当我们走进一个新的班级,首先想要了解的往往是那些学习拔尖的同学和调皮捣蛋的同学,而我们最容易记住的也往往是这两类同学。这样一来,就有相当一部分学生会被我们漠视,其中包括很大一部分内向型学生。 内向型学生大致可分两类:一类是默默无闻、勤奋好学、成绩较好的;一类是沉默寡言、守纪律,但学习成绩较差的。对前者,我们会因他们学习成绩好而加以较多的关心、照顾;对后者,我们会因他们学习成绩差而关心较少,又因他们安份守己而未加注意,这后一类学生更是我们应该关注的重点。
When we walk into a new class, the first thing we want to learn is often those top-notch classmates and naughty classmates. The two things we most often remember are the two types of classmates. As a result, a considerable number of students will be ignored by us, including a large number of inward-looking students. Introverted students can be roughly divided into two categories: one is obscure, hard-working, and good-achieving; the other is non-verbal, disciplined, but poor academic performance. For the former, we will pay more attention to and take care of them because of their good academic performance. For the latter, we will be less concerned about their poor academic performance and they will not pay attention because of their safety and security. This latter Students are the focus we should focus on.