An alternative derivation of image reconstruction on a chord from cone-beam projection

来源 :中国体视学与图像分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zongbangsheng
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Recently, we have developed a new formula for cone-beam CT image reconstruction. From the formula, we have also derived three algorithms. Two of the algorithms, which are referred to as the back-projection filtration (BPF) and minimum-data filtered backprojection (MD-FBP) algorithms, can provide volume images from projection data with a minimal scanning arc and minimal irradiation per view angle. The fact that these reconstruction algorithms allow for minimum irradiation per view is unique to the BPF and MD-FBP algorithms. This article explores the mathematical relationship between the projection data and an intermediate back-projection image necessary for obtaining the actual volume image. An alternative proof of the formula and the BPF algorithm are also provided. Recently, we have developed a new formula for cone-beam CT image reconstruction. From the formula, we have also derived three algorithms. Two of the algorithms, which are referred to as the back-projection filtration (BPF) and minimum-filtered filtered back factjection (MD-FBP) algorithms, can provide volume images from projection data with a minimal scanning arc and minimal irradiation per view angle. The fact that these reconstruction algorithms allow for minimum irradiation per view is unique to the BPF and MD-FBP algorithms. This article explores the mathematical relationship between the projection data and an intermediate back-projection image necessary for obtaining the actual volume image. An alternative proof of the formula and the BPF algorithm are also provided.
一、转机    1966年8月,时任中共中央总书记的邓小平,在毛泽东亲自发动的“炮打司令部”的“文化大革命”中,作为“刘邓资产阶级司令部”的第二号人物中弹落马,受到了错误批判。1969年10月下旬,“党内第二号走资派”邓小平被下放到江西南昌市郊新建县拖拉机修造厂监督劳动。  1971年9月13日,林彪一伙因企图发动反革命武装政变、篡夺党和国家最高领导权的阴谋败露而仓皇出逃,最后摔死在蒙古的温都尔汗