Using Micro-RNA to Increase the Reserves of NPs in the Blood of the Patients with Heart Failure

来源 :BITs 2rd Annual World Cancer Congress of Cardiology-2010(201 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunapi1
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  Background: For the patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) or the heart-wounded, the amounts ofANP, BNP and CNP are suddenly increased in plasma.Then ANP, BNP and CNP play the important role to keep the metabolic system working.Clinical experience shows that the infusion ofexogenetic NPs into blood is a good way.Nevertheless, how to control the dose is a challenge.Comparably, a novel way using the endogenetic material to promote the reserves of NPs in blood will be proposed if we note that reserves ofANP, BNP and CNP depend on: (1) the natriuretic peptide protein A (NPPA), the natriuretic peptide protein B (NPPB) and the natriuretic peptide protein C (NPPC)); (2) the activity of the hydrolyzing enzymes corin, forin and the neutral endopeptidase (NEP); and (3) the natriuretic peptide receptors (NPRs).To increase the reserves ofANP, BNP and CNP, we have two things to do.(1) Promoting the productions ofNNPA, NNPB and NNPC; (2) Minimizing the consumption ofANP, BNP and CNP.Methods: Within the small network consisted of the NPPs, eorin, forin, NEP, NPR-A, NPR-B and NPR-C, we use the HuMiTar to get these miRs which modulate down that expression profiles of NEP and NPRs but do not interfere with NPPs and hydrolyzing enzymes; as well as, to get these miRs which may modulate down the expression profiles of NPPs and hydrolyzing enzymes but do not interfere with NEP and NPRs.Of course, all of these miRs we choose do not interfere with all regular proteins in human body heavily.Conclusion: If we use the heart tissue of pig or bovine as the food to promote the productions of NPRA, NPRB and NPPC in natural way, and use the miRs to modulate down the expression profiles of NPR3 and PHEX directly, then we will get more reserves ofANP, BNP and CNP.This is an operable Rx.
老王与老伴,两个人的工龄加起来已经超过111年了,积攒了几十万元。二老合计,再买套房子吧,就是房价短期下滑也还多一处房子在。   开始买房才明白,他们的存款太少,买远郊公寓楼的一个小单元还凑合,买真正能让二老提气的房子,相距甚远。搞按揭吧,老两口又超龄了。   那就不买了。   一旦决定不买,两人轻松愉快起来,而且老觉得自己这一辈子还真存了不少人民币:可以自费旅游,可以进像样的餐馆,有个病呀灾呀,
最近火大,跟两个爸爸较劲!一个是戏里的爸爸,一个是家里的爸爸。都以失败告终。 导演潘小扬认为我能演好《人间正道》里的吴键。这是一个市委书记的女儿,职业是律师,在28集
【摘要】托尔斯泰认为“成功的教学所需要的不是强制,而是激发学生的兴趣”。要做到先声夺人,引起学生学习的好奇心 ,一个好的开场白是必不可少的,一个“亮丽”的导语是学生、作者、文本三者建立感情的第一座桥梁,就像唱戏的开台锣鼓,未开场先叫座儿,叫人一见钟情。  【关键词】初中语文;课堂导语;教学方法;重要性  【中图分类号】 G633.3 【文献标识码】 C【文章编号】1671-1270(2010)08
  Backgroun: Several studies have shown that drug-eluting stents induce vascular endothelial dysfunction.These studies evaluated coronary vasomotion in the pe
一、序言随着信息时代的到来及通信技术的发展,人们对通信手段的要求愈来愈高。最明显的是要求提供能随时随地同任何人进行通信联络的系统无绳电话系统(CORDLESSTEL EP HONE