
来源 :中国食品 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangyao366
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我印象最深的是第一节面点课——学抻面。因为面点课不像其它的专业课那样,有预备课程,所以第一节课就发给我们面粉,自己动手和面。老师为我们在面粉中加盐,以提高面中的筋力,这是我感到最新奇的。以前和面只是用面和水混在一起,揉成团,从没有听到过面里还有面筋。这使我增长了知识。在和面时老师又告诉我们,和面不要和戗水面,水要按比例分次加入等等。这些我都一一牢牢记下。在学抻面时,看面在老师的手中十分听话,两手左右伸展,面条犹如一条驯服的银龙上下飞舞,动作十分连贯自如,面条从手腕粗几下就变成了细如龙须的面条,而且根根不断,根根不粘。当轮到我练习时,面拿在手中就像一根粗木 My deepest impression is the first section noodle class - learn noodles. Because pasta classes do not have preparatory classes like the other major classes, the first class sent us flour, do it yourself. The teacher added salt to our flour to improve the strength of the noodles. This is the most novel thing I feel. Before and noodles just mixed with water and kneading into groups, never heard of gluten. This made me increase my knowledge. In the face and the teacher told us again, and the surface do not and 戗 water, water, according to the proportion of time to join and so on. I will remember all of them one by one. In learning face, the face is very obedient in the hands of the teacher, his hands stretched around, noodles like a tame silver dragon flying up and down, the action is very consistent, the noodles from the wrist a few became thin as Arissude noodles, And rooted continuously, the root is not sticky. When my turn came, my face was like a rough wood in my hand
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今天我们已听到了不少宏辞高论,并且还要听到更多。所以,我无意在这里重复演讲一番。在这一庄严时刻,我该讲些什么?我一直 Today we have heard a lot of rhetoric, and we
“您老两口天天打台球,风雨无阻,简直成了职业队员了。”老朋友打趣的话,反映了我俩的实际情况,一点也不夸张。 的确,我俩尝到了打台球的甜头。多年的锻炼,我的关节炎痊愈了
欧美港台的食谱在用料计量单位上与我们不同,为了便于更好地相互交流学习,我们将常用计量单位之间的换算列出来,供大家参考。 Europe and the United States RTHK recipes i