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结构合理、内容丰富的馆藏无疑是各级各类档案馆开展各项业务工作不可或缺的最重要的物质基础;加强馆藏建设,则是档案馆主体建设最重要的基础工作。目前的馆藏建设正凸现出由微观向宏观发展的趋势,并由此派生出一系列亟待我们研究与探讨的新问题。本文旨在对档案馆的宏观馆藏建设问题作一个初步的探讨,以期引起同行们对这一问题进一步的关注与思考。 一、档案馆宏观馆藏建设的必要性与可能性 馆藏建设,是档案馆根据本馆的任务和社会利用需求,系统地规划、建立和发展馆藏结构、体系的全过程。过去的档案馆馆藏建设往往着眼于本馆馆藏的丰富与优化,局限于一地一馆馆藏的“小而全”、“小而优”,我们可称之为“微观馆藏建设”。在改革开放不断深人发展的今天,在计算机网络不断渗透人们生活的各个方面的今天,在信息资源共享日益成为现实的今天,这种仅仅依靠有限的人力、财力、物力支撑起来的一地一馆的“微观馆藏建设”,是很难适应新形势的发展的。因此,我们必须改变原有的思维方式,把思维的触角伸向更广的地域和更大的范围去探求加强档案馆馆藏建设的可能性。我们把这种在更广的地域和更大的范围里的档案馆馆藏建设称之为‘宏观馆藏建设”。 A reasonable and informative collection is undoubtedly the most important material basis indispensable for all kinds of archives at all levels in carrying out all business operations. Strengthening the collection construction is the most important basic work for the construction of the archives. The current collection construction is highlighting the macro-development trend from micro to micro, and derive a series of new problems which urgently need our research and discussion. The purpose of this paper is to make a preliminary discussion on the macro-collection of archives, aiming to arouse fellow colleagues’ further attention and reflection on this issue. I. The Necessity and Possibilities of Archives’ Macro Collection Construction Construction of the collection system is the whole process of systematically planning, establishing and developing the collection structure and system of the archives according to the missions and social needs of the museum. In the past, the construction of archives collection often focused on the enrichment and optimization of the collection of the museum’s main library. It was limited to “small but complete” and “small and excellent” in the collection of museums and museums, which we could call “the construction of microcosmic collections.” Today, with the deepening reform and opening up, as the computer network continues to infiltrate people’s lives in all aspects, the sharing of information resources is increasingly becoming a reality today. This is a place that is only supported by limited manpower, financial resources and material resources. Museum of “micro-collection construction” is difficult to adapt to the development of the new situation. Therefore, we must change the original way of thinking, to extend the tentacles of thinking to a wider area and to explore the possibility of strengthening the collection of archives. We refer to this kind of construction of archives collection in a wider area and wider area as ’macro-collection construction.’
高瑞同学:我十分同情你的处境。失学是痛苦的,被“好言”劝出校门,更是痛苦的。人民教师的职责,是把每个学生培养成全面发展的人。但由于片面追求升学率的影响,无休止的 Ga
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