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  乐在其中 译
  If there’s a trend to be found in recent cinema, it’s the decidedly Eastern persuasion of more than a few American movies. Oscar winner The Departed, The Lake House, The Grudge and The Ring were all based on Asian originals. And that’s just the beginning. Major studios are continuing to 1)snap up the rights to films from South Korea, Japan, and Hong Kong with the intention of remaking them with American actors. Hong Kong’s Confession of Pain, South Korea’s Old Boy and My Sassy Girl are all on the list of remakes.
  2)Mercifully, we aren’t likely to have to endure anything as 3)unsightly as, say, [1]Brad Pitt, [2]Renee Zellweger, and [3]Ben Affleck in an American remake of House of Flying Daggers, the current 4)art-house film by 5)acclaimed Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimou. But high-wire 6)martial arts stories are about the only Asian films that aren’t 7)garnering major attention from Hollywood. Hollywood has its pool of favorites when choosing movies to remake, which at present is constrained to, basically, Japanese horror films, Korean romantic comedies and Hong Kong 8)cop thrillers.
  Japanese Horror Films
  Ringu vs. The Ring
  While Hollywood’s 9)burst of interest in Asian films might be new, for decades 10)savvy Western filmmakers have taken inspiration from their 11)counterparts in the East. John Sturges’s 1960 Western The Magnificent Seven was a remake of [4]Kurosawa’s 1954 classic Seven Samurai.
  In 1998, Ringu, a horror mystery, broke all box-office records in Japan and went on to achieve global recognition and appreciation. Chilling, modern yet based in tradition, 12)gore-free and totally psychological, the film left its viewers 13)cowering in fear in front of the screen.
  In 2001, 14)DreamWorks (USA) acquired the rights to Ringu as The Ring, and in 2002, a remake directed by [5]Gore Verbinski, starring Naomi Watts and Martin Henderson came into existence. All of the characters and situations were rewritten to make them more relevant to American 15)film-goers. It turned out OK, as compared to the original, featuring good acting performances, nice locations, and not too much 16)detraction from the story of Ringu.
  Inspired by the success of The Ring, Hollywood moved on to remake several Japanese horror films: The Grudge (2004), Dark Water (2005), and The Ring 2 (2005).
  Korean Romantic Comedies
  Il Mare vs. The Lake House
  Hollywood remakes of Asian horror-while not surpassing their originals-have so far all been successful genre films with some level of effectiveness. But it seems that Hollywood is no longer content to remain within the confines of the horror genre. The Lake House turns to romantic rather than horror material.
  A remake of the Korean film Il Mare, The Lake House marks both the reunion of [6]Keanu Reeves and [7]Sandra Bullock for the first time since Speed made both of them stars, and one of the few Asian remakes in recent memory that’s not of the horror variety.
  In The Lake House, Kate Forster (Sandra Bullock) and Alex Wyler (Keanu Reeves) occupy the same lake house, but two years apart. They are able to communicate via writing letters to each other and placing them in the postbox located in front of the lake house.
  The storyline of The Lake House stayed fairly faithful to the original film and it is clearly from the Asian 17)school of filmmaking-A lot less is explained, which makes way for more emotion, and a less 18)linear flow, hence the lack of explanation for the mailbox.
  Hong Kong Cop Thrillers
  Infernal Affairs vs. The Departed
  A Boston-based crime thriller, directed by [8]Matin Scorsese, and 19)boasting an 20)A-list cast including , [9]Leonardo DiCaprio, [10]Matt Damon, and [11]Jack Nicholson, The Departed was every reason to be successful. Despite all the 21)buzz, what many people won’t know is that it’s a remake of the tense, stylish Hong Kong drama Infernal Affairs.
  Infernal Affairs is a story of an 22)undercover cop planted among the 23)Triads and a Triad 24)mole in the police force, who become aware of each other’s existence. They are forced to seek each other out before they themselves are discovered. In The Departed, Leonardo Dicaprio takes Tony Leung’s character as an undercover cop, while Matt Damon takes Andy Lau’s role of a mole.
  The Departed is a perfect example of why remakes shouldn’t be 25)dismissed out of hand. The original film was 26)gritty and entertaining; the new version is a 27)masterpiece, winning four Oscars at the 79th Annual Academy Awards, including two key awards—Best Picture and Best Director.
  The Departed’s Oscar triumph will lead to more Hollywood interest in Asian films, though not on Asian terms. The bottom line is money. It is much cheaper for a Hollywood studio to buy the rights to an already successful Asian movie and remake it, than to develop their own 28)script. Foreign films and Asian cinema especially, have their audience in the West, but if you want to garner mass appeal, it’s going to require familiar faces and storylines that Westerners can relate to.
  代表:《午夜凶铃》 vs. 《午夜凶铃》(美国版)

  代表:《触不到的恋人》 vs. 《湖边小屋》

  代表:《无间道》 vs. 《无间道风云》
  《无间道》讲述的是一名在黑帮(三合会)内做卧底的警察与一名潜藏在警局里的黑帮卧底的故事。在影片中,他们都互相知道对方的存在,并且必须抢在对方发现自己之前找到对方。在《无间道风云》中,莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥扮演梁朝伟的角色—— 一名卧底警察,而马特·达蒙则扮演刘德华的角色——黑帮卧底。

  [1]Brad Pitt: 布拉德·皮特,好莱坞最具票房号召力的性感偶像之一。代表作品包括《燃情岁月》、《七宗罪》和《通天塔》等。
  [2]Renee Zellweger: 芮妮·齐薇格, 2000年凭借《护士贝蒂》获得金球奖最佳女主角; 2004年凭《冷山》获第77届奥斯卡最佳女配角奖。此外,《BJ单身日记》系列也为她赢得喝彩无数。
  [3]Ben Affleck: 本·艾弗莱克,1997年与童年挚友马特·达蒙一同编写的《心灵捕手》,获得当年奥斯卡及金球奖的两项最佳原著剧本殊荣。他最为人知的作品是2001年的爱情战争大片《珍珠港》。
  [4]Kurosawa: 黑泽明,日本近代史上最负盛名的电影大师,被称为“电影天皇”。他是第一个打破欧美垄断影坛的亚洲电影人,引导了上个世纪五六十年代的国际电影艺术潮流。代表作品包括《七武士》、《乱》、《罗生门》等。
  [5]Gore Verbinski: 戈尔·维宾斯基,好莱坞著名的商业片导演。曾执导过美国版《午夜凶铃》和经典电影系列《加勒比海盗》等。
  [6]Keanu Reeves: 基努·里维斯,1994年凭《生死时速》一举成名; 1999年的《黑客帝国》令他的事业更上层楼。此后《黑客帝国》续集推出,狂扫全球票房,风光无限。
  [7]Sandra Bullock: 桑德拉·布洛克,《生死时速》女主角。此后上映的浪漫喜剧《再见钟情》和惊悚片《网络惊魂》的成功更加巩固了她顶尖女星的地位。
  [8]Matin Scorsese: 马丁·西科塞斯,好莱坞传奇大师。他的每部作品都可被视作电影的教科书。在五次提名奥斯卡最佳导演不果后,《无间道风云》最终为他赢得了一座小金人。
  [9]Leonardo DiCaprio: 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥,1997年《泰坦尼克号》席卷全球,他也成为全球影迷心目中的偶像明星。2002年他开始与传奇大导演马丁·西科塞斯合作,《纽约黑帮》、《飞行者》和《无间道风云》都堪称名作。
  [10]Matt Damon: 马特·达蒙,1997年和好友本·艾弗莱克共同编写及主演的《心灵捕手》大获成功,他一跃成为好莱坞的金牌明星。他随后又参演了《拯救大兵瑞恩》、《天才瑞普利》和《无间道风云》等叫好又叫座的影片。
  [11]Jack Nicholson: 杰克·尼科尔森,美国影坛上最富个性的演员。他是奥斯卡奖历史上获提名最多的男演员,共计12次,堪称“奥斯卡之王”。代表作品包括《飞越疯人院》、《尽善尽美》等。
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