无论多么优秀的企业,都不可避免地会遇到员工激情消退的问题。很多素质不错、工作积极肯干的优秀员工,在进入公司2~3年以后,当初的工作激情一去不返,并且这种状况会在员工中传染,就好像是一种慢性病毒,逐渐侵蚀企业的肌体,让公司失去活力。 对于如何有效避免这种“慢性病毒”的滋生和传染,笔者略有心得,现结合本案例与各位企业领导人、主管人员共同分享。 转变用人策略 首先,作为总经理的费森迅要重新思考用人策略。不可否认,费森迅对人、对员工的定位是“人性本善”,对员工更多的是关怀与爱护。但是企业管理乃至企业文
No matter how good the company, will inevitably encounter the passion of employees to subside. Many good quality, work hard to do good staff, after entering the company 2 to 3 years later, the passion for the original work gone, and this situation will be infected in the staff, like a chronic virus, gradually erosion The corporate body, the company lost its vitality. How to effectively avoid this “chronic virus” breeding and infection, the author a little experience, are combined with the case with the business leaders, executives share. Change employment strategy First, as the general manager of Feisen Xun to rethink the employment strategy. Admittedly, Fei Senxun on the people, the staff's position is “humanity is good”, the staff is more caring and care. But business management and corporate culture