,Determination of Thickness of an Inaccessible Thin Film under a Multilayered System from Natural Fr

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:robinchen
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We investigate the relationship between natural frequencies of a multilayered system of different elastic materials and the thickness of the undermost thin film. The natural frequencies are numerically calculated from the reflection coefficient of a sample system of "steel-epoxy resin-aluminium-thin polymer with normal incidence.Strain energy ratio is defined and calculated to give the physics explanation why some frequencies are sensitive to thickness of the thin film in certain range. Experiments of three specimens indicate that the measured natural frequencies agree well with the theoretical ones. It is found in our experiments that the ratio of the lowest film thickness to wavelength is about 1/5. The average relative errors for the inverted polymer film thicknesses are found to be 11.8%, -4.8% and -1.3%, respectively.
班级是学校对学生开展教育活动的主要单位,班级建设的好坏直接决定着学校教育的成败。具有良好班风的班级会使学生对其产生很强的归属感,从而乐意遵循班级中的行为规范,乐意参与班级的教育教学活动,为班级服务,进而提高学生的自身素质。在这种良性循环中,学校教育能取得最好的效果。要在班级形成良好的班风,主要途径就是建设好班级文化。  班级的文化建设包括物质文化建设和精神文化建设两个方面。班级物质文化建设包括教室
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