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  A Glimpse of Doha——The Host City of the 15th Asian Games 2006
  Doha, the capital city of Qatar[卡塔尔], is situated on the bank of the Persian Gulf[波斯湾]. Perhaps many people are not familiar with Qatar except knowing it’t a very small country situated somewhere in Asia. Qatar is an oil-rich peninsula[半岛] jutting[突出] out into the Gulf between Bahrain[巴林] and the United Arab Emirates[阿拉伯联合酋长国]. There are hills in the northwest, but the rest of the country consists of sand dunes[沙丘] and salt flats[盐沼], with scattered[分散的] vegetation towards the north.
  Earlier Doha was known as one of the busy pearl fishing villages in the Persian Gulf. Thanks to the exploitation[开发] of oil and gas fields since the 1940s, Doha got a face-lift[翻新] to present itself as one of the most important trade centers of the region. And the nation has become one of the world’t richest countries too. This picturesque[独特的], tiny deep water port is one of the most important cities in the Middle East today.
  With its accommodating[随和的] nature, Doha is an intriguing[吸引人的] mixture of old and new Arabian traditions. The city of Doha serves as the only base point to travel in Qatar. Today it is emerging as a key destination for business people and tourists. In 2006 the world’t media will thrust[用力推] the capital further into the limelight[引人注目的中心] as it hosts the Asian Games. With the immigration[移民] of different cultures and people from all over the world, Doha got its present face of being a cosmopolitan[国际的] city. However, fishing still holds its importance as one of the major industrial sectors[部分] of the country.
  Doha has a typical tropical climate. It’t hot in summer that stretches from May through October. The summers are dry and windy. The winter of Doha is comparatively[相当地] comfortable with a little chill. It rains occasionally in winter with a high degree of humidity[湿度]. The best time to visit the place would be between November to March.
  Doha is the heart of Qatar, with most of the population living in the city. The beautiful city is filled with plenty of things to do whether shopping, clubbing, relaxing, dining or whatever other activities come to mind. The city has a very laid-back[悠闲的] atmosphere and any visitor is sure to love it.
  The Corniche[滨海路] is one of the major attractions of the city of Doha. Stretching over 7km on the Doha Bay, this is a palm[棕榈树]-lined public space. Here crowds of tourists and local public get together to laze[消磨] around in the evenings all year round. The Corniche also makes an excellent picnic spot, a walker’t or jogger’t paradise and a favorite place for evening outings[散步].
  Doha has many museums and an old fort[堡垒] for sightseeing. And there are many beautiful mosques[清真寺] to see. Shopping is a main attraction in Doha, as there are several large malls with all sorts of worldwide brands being sold. An added advantage is all goods are tax-free. If you are interested, you may also visit some of the oil fields or refineries[炼油厂]. Anyway, you’ll certainly have a good time in Doha while supporting your country’t team for the Asian Games.
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