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90年代以来,全球政治与经济格局发生了崭新的变化,国际经贸合作与竞争领域出现了一系列崭新的机遇与挑战,我国经济特区的发展处于这样一个复杂的国际环境,其对外贸易的拓展也遇到一些新问题,必须寻求新的对策.一、国际经贸形势及其对我国特区外贸发展的影响(一)国际经贸关系调整的新趋势与特区外贸发展的机遇及挑战.90年代国际经贸关系发展的基本特征,是它处于战后最为剧烈的大调整阶段.1、国际经贸关系大调整日益显示出其结构的非均衡性质.尽管90年代国际经贸关系大调整过程是全球性的,但在世界经济发展不平衡规律作用下,其调整程度与力度的地区分布结构不均衡性质日益明显.从总体上分析,由于80年代经济保持较高增长率和经济实力的不断增强,亚太地区在当前国际经贸关系大调整中面临着更多的机遇.对于我国经济特区来说,外贸发展可能借助全球特别是区域经济繁荣跃上新水平、新的结构层次和新的效益标准;另一方面,亚太地区将成为全球经济角逐的主战场,国际分工领域的激烈竞争使各国更加注重贸易争夺,若特区外贸在亚太及全球竞争中落败,则将宣告我国经济特区走向全面衰亡.2、虽然国际市场竞争愈趋激烈使贸易保护主义不可避免,但贸易自由化将日益成为国际主流.因此,我国经济特区对外贸易发展环境正逐步 Since the 1990s, new changes have taken place in the global political and economic landscape. A series of new opportunities and challenges have emerged in the field of international economic and trade cooperation and competition. The development of China’s special economic zones is in such a complex international environment, and its expansion in foreign trade is also Some new problems must be encountered and new countermeasures must be pursued. First, the international economic and trade situation and its impact on the development of foreign trade in the SAR of China (I) The new trend in the adjustment of international economic and trade relations and opportunities and challenges in the development of the SAR’s foreign trade. International economic and trade relations in the 1990s The basic feature of development is that it is in the post-war stage of the most drastic adjustment. 1. The great adjustment of international economic and trade relations has increasingly demonstrated its unbalanced nature of its structure. Despite the fact that the process of major adjustment of international trade and economic relations in the 1990s was global, it was Under the influence of the unbalanced development of the world economy, the imbalance in the regional distribution structure of its degree of adjustment and intensity has become increasingly evident. As a whole, due to the continuous increase in economic growth and economic strength in the 1980s, the Asia Pacific region is currently There are more opportunities in the readjustment of economic and trade relations. For China’s special economic zones, foreign trade development can be It can take advantage of global, especially regional economic prosperity, to leapfrog new levels, new levels of structure, and new efficiency standards. On the other hand, the Asia-Pacific region will become the main battlefield for the global economy, and fierce competition in the international division of labor will make countries pay more attention to trade scramble. If the special zone’s foreign trade loses in the Asia-Pacific and global competition, it will declare that China’s special economic zones will undergo a total decline. 2. Although the increasingly fierce competition in the international market makes trade protectionism inevitable, trade liberalization will increasingly become the international mainstream. , The development environment of foreign trade in China’s special economic zones is gradually
1 市场调查 市场调查就是了解产品从生产领域转移到消费领域的全过程,为企业营销决策服务。 1.1 调查内容 1.1.1 产品调查 产品所属行业在国民 1 Market Survey Market sur
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一、概况 上海联华超市商业公司成立于1991年7月。自1991年9月第一家联华超市曲阳商场开业以来已拥有14家连锁超市商场,营业面积2.1万平方米,现有员工670人,年销售额过亿元