
来源 :山东人力资源和社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youyoudl
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水利企业肩负着服务水利事业的重任,改革开放三十年多来,水利企业经营实力不断增强,经营规模不断扩大,企业结构不断优化,改革力度不断加大,培育了一批现代水利企业集团。水利企业薪酬待遇是各类人才选择该企业的重要前提,将薪酬管理作为水利企业人力资源管理的重要核心,是时代发展的趋势,是保证企业可持续发展的有效工具。因此,顺应发展,有必要对水利企业的薪酬管理问题进行分析。概况薪酬管理办法。水利企业收入分配方面,水利部在1994年出台了《水利企业工资改革实施办法》,对水利企业进行以岗位效益工资为主要内容的工资制度改革,制定了水利企业岗位效益工资标准。此后,多次对岗位工 Water conservancy enterprises shoulder the important task of serving water conservancy projects. Since the reform and opening up for more than 30 years, the management strength of water conservancy enterprises has been continuously enhanced. The scale of operation has been constantly expanded. The structure of enterprises has been continuously optimized and the reform has been continuously intensified. A number of modern water conservancy enterprise groups have been cultivated. The remuneration of water conservancy enterprises is an important prerequisite for all kinds of talents to choose this enterprise. Pay management as an important core of human resources management of water conservancy enterprises is the trend of development of the times and an effective tool to ensure the sustainable development of enterprises. Therefore, complying with the development, it is necessary to analyze the compensation management of water conservancy enterprises. Overview Compensation Management Measures. In terms of income distribution of water conservancy enterprises, the Ministry of Water Resources promulgated the Measures for the Implementation of Wage Reform in Water Conservancy Enterprises in 1994, and carried out wage system reform with water conservancy enterprises focusing on the effective wage of posts and formulated the wage-effectiveness standards for water conservancy enterprises. Since then, many times on the post workers
The mixed venous-to-arterial carbon dioxide(CO_2)tension difference[P(v-a) CO_2]is the difference between carbon dioxide tension(PCO_2) in mixed venous blood(sa
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