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  英文里有一个“Diva”的单词,原意指“歌剧中的女主角”,现在被广泛地用于指代在某个领域“出众的或令人敬佩的女性”。此类女性通常有一种摄人的气场,只要她一出现,身旁的人便会黯淡无光,与生俱来的“Super Star”的光芒能艳照全场,无人能挡!
  Tyra Banks无疑就拥有此种气场,再加上黑人女孩身上流露出无尽的自然魅力,看完十季America’s Next Top Model,所有的冠军让人没记住几个,反倒是Tyra成为了这场真人秀里面最大的明星。Tyra可不只拥有漂亮的脸蛋儿和惹火的身材,这位前美国超模极高的情商以及商业野心让她免去了只能做花瓶的困扰,成为了名副其实的Diva!
  The 1)statuesque beauty holding court in front of her studio audience on a January morning in New York City is ready for anything. And that’s good, because Tyra Banks’ fans do not hold back. Demands one woman, “Is it true you moved your show to New York for a man?” Banks, styled in a 2)formfitting white dress, breezily rejects the claim that the relocation of her 3)eponymous talk show—and her hit reality show, America’s Next Top Model—has anything to do with her love life. The young crowd is 4)primed with energy; hands shoot up and down like the 5)critters in a 6)Whac-a-Mole booth. To them, Banks isn’t some inaccessible celebrity—she’s their girlfriend, their incredibly cool older sister, their 7)BFF. A pale 8)brunette stands and asks, “Can I get a hug?” Banks assents, but not without commanding, “You have to hug me fiercely, though.” As the 5’10’’ stunner envelopes the petite twentysomething in her ample bosom, the fan breaks down in tears.
  This sweetly 9)sappy scene represents more than weepy female bonding. Known solely as a pretty face for much of her career, Banks has reinvented herself as a power player in the entertainment industry—and more importantly, as a brand. It began with the modestly successful debut in May 2003 of her creation America’s Next Top Model, which has grown into a worldwide hit.
  And The Tyra Banks Show—a broad mix of women’s issues and frothy fare—is now a talk-show force to be reckoned with: 4.3 million adult female viewers tuned in weekly this past November sweeps, and, with a median age of 40, Tyra has the youngest talk-show audience in daytime. (10)Oprah’s median age is 55.) Now the 34-year-old has a broader goal in mind: world domination. With a recent multimillion-dollar TV-and-film-production deal through 11)Warner Bros. Entertainment, along with retail and real estate projects in development, Banks is poised to become the most influential woman in television since the 12)almighty O herself. Says Banks: “Oprah Winfrey is a mogul. 13)Martha Stewart is a mogul. I’m probably a mogul 14)in the making. I’m almost there.”
  Banks entered the modeling industry at the age of 15. Despite her success she remained steadfastly focused on her career. “Even as a model I used to think ‘brand,’ and I always knew that there was something after.”
  That something turned out to be television. Banks decided to create the kind of show that she would watch. Shortly after her stint as a “youth correspondent” on The Oprah Winfrey Show (1999-2001), Banks 15)hashed out the idea for America’s Next Top Model while making tea in her kitchen. Though the industry wasn’t primed to take Banks seriously— “As a model, my roadblock was being black and curvy. As a producer, my roadblock was being a model.”
  Now with versions in 15 countries and a string of copycats in the U.S., Banks’ teatime idea is a reality TV phenomenon. “I thought it was going to last for two seasons,” says Banks. “Around season 5, I said, ‘Ken, how far can we go—8?’ He goes, ‘I’m thinking 10.’ Now we’re at 10 and not stopping.”
  After ANTM was established as a hit, Banks went looking for a new challenge—one that would allow her to teach young women more than how to strike a pose. Premiering in September 2005, The Tyra Banks Show balanced a tone that was both educational and outrageous—as host, Banks has donned a fat suit and had a 16)sonogram on her breasts to prove they’re real. The moment that transformed Banks from the Top Model glamazon to the Tyra girlfriend came during one such personal revelation in February 2007. After unflattering photos of Banks in a bathing suit turned up online alongside snarky headlines like “America’s Next Top 17)Waddle,” she stood in front of her audience wearing the same swimsuit and tearfully told critics to “Kiss my fat ass!” The episode— an instant YouTube classic—helped position Banks as the flaws-and-all friend her fans love. “Sometimes you feel really helpless with the tabloids because the falseness becomes truth,” she explains. “I just wanted my truth to be told.”
  As far as she’s come, Banks is still slightly tentative about her rising status. “There’s a fear I have with success in the business world,” she admits. “People have this image of women, especially in business—that they have to be
  18)ballbusters, and that’s so not what I am.” That said, the woman whose company logo features a shiny bank 19)vault is not going to stop growing her media empire. “I’m not afraid of wanting money at all,” she says. “Money will give me more power to do things that are truer to my spirit
  than what I’m already doing.” Still, she adds, “I don’t think I’ll always be on television. I don’t know whether it’s 10 or 20 years, but I know it won’t be when I’m 60.” C’mon, Tyra, even 20)sexagenarians need a fierce girlfriend.
  “全美超模”稳获成功宝座之后,泰雅又开始寻求新的挑战——让年轻女性从她那里学会摆姿势以外的更多东西。2005年9月首播的“泰雅脱口秀”走的是教育和大胆前卫兼而有之的路线——身为主持人的泰雅曾经在节目上穿着松垮肥大的衣服,用超声波检验胸部证明其为真材实料。而真正让她由 “魅惑超模”转变成“知己泰雅”的是2007年2月她在屏幕前真情流露的一刻。之前她有一张拍得不甚雅观的泳装照被人放上网络,还配上狠毒标题如“全肥超鹅”,于是她穿上相片中那件泳衣,在节目现场观众面前含泪叫那些对她身材指指点点的人“放马过来啊,肥臀在这儿!”当即成为YouTube视频经典的这一幕让泰雅以“金无足赤”的普通人姿态站出来,成为影迷钟爱的知己良朋。“有时候你真拿那些小报没办法,假的都给它们掰成真的。”她解释道,“我只是想大家知道真相。”



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