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  摘 要:互联网的发展,正在改变整个教育体系和教育过程,改变教育方法,改变师生关系。信息技术下,通过建立以班为单位的QQ群让校内和校外学习活动有机结合在一起。这种开放性学习方式和开展创造性学习、创造性地运用语言的活动增强学生的批判性思维能力、合作技能和解决问题的能力,使学生拥有学习主动权。
  内容:What makes a good story?
  案例资料来源:Inside Out Advanced Student’s Book Macmillan Education ISBN 0-333-91940-5
  Good stories
  What makes a good story? Will it be funny, thrilling, sad or weird ? What makes a story funny? In how many stages are stories often told?
  Read the three stories and choose one that you think is the best of the three stories and give your reasons why it is chosen in at least 50 words.
  The spider’s bite
  A woman decides to take a trip to Jamaica. She spends the week lazing on numerous beaches, but on the last day decides to take a tour through a forested area. She comes across a secluded waterfall, where she decides a swim and then dry off in the sun. The woman falls asleep in the sun and is woken up by a spider crawling on her cheek. She brushes the spider away and think no more of it.
  However, after returning home, the woman develops a cyst on her cheek. She goes to her local surgery, where the doctor tells her that they will need to burst the cyst to let the fluid escape. As it’s a painless procedure, the woman is not anaesthetized. Soon after the doctor makes the first attempt to burst the cyst, the woman hears a gasp and then feels something trickling down her cheeks. She assumes it’s the fluid. The doctor tells not to panic. Instinctively, she brings her hand to her cheek to wipe off the fluid. At that point she realizes that it’s not fluid, but rather something crawling on her cheek.   Spiders… hundreds of tiny spiders are crawling all over her face and on her hand. She lets out a blood-curding scream. She is so out of control that she needs to be restrained by several members of staff.
  To this date, she remains in the psychiatric ward of the same hospital where the procedure took place.
  The killer in the back seat
  One night a woman went out for drinks with her friends. At the end of the night she got in her car and drove onto the deserted motorway. She noticed a pair of headlights in her rear view mirror, approaching at a pace just slightly quicker than hers. As the car pulled up behind her, she saw that its indicator on— it was going to pass but then suddenly it served back behind her, pulled up dangerously close and flashed its headlights.
  She began to feel nervous. The light dimmed for a moment and then they flashed again. The frightened woman struggled her eyes on the road and didn’t dare look at the car behind her. Finally, she reached her turning point but the car continued to follow, flashing its headlights periodically.
  Through every red light and turn, it followed her until she arrived home. She decided that her only hope was to make a mad dash into the house and call the police. As she jumped from the car so did the driver in the car behind – and he shouted, “ Lock the door and call the police!”
  When the police arrived, the horrible truth was finally revealed to the woman. The man in the car behind her had been trying to save her. As he pulled up behind her and his headlights illuminated her car, he saw the silhouette of a man with a butcher’s knife rising up from the back seat to stab her, so he flashed his headlights and the figure crouched back down.
  The Flat Tyre
  Two university students decided to go skiing for the weekend but planned to be back on campus in time to review for an important exam on the Monday morning. However, they were having such a good time on the slopes that they decided to forget about studying for the exam in order to get some final runs in before heading back to university. So they decided to tell their lecturer that they would have to come up with a good excuse for not being prepared for the exam so they decided to tell their lecturer that they had set off with plenty of time to get back and do some studying but that they had got a flat tyre on the way back and therefore deserved to take the exam at a rescheduled time.
  When he heard the story the lecturer agreed that it really was just a bad luck, and suggested that they take a few days to study and do the exam at the end of the week. The students, of course, were delighted. At the appointed time, the lecturer greeted them and placed them in two separate rooms to take the exam.   The few questions on the first page were with a minor 10% of the overall mark, and were quite easy. Each student grew progressively more confident as they worked their way through the questions, and sure that they had got away with fooling their lecturer. However, when they turned to the second page they discovered that really they hadn’t. The only question on the page, worth 90% of the exam, read: “Which tyre?”
  The story called the spider’s bite is really a horro story. At the beginning of the story it seems like a common story. But when read to the last paragrath the ending frightened me. So I think a good story must have a well designed story’s plot. (孙杨欣)
  I think the first one is most good. The story can shake us violently .The ending of the story can not be guessed easily. Because the ending is not credible eought, so we can get more space of imagination. The conflict of the story is not clear. But the description is vivid, make us feel thet as if the spiders are just on our faces. (曹思佳)
  This three stories knock me very much. They give the result at last. The endings are surprising and hard to guess. I like the third story best. The story tells us never to tell a lie and you will never get away with the fool mistake. The style of the story is very new and make me excited. (张馨洁)
  I think the second is a good story. In the story, it’s very continous between part and part. At the beginning, the story gives us a question, which makes us continue reading, but in the end, the ending is out of our thoughts. All of us didn’t think the ending like this when we first heard this story. So, I think it is a good story. (陈喆)
  An amazing story! By the spider’s bite the woman became a psychosis. Maybe she was lukcy, she hasn’t lost her life. The scary feeling maybe causes by the nerve toxin. A good story should reain the audience involvement at last. (于文菁)
  I think the best story is the second one. Because at the beginning of this story, quaint but attractive atmosphere draws readers attention.Curiosity makes readers want to know what will hapen in the end. Drama conflict makes the ending surprising but understood, even though it beyonds everyone’s expectations. (陈晨旭)
  I think the first story is best. I was taken back. I think this story is credible. It is a blood-curding story. When i saw something crawing on her cheek, i felt something crawling on my cheek, too. And i felt cold. The bombshell makes it a good story. And it shocks people well. So i think it is a good story. (郝珍珍)   I want to say something about the stroy "The Killer In The Back Seat" .I think this story is very good . First ,this story has a suspens. second, this story has a tense atomosphere. However, the ending of the story is unexpected. In a word, this story is appealing. (徐雨晨)
  Don’t lie to others. When you lie to others, you might think others can’t know the truth, but when you lie to others, the truth must be obvious. This story tell us two students lied to thier teacher before a examanation. They wanted to go skiing instead of exam. So they told their teacher that they had got a flat tyre. They thought their teacher didn’t know the truth, but the teacher did. Lie to others is a bad habbit, if you have something to do, you can tell others the truth. Don’t lie to you teachers and friends and your parents. (韩海淳)
  A)Yes, the story is credible. B)The big change, conflict and scared atmosphere make it a good story. C)The story’s unexpecting ending and the character’s ending. (田伟成)
  I think this story makes me very shocked, excited and scared. The story has quiet sentenses ,but makes a very scary atmosphere. And the ending is unexpecting. When I read the story, I even can’t imagine what will happen nest. (王硕)
  I choose the second story. The story is very exciting. I think the most exciting thing is that while the woman was driving home, she did not know there was a bad egg behind her although the bad man wanted to killl her. I think she is very lucky. A GOOD man found the bad egg so he followed the woman to protect her. It was so exciting! (马东东)
  I like the second best, because I think it a great Horror story. When I first saw the title, I thought it will till us a wonderful horror story of murder, it will be very booly. But when I saw the story I moved by the man who want help the woman get rid of the killer, but the woman misunderstanded him. But the man didn’t gave up, because he think the live if more valuable than misunderstanded. So he followed the woman until she arrived home safely. I moved by the man, because a Warm-heart is the Most precious a person has. (张宇)
  I choose the first story. In the beginning of the story, we can not guess the development of the story, so it interested me a lot, and I wanted to continue reading. As the story goes on, i felt very excited. But the result was amazing, it is a realy blood-curding result, and the story shocked me a lot, and that makes it a good story. (刘佳楠)
  I think the best story is the last one . Because it is close to our daily-life. We always think that we are clever and can easily fool teachers but the teachers are cleverer than us and they can easily find that we are lying .   A good story needs a violent problem. In the last story, the violent problem between the teacher and the two students makes us think a lot. (曹思迪)
  (1)Work with a partner. There are five sections which are normally included in a traditional story. Match them to their definitions on the right.
  a)comment ①A complication or
  dilemma that affects
  the main characteror
  b)background ②The beginning of a
  story, possibly
  explaining its origin of
  giving a general idea
  of what is to follow.
  c)problem ③The moral of the story
  or an explanation of
  its wider implications.
  d)resolution ④A description of time
  and place where the
  story is set or its
  main character/s
  e)introduction ⑤The solution to the
  dilemma or
  complication that the
  main character was
  faced with.
  (2)What order would you expect the sections to appear in?
  (3)Put the following story in order according to your answers to 2.
  A. As he was wandering about there he found a lion lying down moaning and groaning. At first he turned to run away, but seeing that the lion didn’t chase him, he turned back and went up to him. As he approached, the lion put out his paw, which was all swollen and bleeding, and Androcles found that a huge thorn had got into it, and this was causing the lion’s pain. He pulled out the thorn and bound up the paw of the lion, who was soon able to get up and lick Androcles’ hand like a dog. Then the lion took Androcles to his cave, and brought him meat to eat every day.
  B. Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.
  C.Once upon a time a slave called Aadrocles escaped from his master and fled to the forest.
  D. But as soon as he came near to Androcles he recognized his friend, and licked his hands like a friendly dog. The Emperor was surprised at this and called Androcles to him, who told him the whole story. When he heard the story the Emperor pardoned and freed the slave, and the lion was let loose into the forest.
  E. But shortly afterwards both Androcles and the lion were captured, and the slave was sentenced to be thrown to the lion, who hadn’t been given any food for several days. The Emperor and all his court came to see the spectacle, and Androcles was led out into the middle of the arena. Soon the lion was let loose from his den, and rushed towards his victim, bounding and roaring.   5.总结迁移:总结课程知识要点,针对知识要点补充相关内容,从认知、运用等方面进行知识迁移,达到巩固目的。
  The Lost Gold Piece
  After the First World War, a small group of veterans returned to their village in France. Most of them managed to get along fairly well, but one—Francois Lebeau, who had been gassed and never recovered his strength—was unable to work regularly. In time he became poverty-stricken. Yet he was too proud to accept charity from the people in the village.
  Once each year the veterans held a reunion dinner. On one of these occasions they met in the home of Jules Grandin, who had made a good deal of money and had grown fat and pompous. Grandin produced a curiosity—a large gold coin on whose age, rarity and value he dwelt at some length. Each man examined it with interest as it passed around the long table. However, all had drunk wine freely and the room resounded with noisy tale, so that the gold piece was soon forgotten. Later, when Grandin remembered it and asked for it, the coin was missing.
  Instantly there arose a hubbub of questions and denials. Finally the village attorney suggested everyone be searched, to which all agreed—except Lebeau. His companions looked at him with surprise.
  “You refuse, then?” asked Grandin.
  Lebeau flushed, “yes,” he said,“I cannot allow it”.
  “Do you realize,” asked the owner of the gold piece,“what your refusal implies?”
  “I did not steal the gold piece, and I will not submit to a search,” Lebeau answered.
  One by one, the rest of the group turned out their pockets. When the coin failed to appear, attention was focused once more on poor Lebeau.
  “Surely you will not persist in your refusal?” the attorney demanded. Lebeau made no reply. Crandin stalked out of the room in anger. No one addressed another word to Lebeau and, amid the pitying stares of his friends, he walked out with the hangdog air of a prisoner and returned to his home.
  From that day, Lebeau was a disgraced man. People averted their eyes when they met him. He grew poorer, and when his wife died not long afterward no one knew or cared whether it was from want or shame.
  A few years later, when the incident had become almost legendary, Grandin made some alterations in his house. A workman found the gold coin, buried in dirt between planks of the floor in the room where the reunion dinner had been held.
  Pompous though he was, Grandin was a just man and now that he had proof that Lebeau was innocent he was quick to make amends. Hurrying to Lebeau’s humble home, he told him of the amazing discovery of the coin and apologized for having suspected him.   “But” , he concluded, “you knew that the gold piece was not on your person-why did you not allow yourself to be searched?
  Lebeau, shabby, old before his time, looked at Grandin blankly. “ Because I was a thief”, he said brokenly. “ For weeks my family and I had not had enough to eat and my pockets were full of food that I had taken from the table to carry home to my wife and hungry children.”
  Every story involves conflict. It may show as one person struggling against another, against some outside force such as fate or nature, or against himself. What conflict does Lebeau face? Knowing the kind of person Lebeau is, do you find his conflict believable? Explain. Would you call Lebeau a fool? Do you feel sorry for him? Do you think he got what he deserved? Discuss. What is Lebeau’s great weakness?
  学案的发布,相关话题的发起,让学生参与各种有利于语言学习和语言运用的活动,引导学生合作探究。在热烈的网络讨论中,同学间增进了了解和友情,多了欣赏彼此间的才华的机会,极大地满足了一些学生的表现欲,也极大地调动了学生的学习积极性和创造性,使他们有了成就感,尝到了学习的甜头。 在互相学习中迸发出的思想火花、个性化观点,完整、流畅的思维过程在他们提交的一个个回帖中呈现。每当我在回帖中看到语言贴切,表达地道的英语句子时,内心满是激动和欢喜。
  [1]顾明远 战后世界教育发展的历程和中外教育的比较【J】外国中小学教育2012,(2)1-5
  [2]李嘉玮 论后现代转换中的师生关系【J】外国中小学教育2012,(2)39-43
  [3]教育部.普通高中英语课程标准(实验)〔M〕.北京:人民教育出版社 2003.
  [4]国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要 中央政府门户网站 2010年07月29日
【摘要】语言的传递功能特征是语言教学要遵循的基本规律。原版英文电影具有融语音、图像、字母等多种信息传播介质为一体的优势特征,当前已经成为英语教学的重要资源。本文从文化传播、意境和语意等方面来探析英语课堂教学中英文电影媒体的传递功能,探讨如何运用英文电影刺激学生学习英语的动机并有效提升学习效果。  【关键词】英语教学 多媒体教学 英文电影的教学传递  【Abstract】Transmission f
摘 要:如何帮助学生有效地学习英语词汇一直是英语教师孜孜以求的目标。文章从语块的定义及分类入手,探讨了语块理论的现实意义,针对高中英语阅读中词汇学习现存的弊端,分别从不同的角度提出了语块理论对高中英语阅读课词汇教学的几点启示。  关键词:语块;阅读课;词汇教学  一、引 言  词汇是语言的最基本的建筑材料,是语言最主要的组成部分。《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》(教育部,2003)对词汇教学提出了
【摘要】随着中国加入WTO以来,中国参与国际之间的合作和交流活动越来越频繁,这就对英语人才有了更高的要求。在进行高中英语教学时,教师不仅要注重学生基本知识的教育,而且还要加强学生跨文化意识的培养,以便更好的提高学生的英语交际能力。本文将会针对高中英语教学中跨文化渗透的必要性以及培养跨文化意识的措施给予介绍,为以后英语教学提供借鉴。  【关键词】高中 英语教学 跨文化意识 渗透  文化不仅具有一定的
【摘要】英语作为一门语言类学科,重在培养学生的实际运用能力,因此,实践交流非常重要。而合作学习法,主要强调学习的交流与合作,与英语教学在实践与交流方面的需求相适应。本文从合作学习入手,了解高职英语教学应用合作学习法的意义和现状,探讨有效的应用对策。  【关键词】高职英语教学 合作学习 应用  随着社会经济与科技的不断发展,应用型人才的需求也逐渐增加,高职英语教学需要从实际运用方面,不断加强学生的语
摘 要:随着基础教育课程改革的不断深入和发展,构建与新课程标准相适应的英语教学已成为英语教育者不容忽视的问题。长期以来,语言迁移在语言教学领域一直被认为是一个重要课题,母语正迁移在英语教学中的积极作用应该越来越受到广大英语教学工作者的重视。本文通过对比汉语和英语在语音、词汇和语法方面的共性,从而提出有效促进正迁移的教学策略。希望本文能够为广大高中英语教师提供可以借鉴的方法,优化教学过程和提高教学效
【摘要】目前,学生的英语口语表达能力较低是我国英语教学中存在的重大问题,而随着社会的不断发展,英语的地位在不断提高,英语已经成为了国与国之间交流的通用语言,为了顺应社会发展的需要,必须提高小学生的英语口语表达能力,本文就围绕如何提高学生的英语表达能力谈谈看法。  【关键词】小学生 口语表达能力 英语  随着世界各国经济、文化联系的日益密切,英语逐渐成为国与国之间交流的通用语言,我国对英语教育也越来
【摘要】小学生的语言是在运用过程中主动构建的,在英语教育中刻意对小学生进行英语语音、语法的训练,是不符合小学生语言特点的。小学生的语言学习主要是在与他人交往和运用语言的过程中完成的。英语作为我们的第二语言,在教小学生学习的过程中我们应着重发展小学生英语运用能力。因此教师要为小学生创设敢说、爱说、会说的语言环境和学习条件,使小学生成为语言学习的主动构建者。  【关键词】如何培养 英语运用能力  新课