Today, there are more than 2,000 fish beds. So, if your goldfish gets a 16)buoyancy 17)disorder that leaves it swimming 18)perpetually upside down, someone can 19)implant a piece of 20)cork on your fish’s back, like a flotation device that flips it right-side-up. And if your fish looses a fight, well, there’s always glass eye implantation to make it beautiful again.
  Dr. Lewbart: When I was in veterinary school, if someone had brought their fish into the clinic for 21)abdominal surgery, it would have, like, blown a lot of people away. Now, if I bring a fish, wheel it through the clinic, you know, it’s not as huge of a deal.
  OK, so, maybe fish surgery still sounds a little crazy, but think about this: in the 30s you were crazy if you took your dog to the vet. You didn’t treat those; you shot ’em. And in the 80s taking a bird to the vet was completely ridiculous and now 22)avian medicine’s 23)mainstream. So, maybe 20 years from now, your grandkids will be taking their 24)snails to the vet and saying, “Can you believe, people used to 25)flush their fish down the toilet?”




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