模块十一Unit 3—Unit 4 阶段检测

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  一、单项填空 (15分)
  1. It is not surprising that the market Japanese cars. So you can get one at a low price.
  A. has flooded
  B. has flooded with
  C. floods
  D. has been flooded with
  2. Although it’s years since we a ban on smoking in public places, we can see many people smoking.
  A. introducedB. received
  C. acceptedD. carried
  3., no one had ever thought of such a simple idea before.
  A. TerriblyB. Incredibly
  C. DoubtfullyD. Shockingly
  4. Doctors and nurses are at the to give oxygen and other medical supplies to the survivors in the plane crash.
  A. sightB. scene
  C. groundD. field
  5. When he took over business from his father, the company was, he thought he would really have a hard time.
  A. at its first legs
  B. at its last feet
  C. on its last legs
  D. on its last feet
  6. Finding information in today’s world is not difficult. The is how you can tell whether the information you get is proofed or not.
  A. abilityB. competition
  C. challengeD knowledge
  7.—You shouldn’t have gone there alone last night.
   —But I because Tom went there, too.
  A. didn’tB. had to
  C. didD should 
  8.—I desire that you remove the difference between you and Tina, and become good friends.
   —By all means I will. If only Tina the same idea.
  A. will; will haveB. can; has
  C. /; hadD must; have
  9.—He doesn’t seem like the same person.
   —so much in society has made him more thoughtful.
  A. Have experienced
  B. Had experience
  C. Having experienced
  D. He experienced
  10. He cares so little about his meals that will do as long as it fills his stomach.
  A. itB. nothing
  C. anythingD. something
  11. Our school is leaving most of the time in the afternoon to the students, which was once spent on study, all kinds of activities.
  A. developB. developing
  C. to developD. developed
  12.—I’m leaving for South Africa as a Goodwill Ambassador for the UN tomorrow morning.
   — .
  A. Good idea
  B. Congratulations
  C. Have a pleasant journey
  D. Go ahead
  13. We encourage each student to a new sport or to try a new form of exercise in Zhenhua University.
  A. take upB. take off
  C. take inD. take over
  14. We are unsure the police can find the murderers.
  A. ofB. aboutC. thatD. whether
  15. Unfortunately, his financial partner withdrew and the company, so he found himself a job to support himself.
  A. foldedB. was folded
  C. foldingD. folds
  二、完形填空 (20分)
  One day, a young man was cleaning out his late grandfather’s belongings when he came across a bright red envelope. Written on the16were the words, “To my grandson.”17his grandfather’s handwriting, the boy opened the envelope. A letter inside read:
  Dear Ronny,
  Years ago you18to me for help. You said, “Grandpa, how is it that you’ve19so much in your life? You’re still full of20 , and I’m already tired of struggling. How can I get that same enthusiasm that you’ve got?”
  I didn’t know what to say to you21 . But knowing my days are numbered, I figure that I22you an answer. So here is what I believe.
  I think a lot of it has to23with how a person looks at things. I call it ‘keeping your eyes wide open.’
  First, realize that life is filled with surprises, but many are good ones. If you don’t keep24for them, you’ll miss half the excitement. Expect to be thrilled25 , and you will be.
  When you meet up with26 , welcome them. They’ll leave you wiser, stronger, and more capable than you were the day before. When you make a mistake, be27for the things it taught you. Learn to use that lesson to help you reach your goals.
  And always follow the rules, even the little ones. When you follow the rules, life works. If you think you ever really get by with breaking the rules, you’re only fooling yourself. It’s also important to decide exactly what you want. Then keep your mind28on it, and be prepared to receive it.
  But be ready to end up in some new places too. As you grow with the years, you’ll be given bigger shoes to fill. So be ready for endings as well as challenging29 .
  Sometimes we have to be brave enough to move from the familiar to the unfamiliar. Life isn’t just reaching peaks. Part of it is moving from one30to the next. If you31too long in between, you might be tempted to32 . Leave the past in the past. Climb the next mountain and enjoy the view.
  Remember that your choices will create your successes and your failures. So consider all the pathways ahead, and decide which ones to33 . Then believe in yourself, get up, and get going.
  And be sure to take breaks once in a while. They’ll give you a renewed commitment to your dreams and a cheerful, healthy perception of the things that matter the most to you.
  Most important of all, never give up on yourself. The person that ends up a winner is the one who resolves (决定) to34 . Give life everything you’ve got, and life will give its best35to you.
  Love always,
  16. A. paperB. frontC. backD. cover
  17. A. realizing
  B. recognizing
  C. recommending
  D. representing
  18. A. cameB. went
  C. askedD. returned
  19. A. finishedB. made
  C. contributedD. accomplished
  20. A. powerB. magic
  C. energyD. confidence
  21. A. thenB. thanC. nowD. that
  22. A. haveB. oweC. makeD. get
  23. A. doB. dealC. makeD. connect
  24. A. findingB. applying
  C. watchingD. preparing
  25. A. all the timeB. once in a while
  C. at onceD. right now
  26. A. challengesB. troubles
  C. failuresD. successes
  27. A. sadB. grateful
  C. eagerD. excited
  28. A. focusB. focused
  C. focusingD. to focus
  29. A. beginningsB. difficulties
  C. livesD. shoes
  30. A. sideB. roadC. wayD. peak
  31. A. walkB. restC. climbD. move
  32. A. quitB. sleep
  C. returnD. continue
  33. A. goB. consideC. moveD. get
  34. A. loseB. defeatC. winD. continue
  35. A. backB. outC. awayD. over
  三、阅读理解 (30分)
  Meeting people from another culture can be difficult. From the beginning, people may send the wrong signal (信号), or they may pay no attention to signals from another person who is trying to develop a relationship.
  Different cultures emphasize (强调) the importance of relationship building to a greater or less degree. For example, business in some countries is not possible until there is a relationship of trust. Even with people at work, it is necessary to spend a lot of time in “small talk”, usually over a glass of tea, before they do any job. In many European countries—like the UK or France—people find it easier to build up a lasting working relationship at restaurants or cafes rather than at the office.
  Talk and silence may also be different in some cultures. I once made a speech in Thailand. I had expected my speech to be a success and start a lively discussion; instead there was an uncomfortable silence. The people present just stared at me and smiled. After getting to know their ways better, I realized that they thought I was talking too much. In my own culture, we express meaning mainly through words, but people there sometimes feel too many words are unnecessary.
  Even within Northern Europe, cultural differences can cause serious problems. Certainly, English and German cultures share similar values; however, Germans prefer to get down to business more quickly. We think that they are rude. In fact, this is just because one culture starts discussions and makes decisions more quickly.
  People from different parts of the world have different values, and sometimes these values are quite against each other. However, if we can understand them better, a multicultural environment (多元文化环境) will offer a wonderful chance for us to learn from each other.
  36. In some countries, eating together at restaurants may make it easier for people to.
  A. keep each other company
  B. share the same culture
  C. get to know each other
  D. develop closer relations
  37. The author mentions his experience in Thailand to show that.
  A. the English prefer to make long speeches
  B. too many words are of no use
  C. people from Thailand are quiet and shy by nature
  D. even talk and silence can be culturally different
  38. According to the text, how can people from different cultures understand each other better?
  A. By recognizing different values.
  B. By accepting different habits.
  C. By sharing different ways of life.
  D. By speaking each other’s languages.
  39. What would be the best title for the text?
  A. Multicultural Environment.
  B. Cross-Cultural Differences.
  C. How to Understand Each Other.
  D. How to Build Up a Relationship.
  The old idea that child prodigies (神童) “burn themselves” or “overtax their brains” in the early years, therefore, are prey to failure and ( at worst ) mental illness is just a myth. As a matter of fact, the outstanding thing that happens to bright children is that they are very likely to grow into bright adults.
  To find this out, 1,500 gifted persons were followed up to their thirty-fifty year with these results:
  On adult intelligence tests, they scored as high as they did as children. They were, as a group, in good health, physically and mentally. Eighty-four percent of their group were married and seemed content with their life.
  About 70 percent had graduated from colleges, though only 30 percent had graduated with honors. A few had even flunked out (退学), but nearly half of these had returned to graduate.
  Of the men, 80 percent were in one of the professions or in business, managers or semi-professional jobs. The women who had remained single had offices, business, or professional occupations.
  The group had published 90 books and 1,500 articles in scientific, scholarly, and literary magazines and had collected more than 100 patents (专利).
  In a material way they didn’t do badly either. Average income was considerably higher among the gifted people, especially the men, than for the country as a whole, despite their comparative youth when last surveyed.
  In fact, far from being strange, maladjusted (难以适应) people locked in an ivory tower, most of the gifted were turning their early promises into practical reality.
  40. The main idea of the passage is.
  A. how many gifted children turned successful when they grew up
  B. that bright children were unlikely to be physically and mentally healthy
  C. that gifted children were most likely to become bright grown-ups
  D. that when the bright children grew up, they would become ordinary
  41. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?
  A. The gifted could not be fit for their social positions.
  B. Most of the bright and successful women kept single.
  C. The gifted men got full marks in intelligence tests.
  D. Most of the gifted appeared satisfied with their life.
  42. The explanation of the underlined “turning their early promises into practical reality” is.
  A. earning their living and keeping promises
  B. doing practical jobs and facing reality
  C. doing what they have promised
  D. realizing what they were expected
  When Reginald Lindsay received a scholarship to Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, what he wanted most, was a good job with a good salary. But soon he became interested in the civil rights movement. At present he has a plan which he hopes will take him to Congress as a southern representative.
  Now in his first year at Harvard Law School, Reg is making careful plans. After earning his degree, he expects to return to the South to practice law among the poor. “I want to help them understand what their rights are and to help them achieve them,” he says. Then he hopes to run for political office at the local and state level until he is ready to try for Congress.
  Reg grew up in a low-income Negro section of Birmingham, Alabama. Brought up by his grandparents after his parents were divorced while he was very young, Reg has been living through a period of far-reaching progress in race relations. In the summer of 1968, Reg himself became a good example of this progress when he became the first Negro student appointed to a special new program. The program introduces bright young students to the working of the Georgia State government and encourages them to seek employment there after finishing their education. “I’ve been lucky,” he says, “It seems to have been in the right place at the right time.”
  But luck is only part of Reg’s story, for he has made the most of opportunities that came his way. He learned to read in kindergarten and began visiting the public library regularly to borrow books. His grandparents encouraged him, though neither of them had much education, and they bought him a set of encyclopedias (百科全书). “I loved those books,” he remembers. “I used to come downstairs before breakfast and read short articles. I enjoyed reading about famous men, and then I would pretend to be one of them. I guess it was partly a childish game and partly an escape. It wasn’t too much fun to be a Negro when I was a kid.”
  While studying for his bachelor’s degree at Morehouse College, Reg worked on several political campaigns helping candidates (候选人) get elected to government offices. At the same time he maintained a “B” average while majoring in political science. He worked as a student advisor to earn extra money for his college expenses, and he was granted a scholarship for a year of study at the University of Valencia in Spain.
  With just two more years to complete at Harvard Law School, which also gave him a scholarship, Reg has made a good start on his professional career. He says, “The good life for me is the kind of life where I can find satisfaction in public service.”
  43. When Mr. Lindsay received a scholarship to Morehouse College, he wanted to.
  A. become a southern representative in Congress
  B. take part in the civil rights movement
  C. get a good job with good pay
  D. help candidates get elected to government offices
  44. We learn from the passage that Lindsay.
  A. spent his childhood with his grandparents
  B. loved to read history books
  C. had well-educated grandparents
  D. learned to read after his parents divorced
  45. Which of the following statements is True?
  A. Lindsay felt that famous men would help him to succeed.
  B. Lindsay believed that reading widely would provide him with many opportunities in the future.
  C. Lindsay thought reading in the public was a good way to educate himself.
  D. Lindsay felt that pretending to be a famous person was a way to escape from the reality oflife.
  46. In Lindsay’s time,.
  A. there was a great improvement in race relations
  B. black people were still looked down upon
  C. the Georgia State government encouraged black students to work for it
  D. it was impossible for blacks to enter the universities
  47. According to the passage, Lindsay’s purpose in life was to.
  A. become a famous lawyer
  B. be elected to political office at the local level
  C. get another scholarship to study abroad
  D. serve the public
  Allison Sheridan had always been schooled at home. But recently she made a big decision—she wanted to go to a pubic high school. That meant facing a lot of new experiences—classmates, teachers, tests, and especially homework.
  “I didn’t have homework when 1 was home-schooled,” Allison said. “You just worked until you were finished with whatever you had to do on a certain day.” Allison, now a junior at Summer Preparatory Charter High School in Redwood City, California, was among the many students who get their education somewhere other than a traditional school setting.
  When she was home-schooled, Allison studied English, history, maths and French under the guidance of her mother.
  But now she has a desire for a different social atmosphere as well as to prepare for college. “I wanted to experience school before college. It probably wouldn’t be a good idea for me to be home-schooled through high school and then go to college all alone,” Allison said.
  Courtney Wallace, a sophomore (大学二年级学生) at Homestead High School in Cupertino, California, was also home-schooled through eighth grade.
  Besides taking art and science classes, as Allison did, Courtney practiced gymnastics at Sunnyvale gymnastics Club, swam at Sunnyvale Swim Club, played the flute in a band of home-scholars and took ballet classes at the Pacific Ballet Academy in Mountain View, California.
  Like Allison, Courtney also decided to attend a public high school. “I had just always wanted to know what school was like,” Courtney said, “so I decided to go to high school and to find out.”
  High school has been mostly what he expected, Wallace said, although he did have to make adjustments. “I got used to taking tests, and I didn’t get as much homework as I was afraid I would,” Wallace said.
  Wallace also said his high school experience has been fun because of the people he met. He said his friends did not find it unusual that he was home-schooled. Instead, “they just wanted to know what it was like.”
  48. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Allison’s home- schooling?
  A. She didn’t have any homework.
  B. She was taught and guided by her mother.
  C. She studied subjects including English.
  D. There’s no chance for her to make friends.
  49. What can we learn from the passage about home-schooling?
  A. Fewer subjects are taught at home than at high school.
  B. Quite a few students are home-schooled.
  C. Students don’t like to be home-schooled.
  D. Home-schooled students can’t adjust to high school life.
  50. Courtney took all the following classes EXCEPT.
  A. computersB. gymnastics
  C. balletD. art
  四、任务型阅读 (10分)
  Fairview Elementary School, Modesto, California, with some 1,000 students from kindergarten through sixth grade (about 80 percent of them Latino), has long suffered from discipline (纪律) problems, poor test scores, and a near total lack of parental involvement. The difficulties aren’t surprising given that many of the parents—immigrants who work on farms or in factories—speak little or no English.
  Since 2002, Fairview Elementary School has been a First Amendment School, one of 97 developed across the country by the First Amendment Center. The idea behind the five-year-old program: To keep America strong, children must be trained to respect many points of view, weigh complex issues, and understand the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution (宪法). As students learn good citizenship, the theory goes; they’ll develop the skills and attitude to do well academically.
  Fairview students enjoy “freedoms” other kids might envy (they voted to abolish school uniforms, for example). But the children don’t just exercise rights. They also accept such responsibilities as speaking up during class discussions, and keeping the school clean and safe (Fairview is rated the cleanest of 33 schools in its district). In one departure from tradition, there’s no hand-raising in class. “Instead,” says teacher Deborah Supnet, “we teach them to listen for when the other child stops talking.” Call it an exercise in respect.
  Last year, the number of students evaluated advanced in math increased, from 15 to 30 percent. And Fairview graduates in their first middle-school mid-term exam averaged B grades; 96 percent passed all subjects. Particularly encouraging to Principal Rob Williams, the school now has an active parents’ group, Parents With a Voice. One of those parents, Laura Malagon, praises the program for convincing her to play a more active role in her children’s school life.
  Fresh ideas that are making the grade
  The 51.Students of Fairview Elementary School used to have trouble 52. themselves and getting good grades.
  Their parents didn’t get actively 53. in their children’s school life.
  The strategyStudents are trained to 54. different opinions and get a better 55. of the freedoms.
  Students learn to be good 56. and improve their 57. performance.
  The signs of successStudents 58. on more responsibilities.
  A(n) 59. number of students do well in math.
  Parents take a more active 60. in their children’s school life.
  五、书面表达 (25分)
  NameBill Gate
  Date of birth1955年10月28日
  Pioneering experience
  1975:从哈佛辍学;和好友Paul Allen创建微软并开发了个人电脑软件
  Bill Gates is the founder and president of Microsoft. According to a survey by the famous magazine (Forbes), he has ever been the richest person in the world for thirteen years.
  一、单项填空 1—5 DABBC 6—10 CACCC11—15 CCADA
  二、完形填空 16—20 BBADC 21—25 ABACB 26—30 ABBAD 31—35 BACCA
  三、阅读理解 36—39 DDAB 40—42 CDD 43—47 CAABD 47—50 DBA
  51. problems
  52. behaving / disciplining / controlling
  53. involved
  54. respect
  55. understanding
  56. citizens
  57. academic
  58. take
  59. increasing / growing / increased
  60. part
  Bill Gates is the founder and president of Microsoft. According to a survey by the famous magazine (Forbes), he has ever been the richest person in the world for thirteen years.
  Bill Gates was born on 28 October, 1955. At 18 in 1973, he entered Harvard University to study law. However, he was more interested in computers and developed BASIC language, a computer language. In 1975 he made a big decision that was to change his life for ever and dropped out of Harvard to concentrate on his biggest love: computers. Together with his close friend Paul Allen, he formed Microsoft and developed software for personal computers. Now Microsoft does business in 78 countries and regions with over 91,000 employees worldwide.
  In 1994, Bill Gates married Melinda. They later established Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and have donated billions of dollars to help students and to aid Aids sufferers. They have made great contributions to education and medicine.
  On June 27, 2008, Bill Gates formally retired from Microsoft, which makes many people feel pity. He is respected all over the world, not only for his vision and ability in making Microsoft one of the biggest companies in the world, but for all the good work that he has done for charity over the years.
【内容摘要】传统文化是我国文化发展历程中留存的珍贵宝藏,也是中华民族的民族之魂,所以在我国教学领域的渗透,也是不可忽视的。在体育领域,我国的传统文化也有着很大的影响,体现在体育代表队每个队员的言行当中,特别是高中阶段,是培养体育人才的关键时期,为此文章更应当针对学校体育代表队训练及竞赛过程中的传统文化渗透进行思考,确保高尚体育精神的体现。  【关键词】传统文化体育代表队训练及比赛  我国体育代表队
【内容摘要】通用技术立足于实践,贴近生活,可以有效培养学生创新、实践能力,丰富了高中学习内容。在通用技术课改中应用合作学习,体现了社会大分工背景下的分工合作,对于学生步入社会、适应社会合作环境有重要意义,也是十分贴合这门课程特点的有效教学方法。本文首先简述通用技术课程,之后分析开展合作学习现状、遇到的问题,最后对如何开展合作学习、提高教学效果进行了探索。  【关键词】高中教学通用技术合作学习  
【内容摘要】部编版初中《道德与法治》这一教材自2016年起在国内一些省市的初中学校得到了使用,而在2017年秋季才开始在全国推广应用。如今道德教育备受社会各界关注,同时人们的法治观念也在日渐增强。而《道德与法治》这一课程能够抓好学生的道德教育与法治观念教育,教师应该立足于教材,加快对其教学资源的开发及有效利用,从而提高《道德与法治》课程教学的教学品质。  【关键词】初中教学道德与法治教学资源课堂教
【内容摘要】实际上,数学习题不仅仅是对初中生数学科目学习水平加以考查的評价标准,同时数学习题需要具备与时俱进的特征。数学教师对习题加以合理设计,能够帮助学生对所学内容进行巩固,促使教学效果得到提高。为提高学生数学知识具体应用能力,对其数学方面解题技巧加以培养,提高当前教学质量,教师需对习题加以合理设计。所以,本文旨在对初中数学方面习题设计加以有效探究,以期给实际教学进行有效指导。  【关键词】初中
【内容摘要】对青少年人生观教育内容进行分析,总结艺术教育在高中艺术课程教学中的必要性,旨在通过教学体系的完善,进行教学方法的创新,展现高中艺术课程教学的价值性,为现代高中教学方法的创新提供支持。  【关键词】高中青少年艺术教育人生观  在教育体系改革及创新发展的过程中,通过教学方法的分析,为了实现对学生的全面培养,应该着重强调学生的审美观念,按照教学形式的基本特点,进行教学方法的创新,积极培养学生
【内容摘要】现代新课标的实施,对于高中物理教学提出了新的要求。在帮助学生掌握好基础知识之外,也更加注重对于学生学习能力以及合作能力的培养。合作学习作为培养学生合作能力的重要方式之一,在高中物理课堂上占有重要地位。为此,本文从传统高中物理教学中存在的问题出发,并且结合了课堂中具体的教学实例,分析了合作学习在高中物理教学中的应用价值。  【关键词】合作学习高中物理应用价值   引言  作为一门基础性的
【内容摘要】生活化这一教育理念在近些年来逐渐被渗透在教育教学领域,是克服传统教学模式下教学内容与实际生活相脱离这一弊端的重要教学手段。而且新课程改革也将生活化教学纳入到最新的要求之中,强调教师要关注教学过程与实际生活的有效联系,并开展有效的生活化教学实践活动。而本文则主要以人教版初中道德与法治教学为例,探讨在生活化思维下的有效教学模式,以改善这一课程教學中不良教学现状。  【关键词】生活化初中教学
【内容摘要】本文在论述了物理学科核心素养的相关概念理论的基础上,从多个方面对如何结合生活实践,提高学生物理学习的能力及相应素质进行了探讨,提出了相关的建议,以期以一得之言,抛砖引玉。  【关键词】初中物理核心素养策略   绪言  物理作为一门重要的基础学科其实践性是极强的,对教学的要求也很高,因此,为了切实践行新课标对初中物理教学的要求,教师必须注重结合生活生产实践,积极创新教学模式与方法,从学生
摘要:什么是高效的数学学习?本文在教学《解决问题的策略—列举》(苏教版第九册)后,结合前人对高效课堂的思考与实践,从四个方面进行对比,作了反思总结。  关键词:高效;数学学习;教学反思  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)15-072-1一、高效的数学学习应及时激活已有的知识、经验储备  “解决问题的策略”的教学是以学生已有的解决问题的思路、方法、实践体验