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技职教育曾为台湾创造许多璀璨的经济奇迹,技专院校为适应台湾的经济成长,由专科、技术学院一直到设有博硕士学位的科技大学。一贯化的教育体制,摆脱了技职教育只重实务缺乏理论的污名。尤其是近年来受到全球金融海啸及经济不景气的影响,台湾的技职教育又开始受到重视。面对少子化的冲击,技专院校应如何维持合理的运作规模,同时展现自己的办学特色,据以吸引大陆学生前来就读,此为本文之旨意。综观两岸的发展,有相同的语言、文字、生活习俗及文化传统。2008年12月两岸“三通”之后,两岸的经济、文化、教育、学术、观光等活动更为频繁与热络。对于大陆学历采认及招收大陆学生来台就学之政策,已是抵挡不住的趋势。换言之,台湾采认大陆高等院校学历及招收大陆学生来台就学,俟相关法制完备即可正式施行。技专院校借此政策施行的转型阶段,如何未雨绸缪,把握千古难逢的大好时机,一方面促进两岸交流,另一方面吸引大陆学生来台就学,继而协助台商发展产业,有其长远的利基。本文以文献分析法归纳及剖析相关问题,提出相关对策与建议,作为技专院校招收大陆学生来台就学的因应之道。 Vocational and technical education has created many brilliant economic miracles for Taiwan. To adapt to the economic growth of Taiwan, technical colleges and universities are run by specialists and technical colleges until they have a master’s degree in science and technology. Consistent education system, get rid of the technical education is only practical lack of theory of stigma. Especially in recent years, due to the global financial tsunami and the economic downturn, vocational and technical education in Taiwan has begun to attract attention. Faced with the impact of fewer children, technical colleges should maintain a reasonable scale of operation, at the same time show their own characteristics of running a school, so as to attract mainland students to attend, this is the purpose of this article. Looking at the development of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, they have the same language, written language, living customs and cultural traditions. After the “cross-strait” “three links” in December 2008, cross-strait economic, cultural, educational, academic and sightseeing activities have been more frequent and enthusiastic. It is an unstoppable trend for mainland students to admit and recruit mainland students to study in Taiwan. In other words, if Taiwan admits a college education in mainland China and recruit mainland students to study in Taiwan, then the relevant legal system can be put into practice. In order to help Taiwanese businessmen to come to Taiwan to study and then help the Taiwanese businessmen to develop their industries, there are long-term prospects for technical institutes to take precautions and seize the once-in-a-lifetime golden opportunity in promoting the cross-Strait exchange. On the other hand, Niche. This article summarizes and analyzes relevant issues by documentary analysis and puts forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions as a response to the admission of mainland students to Taiwan by technical colleges.
孔子所谓:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”可见,兴趣是学生学习的主动力,而导入的巧妙设置,可以把学生的兴趣激发起来,从而激活课堂,有效构建高效课堂。   一.巧妙设疑导入,高效组织课堂   《藤野先生》篇幅较长,涉及人和事较多,叙事的线索和表达的感情也较复杂,所以在教学过程中很难把握重点,我在教学过程中精心设计了五个问题,轻松导入并高效组织课堂。   第一个问题:本文写了几件事?你能
如何让学生写出满意的中考作文?功夫在平时,教师要在乎如何教作文,学生要在乎如何写作文,教师要用心呵护学生作文中一点一滴的成长。中考命题的正确导向,为我们作文教学指明了方向,最终目的是提高学生的作文能力,提升学生的语文素养。我忍不住想说:作文教学需要用心。下面结合我在平时作文教学中的一些做法,提出几点肤浅的认识,来与大家商榷。   一.用心备课,引导学生关注社会,关注生活,关注自然,让学生愿意写作
高中新课程改革已经在全国范围内展开,它对传统的颠覆性,对未来的开拓创新性,对高中语文教师和教学提出了新的要求。而现在的语文课堂教学仍然存在不少问题,比如,不注重教学过程中学生的主体地位,教师搞一言堂,只是一味地把知识灌输给学生,这样往往事倍而功半,达不到良好的教育教学效果。因此,高中语文教师在教学中,只有切实按照新课改的要求,不断进行教学反思,才能在教学中不断取得突破性的进展。   我认为可以从
长寿秘方一:保卫前列腺多吃葱蒜、喝红酒 每天大蒜或葱的摄入量超过10克的人,比摄入量少于2克的人患前列腺风险降低50%。另外,每天喝一两杯红酒能帮助男性减少患前列腺癌的风险。和谐规律的性生活则能疏通前列腺血管,因而起到前列腺保健的作用。   长寿秘方二:呵护肝脏少喝酒 男人对肝脏的伤害,首当其冲就是酒精。有关专家研究发现,每天酒精量达160克以上者,10年内酒精性脂肪肝发生率为92%。因此,护肝
难忘2011年4月18日,那天我在全校教师面前上了一堂展示课。说难忘,不是这堂课的精彩,而是它的失败。直到现在,我还在琢磨着它,思考着它……   清明节刚过,教导处通知我和另外四位老师:在上个月的多媒体公开课评比中,我们被评为优。同时要求我们在全校老师面前上一堂多媒体展示课。接到通知后,我花了十来天的时间准备。我决定教余光中的名诗——《乡愁》。我查资料、写详案、做课件,花了很多心思和精力,想借此