
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:danaxiao99
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  The United Nations has been referred to as the hope of humanity, as “humanity’s most far-sighted and significant undertaking”. It represents the fact of our oneness—a reflection of, perhaps, the highest achievement in consciousness marked by humankind as a whole at this time.
  The Preamble to the UN Charter begins with the words - “We the Peoples …” This means that collectively, every human being from the current 193 member nations—we are the UN! It is more than an organization, it’s a living organism made up of all of us. Therefore, for the UN to be successful, we must all join together in helping it achieving its goals and objectives.
  Three UN documents that stand out in order of their importance and relevance to the humanity as a whole are: The Charter of the United Nations; The Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and the landmark United Nations Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. These are timeless documents aimed at benefiting the humanity as a whole and applicable equally to all individuals, nations and civil society without exception. The last one which was adopted by consensus on 13 September 1999 by the UN General Assembly defines the culture of peace as: “a set of values, attitudes, traditions and modes of behaviour and ways of life”. The concept is based on—to name a few—respect for life, commitment to peaceful settlement, efforts to meet developmental and environmental needs—or sustainability, equal rights, freedom of expression and information, and adherence to the principles of justice, democracy, tolerance, solidarity, cooperation, pluralism, cultural diversity, dialogue and understanding…at all levels of society.
  At the eve of the current millennium, the General Assembly proclaimed the year 2000 as International Year for the Culture of Peace and the Decade 2001-2010 as the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World. People and organizations around the world mobilized and made efforts for fundamental change both at individual and national levels energized by these two specific proclamations of the world’s most universal forum.   In its annual resolutions, the UN General Assembly has recognized repeatedly “the importance of the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace, which serve as the universal mandate for the international community, particularly the United Nations system, for the promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence that benefits humanity, in particular future generations.”
  These resolutions went on to reiterate that “the objective of the effective implementation of the Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace is to strengthen further the global movement for a culture of peace following the observance of the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, 2001–2010, and to call upon all concerned to renew their attention to this objective”
  It was also recognized that “all efforts made by the United Nations system in general and the international community at large for peacekeeping, peacebuilding, the prevention of conflicts, disarmament, sustainable development, the promotion of human dignity and human rights, democracy, the rule of law, good governance and gender equality at the national and international levels contribute greatly to the culture of peace.”
  As we know, peace is not just the absence of war and violence, but entails the responsibility of all of us as one humanity to “live together as good neighbors”—to live the Golden Rule, which is at the core of every religion: Love your neighbor as yourself; treat others as you want them to treat you. Essentially, peace is the establishing of these ‘right relations’. As the Earth Charter states, peace is right relations “with oneself, other persons, other cultures, other life, Earth, and the larger whole of which all are a part.”
  Until we start focusing more energy into creating the culture of peace, starting with peace education, the UN will be forced to continue rushing from one crisis to another, putting out one fire after another. To say the least, such efforts are unsustainable and economically unsound. Peace education is essential, and the role of the family—the oldest institution in human history—is at the heart of this education, beginning at the youngest age.   The United Nations has underscored that access to education and to various forms of learning is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the culture of peace. A comprehensive system of education and training is needed for all groups of people at all levels and forms of education, both formal and non-formal. The development of a holistic approach, based on participatory methods and taking into account the various dimensions of education for the culture of peace (peace and non-violence, human rights, democracy, tolerance, international and intercultural understanding, cultural and linguistic diversity) is its main objective.
  Peace in the world is a direct result of the inner experience of each one of us; inner peace is the source of peace for all else and seeking it brings equilibrium. Inner peace is an imitation of the Divine. The way to this realm lies through the mind. We remember the well-known UNESCO quote: “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.”
  A Buddhist philosopher calls meditation “the true practice of peace, the true practice of nonaggression and nonviolence, and the real and greatest disarmament….Only when we have removed the harm in ourselves do we become truly useful to others.” By rendering ourselves harmlessness, we allow the fundamental goodness and kindness that are our real nature to shine. War has been the result of an emphasis upon a material culture. Now is the time to focus on creating a spiritual culture—a culture based on loving understanding, goodwill and in harmony with all life, the Culture of Peace—a culture of heart’s yearning for peace. This is not an impossible dream, but we need to take the next step in making this dream come true.
  All the great spiritual teachings testify to the great reality of peace. There are many dreams that can be transformed into reality, even though they seem unattainable or unreasonable at the outset. Education for all is one such dream, ending poverty, meeting the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations which benefit the neediest, the poorest and most vulnerable. Difficult as it is to fulfill these dreams, within them are fragments of truth that can be realized in day-to-day life. Peace, being the most important, is an effect based upon actions or movements, and simple ones at that.   世界和平是我们每个人内心感受的直接结果,人们的内心平静是和平的根源,而追求内心平静亦能带来平衡。内心平静象征着我们对上帝的效仿,而到达上帝之所在的途径就在我们心中。我们都记得联合国教科文组织的那句话:“战争最先在人们的心中燃起,因此我们必须要在人们心中树立守卫和平的信念。”
  Experience and examples prove that the role of women is critical to achieving lasting and sustainable peace. They bear the main brunt of poverty and are the worst victims of violence. At the same time, their qualities of creativity and patience, the capacity to love and build consensus, all of these highlight the importance of women’s contributions into all aspects of peacemaking and peacebuilding. Therefore, their participation at the negotiating table is critical and invaluable. Ensuring equality for women and girls—in schools, at home, in the workplace, in government, everywhere—provides one of the greatest potentials for positive change at this time, and even more in the long run.
  Our world is very far from the world we wish for ourselves and our future generations. Determination to build the culture of peace is a step in the right direction in creating the future we want. Achieving peace is indeed much more painstaking than making war. There is a constant fragility to it to maintain it. We need to constantly be reminded of the value of its existence. Only by its loss do we recognize its true value.
  Human rights are essential for the creating the culture of peace and have been given a place of prominence among the eight areas of action identified in the UN Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. Human rights, in general, are defined as those rights, which are inherent in our nature and without which we cannot live as human beings. Those are based on humanity’s growing demand for a life in which the inherent dignity and worth of each human being is accorded respect and protection. Their denial, aside from being an individual and personal tragedy, also creates conditions of social and political unrest, spreading the seeds of violence and conflict within and between societies and nations.
  无数的经验和例子显示了女性在实现持续稳定的和平中扮演了关键角色。她们在与贫穷的斗争中充当主力,同时也是最容易遭受暴力的受害者。与此同时,她们的创造力和忍耐力,施于爱和构建一致性的能力,都凸显了女性在创造和平及保护和平方面所做的贡献。因此,女性在谈判桌上的作用极为关键不可或缺。确保妇女及年轻女性在学校、家庭、工作场所、政府等其他一切场所能获得公平的待遇,这是为当下乃至未来的世界提供的一个改变现有状况的潜在力量。   目前的世界距离我们理想中留给自己还有子孙后代的世界差距还很大。坚定构建和平文化的决心是我们迈向理想世界的第一步。实现和平的确要比发动战争耗费更多的心血。和平的脆弱需要我们不断地努力才能维持,我们需要不断提醒自己和平的价值,而不要只在和平荡然无存时才意识到它的宝贵。
  Currently, there is a worldwide civil society mobilization through an alliance calling for the formal recognition of the Right to Peace by the United Nations. The Right to Peace translates the universal value of peace into the legal category of a human right. It has been the main goal pursued by the Spanish Society for International Human Rights Law since it was established in 2004. The Right to Peace reaffirms the common will of all peoples to live in peace with each other – both individually and collectively.
  On the world stage, the challenge continues to be between the collective ideal that is the UN versus the individual behavior of member states. It comes down to the suppression of selfishness, which is being demanded of those whose responsibility it is to determine policies (national and international) and to take those steps, which will establish right human relations.
  In this context, it is pertinent to recognize that a powerful voice putting the broader interest of humanity and the planet they inhabit at the center of all of our endeavours is emerging with a lasting impact on the work of the UN. Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) are working together as groups with each other and with entities of the UN, thus multiplying the potential and in the process learning how to work together in cooperation and unity for the good of all.
  The UN General Assembly in its recent resolutions on the culture of peace has encouraged “civil society and non-governmental organizations to further strengthen their efforts to promote a culture of peace, inter alia, by adopting their own programme of activities to complement the initiatives of Member States, the organizations of the United Nations system and other international and regional organizations, in line with the Declaration and Programme of Action.” These resolutions also invited the Secretary-General to take into account the observations of civil society organizations in exploring mechanisms and strategies for the implementation of the Declaration and Programme of Action and to initiate outreach efforts to increase global awareness of the Programme of Action and its eight areas of action aimed at their implementation.”   现在,全球公民社会正在通过联盟来呼吁和平的权利能够在联合国得到认可。和平的权利可以将和平的普遍价值观诠释为法律范畴内的人权,西班牙国际人权法组织自从2004年成立以来,就一直在为这个目标努力着。和平的权利重申了世界上每一个国家人民以及所有国家人民和平相处的共同意愿。
  One example is the active role being played by the Global Movement for the Culture of Peace (GMCoP) accessible through www.gmcop.org and Face book. This is a group of well-meaning individuals and civil society groups, who have come together to promote implementation of the UN Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace so that the world can experience a lasting and sustainable peace which has the goal of the UN since its birth.
  Peace, like love, is a cohesive principle. It is an essential principle in nature belonging to the innate essence of all things, not merely a quality to be acquired. To create the Culture of Peace, the goal is love-in-action, expressed as goodwill. When we truly LOVE each other there will be peace. How is it that we failed to recognize the most important word in the human language and that it is not only a noun, but also a verb!
  We believe that only when we are nearer to getting rid of poverty, war and discrimination, only then the world will be a better place to live, for us, and for future generations, and only then will the global movement for the culture of peace achieve its objective. We are in the midst of an immense shift turning “swords into plowshares” on a global scale transforming both individuals and nations.
  As the tireless global advocate for the culture of peace, Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury often says “The flourishing of culture of peace will generate the mindset that is a prerequisite for the transition from force to reason, from conflict and violence to dialogue and peace.”
  We are all part of one Humanity, and each of us has a responsibility. Peace is an effect, based upon our motives and actions. The seeds of peace will flower when we work together responsibly to do what is best for the whole of humanity.
  Let me conclude by quoting another of Ambassador Chowdhury’s gems in which he asserts that “In today’s world, more so, the culture of peace should be seen as the essence of a new humanity, a new global civilization based on inner oneness and outer diversity.”
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