在语文教学中,我们常常感到说明文很难教。容易形成一副“板面孔”,一台“独脚戏”。怎样才能教活说明文呢?我的做法是: 一、教得新些和小学生相比,初中生接触的知识面广,求知欲望更强烈,他们喜欢老师采用新鲜的教法上课。据此,我力求把课教得新一些,以此激发学生的学习兴趣。教《苏州园林》,我展示过去游览苏州拙政团、虎丘等处时摄下的一组彩色风景照,对照课文谈感受,让学生仔细体会“游览者无论站在哪个点上,眼前总是一幅完美的图画”这一苏州园林的总体
In Chinese teaching, we often feel that the explanatory text is hard to teach. Easy to form a “board face”, a “one-man show.” How do I teach vivid description? My approach is: First, teach new Some junior high school students exposed to a wide range of knowledge, desire for knowledge stronger, they like the teacher to use fresh teaching methods. Accordingly, I strive to teach new lessons in order to stimulate students' interest in learning. Teach “Suzhou Garden”, I show the last tour of Suzhou Humble Administrator, Tiger Hill and other places taken under a group of color landscape photos, contrast text talk about feelings, so that students carefully understand “No matter where the tourists stand point, the total front Is a perfect picture of ”the overall garden in Suzhou