
来源 :云南政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seacowo
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第一条为了统一省级国家机关、事业单位工作人员差旅费开支标准,适当保证出差人员工作和生活的需要,并贯彻勤俭节约,艰苦奋斗的精神,特制定本规定。第二条凡正副厅(局)长及以下人员出差的住宿费、市内交通费、伙食补助费,实行分项计算,总额包干,调剂使用,节约归己,超支不补的办法。实行总额包干办法后,各单位工作人员出差,要定任务、定人数、定地点、定时间(计划时间要从严掌握)、定包干费用。在核定的出差计划时间以内,住宿费、市内交通费和伙食补助费,均按出差的实际天数计算进行包干。如遇特殊情况,实际出差天数超过计划天数的费用,须经单位领导批准,否则财务部门不予报销。 Article 1 These Provisions are formulated in order to unify standards of travel expenses for staff of state organs and institutions at the provincial level, appropriately guarantee the needs of the workers for work and life and carry out the spirit of diligence, thrift and hard work. Article 2 Where the residence of the deputy director (bureau) and the following personnel on business trips, the city transport costs, food subsidies, the implementation of sub-calculation, the total package, swap use, save yourself, overruns approach. After the implementation of the total package approach, all units of staff travel, to be set tasks, set the number, set the location, set time (plan to strictly control the time), set a package of costs. Within the time of the approved business trip plan, accommodation, city transportation and food subsidies will be calculated according to the actual days of business trip. In case of special circumstances, the actual number of business days exceeding the planned number of days the cost of the unit, subject to approval by the leadership of the unit, or the financial sector will not be reimbursed.
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广西僮族自治区人民委员会一九六五年四月二十日报告、云南省民政厅九月二十三日函和广东省人民委员会五月二十九日函均悉。同意将 Guangxi People’s Autonomous Region Pe
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最近,一些读者询问国营企业退休职工享受非生产性福利待遇问题的政策规定,现根据省劳动人亨厅川劳人险[1988]022号文件精神,作如下答复。 Recently, some readers asked abo
[据日本《日本航空宇宙学会志》1978年11期报道] 宇宙开发事业团为了今后有效地利用N和N-2火箭的发射能力,同时为许多卫星用户提供利用同一枚火箭的机会,正在研究一箭多星发