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  Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Big Island
  This is the most-visited attraction in the state of Hawaii. This park encompasses[包括] the summit[顶点] of the world’s most active volcano, Kilauea, and the world’s most massive volcano, Mauna Loa. The park offers unique hiking and camping opportunities. Depending on the always-changing volcanic activity, you may be able to view active lava[熔岩] flow.
   USS Arizona Memorial, Oahu
  Visiting the remains of the USS Arizona will encourage you to contemplate[沉思] the sense of sacrifice[牺牲] the US military personnel endured[忍耐] during the Pearl Harbor attack. The USS Arizona Memorial is the sunken[沉没的] battleship and offers visitors the opportunity to learn more about that fateful day.
   Haleakala National Park, Maui
  The national park preserves the Haleakala volcanic area on the island of Maui. Explore the summit area which offers spectacular views and scenery, while the valley of Kipahulu is lush[青葱的], and lined with beautiful freshwater[淡水的] pools and waterfalls.
   Diamond Head State Monument, Oahu
  Diamond Head is Hawaii’s most famous landmark. Not until the late 1700s, when western traders thought they had found diamonds on the slope[斜坡] of the crater[火山口], did they begin to call it Diamond Head. But before you head to dig for diamonds, you should know that (to the disappointment of the western explorers and traders) the so-called diamonds were merely calcite[方解石] crystals, worthless to mine.
   Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu
  The Polynesian Cultural Center is a unique and exciting attraction that every Hawaii traveler should visit. Explore and experience Hawaiian and other Pacific cultures by visiting the seven recreated native villages. The Polynesian Cultural Center also houses Hawaii’s most authentic[真正的] luau[夏威夷式宴会] and the world’s largest night show.
It isn’t the size of your house as such   That matters so much at all.   It’s the gentle hand and its loving touch,   That make it great or small.    The friends who come and the hour they   Who out o
翻墙、爬树、跨栏、奔跑,过去没有电脑没有游戏的时候,身边的一切就是小孩子的玩具。而今,在简单的追逐游戏基础上加入高难度动作,和嘻哈音乐、视频以及网络结合起来,跑酷风从法国蔓延到世界各地。有人把它叫作free running,玩家们常常简称为PK,这项新的极限运动总会让人回想起无拘无束的童年—    The 17-something boy was 1)poised, 2)crouching cat
U.S. college campuses are becoming hot spots for parkour. Most college campuses, with their airy[通风的] courtyards and architecture in various shapes, are well suited for testing the ability and nerve o
I hired a carpenter[木匠] to help me restore an old farmhouse. He had just finished a rough first day on the job: a flat tire[轮胎] made him lose an hour of work, the electric saw[锯] quit and now his anci
Cast  Johnny Galecki...Leonard Hofstadter  Jim Parsons...Sheldon Cooper  Kaley Cuoco...Penny  Simon Helberg...Howard Wolowitz  Kunal Nayyar...Raj Koothrappali  Mayim Bialik...Amy Farrah Fowler    科学家谢
Everyone knows that eating too much junk food is not good to our health. Yet, what is it about junk food that is so completely irresistible[无可抗拒的]? For one thing, it’s everywhere. From chips in fast f
You want to be on the beach of Waikiki; you want to bask[晒太阳] in the warm sunshine; you want to feel the sand on your bare feet; you want to swim in the sparkling[闪烁的] Pacific; you want to look up and
娱乐圈的童星层出不穷,但少有能将少年得志的光环维持到成人的,更少见曾经堕落谷底却凤凰重生的。从当年的童星到后来的《花花公子》女郎,如今则成了好莱坞片酬最高的女星之一,还拥有自己的制片公司Flower Films,在德鲁巴利摩尔起落浮沉的人生和她充满乐观的话语中,你是否也有所启发呢?    Drew Barrymore has a roller coaster[过山车] ride of a life
I walked ten thousand miles, ten thousand miles to reach you   And every gasp[喘气] of breath, I grabbed[抓住] it just to find you  I climbed up every hill to get to you  I wandered ancient lands to hold